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Chapter 156 Unifying The God Realm

Chapter 1156

But this is far from over.

The golden aurora continued to spread toward a wider space-time.

Whether it is those worlds that have been conquered or not, whether it is those children living leisurely, or those soldiers who are fighting against the Demon King's army on the battlefield, they are all swallowed up by this chaotic gold.

When people came back to their senses, the original world had disappeared.

In its place is the simple world.

Brilliant glory sprinkles the vast world.

So much so that the underworld, which is different from the world of gods and the world of humans, has the color of gold permeated.

For a time, all the gods lost their voices.

The golden sky unfolds in different worlds, separating the world from the original.

"What's going on here? Could it be the God of Creation? No... Brahma doesn't have such a powerful force. Could it be the group of evil gods? No, those guys are not weaker than Brahma..."

In the underworld, Hades, the king of the underworld, sits on a throne made of animal bones, and his pale face like a seriously ill patient is also shocked.

He stared at this great miracle with astonishment.

Even though he, as the King of Pluto, can see the vast world, he can still feel his own insignificance in front of such energy.

At the same time, the reaction of the Evil God Realm was no less than that of the Underworld Realm.

Those gods who had failed in the battle for the God Realm turned into evil gods because of their hatred for the unified God Realm, summoned demon kings from other worlds, endowed them with knowledge and secretly manipulated them to invade the world.

Disintegrate the belief in gods of humans in different worlds, weaken their power, and at the same time get feedback from the land occupied by the devil.

The evil god lurks in the dark, vowing to take back everything lost in the past.

It's just that their plan has not been fully launched, and it is interrupted by the aurora that envelops everything.

The evil gods, who looked like zombies and twisted their bodies like terrifying earthworms, were in a commotion because of this sudden vision.

They can feel the strong divine power from the boundless light.

But the strange thing is that they didn't suffer any harm because of this.

There are evil gods waving their weapons, trying to drive away these things that make them uncomfortable, but it is as useless as passing through a phantom.

Merces, the god of tyranny, unleashes his divine power to destroy all these strange things.

Her power is the most powerful among all the evil gods.

Although she was defeated by the Goddess of Destruction in the God Realm War in the past, after countless years of practice, she has obtained the Emperor of Power who can suppress her opponent.

Currently waiting for an opportunity to counterattack the God Realm.

But before that, this pure aurora made the tyrannical goddess feel uncomfortable.

Even if she doesn't know where it came from, she can still feel the power that is enough to easily change the world.

And in the face of such an aurora invasion, how could Melses, the god of tyranny, easily give up the efforts accumulated over the years.

She released all her divine power and slapped the ground of the God Realm vigorously.

"Distort it! Provident fluid!"

This is a special trick created by himself to target the goddess of destruction "Heaven's Gate" after the tyrannical divine power has been enhanced.

In an instant, the ground under his feet seemed to have turned into a soft substance.

The fist of the tyrannical goddess oscillated up and down, and this wave was transmitted from the ground to the space, distorting and deforming the whole world.

Immediately afterwards, the world was compressed and distorted like a black hole, and finally erupted into an energy zone capable of destroying the entire God Realm.

But... nothing works.

The power that was already the strongest ultimate move of the God of Tyranny was quietly annihilated in the golden aurora.


In the expression of the tyrannical god gnashing his teeth, not daring to give up and mixed with anger and resentment, Aurora engulfed all the evil gods like a wave.

Vaguely, she seemed to see someone looking at her.

That was far above him, a great figure that he could not even flatter a horse, and his thinking was completely incomprehensible.

Just looking at each other, the soul and body were deprived by the other party in an instant.

When the tyrannical god woke up again, her eyes were filled with reverence for that one.

Such a scene is still being staged in the world.

Based on the principle of balancing all things, Bai Chen re-planned the two sides of the world with imbalanced combat power to a relatively equal position.

For some worlds that have been occupied or even devoured by the devil king, the devil king and his subordinates will naturally be absorbed and become war slaves in the supreme sky.

And those who are still in the dust battle, Bai Chen will act like a game operator, adjusting both sides to a certain extent.

Let it be on a relatively subtle level.

In fact, according to the normal situation, according to Bai Chen's theory, the speed of eroding the world would not be so fast.

The reason why it was completed in an instant was because the God of Creation pledged his allegiance to Bai Chen in advance and became his subordinate.

This is like a game administrator, directly handing over the authority, so any action of Bai Chen is naturally unimpeded.

However, be careful that the vastness of the brave world is somewhat beyond Bai Chen's expectations.

Therefore, after transforming several extremely difficult worlds, Bai Chen acted as a hands-off shopkeeper and handed over part of the authority of this world to Brahma, letting her adjust other worlds instead of herself.

For this kind of behavior, Bai Chen is not ashamed.

Brahma has been planning for so many years, making the world a mess, and the evil gods are thinking about counterattacking the gods all the time.

If he hadn't come over, I'm afraid the tyrannical god would have to lead the evil god to counterattack the God Realm.

At that time, with the original level of combat power in the God Realm, I am afraid that there will be no 727 left after being abused to the point of scum.

After that, Ryuguin Seiya approached Bai Chen and learned about the current situation.

Because he had heard of Bai Chen's plan in advance, he was not surprised.

Just after figuring out the reason and satisfying my curiosity, I continued to exercise.

After all, according to Bai Chen, there are still other demon kings in this world.

In order to continue to become stronger, Ryuguin Seiya also continued to train.

The commission of the group members was fulfilled again, but Bai Chen did not leave in a hurry.

He continued to wander in the Unified God Realm and met more goddesses.

But if you want to say that his favorite is Ariadoya and Valchusia.

The former is a gentle royal sister in itself, while the latter is no less gentle and considerate than Alia after being conquered.

Bai Chen was amazed by the transformation of the goddess of destruction, after all, he had never used any power to control the heart and will of these goddesses.

Of course, this is a good thing.

In the follow-up, Bai Chen will naturally continue to create a great harmony of life with the goddess.

And some of the much-loved goddesses, especially Alia and others, also left the hospital in a certain ten days after performing amazing stunts of drooling and rolling their eyes.

As for Bai Chen's departure, Alia and the others didn't feel sad, on the contrary, they were a little fortunate. .

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