Chapter 1143

Facing the curious eyes of the goddess and the brave man, his divine power spread around.

But in the blink of an eye, the entire planet is under his overlooking.

The towns occupied by the Demon King's army, the soldiers fighting against the Demon King's army, the massacred people, the people who have not yet been captured by the Demon King's army and are still enjoying a peaceful life, and... the Demon King's city built on the abyss.

Countless ferocious monsters are all over the mountains and plains, with bloodthirsty desire condensed in their eyes.

Just looking down for a moment, Bai Chen could see the gap in size and strength between the human camp and the demon king camp.

If the Demon King Army launches a full-scale offensive, the existing forces will be destroyed within half a month at most.

It's a pity that the demon king of Gaiabrande is too cautious.

Before killing the brave man, he was worried that he would scare the snake, so he didn't launch a full-scale attack just now.

Generally speaking, the step-by-step actions of the Demon King are indeed sophisticated and steady, and the world will be slowly eaten away by it.

But alas.

he came.

The Devil's City is even darker than the Devil's Castle in the movie. 857

The breath of wind, frost and darkness permeated the whole land, and no light source of any temperature illuminated the huge square in the Demon King's City.

Sitting on the dark throne, the demon king who just destroyed a town is not in a good mood.

He felt the loss of contact with the magic general.

He looked at the dark sky, the scarlet pupil burning and the dark green fire.

Goddamn goddesses.

Whenever the devil is born, those goddesses will summon brave men to act as stumbling blocks.

However, compared to other weaker kin, the Demon Lord of the Gaiabrande world is stronger.

It uses detection magic to keep an eye on the changes in space.

Therefore, when the goddess summoned the hero, he immediately felt the presence of the hero.

It's just that the magic detection is not strong enough to capture the place where the other party descended.

Therefore, in order to nip the threat in its infancy, while dispatching his subordinates, he also dispatched himself, descending to the small town that might be the starting town and waiting.

However, Hinata lost contact.

With the level of the brave man who has not yet grown up, it is not difficult to kill him.

The Demon King Gaiabrande fell into deep thought.

Succubus general Kaios-Makina's abilities are not outstanding, but they are quite balanced in all aspects, and they are also very cautious, and they also have transformation skills.

How could it be possible to stop her with only a zero-level hero and a goddess with sealed divine power?

It can't be that the brave man has received assistance from other aspects, his ability value has skyrocketed, or there is a god who can use divine power to kill the devil with his own hands, right?

King Gaiabrande thought with a sneer in his heart.

This is impossible.

The gods are already restricted in the lower realm.

And the evil god is still observing the world in the abyss, preventing those gods from directly intervening.

At this moment, a gust of warm wind blows.

The Gaiabrand Demon Lord immediately raised his vigilance.

In the city where the temperature was comparable to permafrost, the warmth just now was completely unreasonable.

It cautiously stood up from the throne, looked around, looked at places that were different from before, and grabbed the big sword placed beside the throne.

But... there's nothing weird about it.

Could it be that... I just feel wrong?

Just at this very moment.

An arm much slender than that of the Demon King appeared out of thin air.

A sudden palm pressed down on the head wearing a full-coverage armor. It struggled subconsciously, and a dark and ominous devilish energy erupted from its surface.

However, there was no response.

The palm, which was smaller than his own head, could hold its head tightly, and the unreasonable force could easily crush its skull.

"Got you."

Gaiabrand Demon King (cbcc) heard a voice that seemed to be made by a human being.

It was incomparably terrified and struggled even harder.

But in the face of this irresistible force, any move of the devil is useless.

The nearby Demon King Army heard something strange, and came over with their probes.

After that, there was a scene that was enough to imprint in the depths of their souls.

Their demon king was dragged in from a crack in space by an arm that looked like a human being.

In the past, they were the only ones who dragged humans like this, tearing their flesh and blood.

But now, this scene fell on the Demon King's army, and it was still the Demon King's head.

The demon king's guard was deeply terrified by this scene. The deformed legs and feet seemed to be rooted in the ground and space, unable to move.

Watching helplessly, the king disappeared.

the other side.

After a fluctuating space, Bai Chen pulled Gaiabrand Demon King out from the other side of the world.

Like throwing garbage, throwing it on the ground at will.

Goddess Lista felt the breath coming from the armor figure, shrank aside in fear and shivered.

That chilling devilish energy was far superior to the previous devil general.

That being the case, there is only one truth.


He is the S-class Demon Lord of Gaiabrande World!

"Devil King, why did you suddenly appear here, ahhh?!"

Lista was so frightened that she was a little incoherent.

She is a goddess, able to feel the terror of each other better than ordinary humans.

While the goddess was yelling and panicked, the brave man retreated further while keeping a close eye on the situation here.

After discovering that Bai Chen's so-called handling method was to directly drag the devil out, even he couldn't help being shocked by Bai Chen's direct approach.

After the Demon King appeared in the remote rural grassland, he fell into a momentary state of confusion, and then reacted, staring at the figure closest to him with wide green eyes like ghost lanterns.

Bai Chen.

"It's you! It's you! Damn humans! And the damn goddess and brave man over there!"

The Demon King Gaiabrande felt the breath of the goddess and the hero, but he couldn't see what kind of existence Bai Chen was.

But it doesn't matter.

It is the devil, the strongest existence in the world.

Even if it is a goddess, it is not its opponent!

"Although I don't know what method you used to make me appear here, but... you guys are going to die for me now!"

The dark demonic energy affected the weather in the sky, and the dark clouds gradually gathered here.

The demon king raised his huge magic sword, ready to smash the three of Bai Chen and the town behind them to pieces.

"Kneel down."

Then, when these words sounded, its knees knelt heavily in disobedience. .

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