Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 1223 Newcomers Join The Group

Chapter 1223

Bai Chen's answer is naturally yes.

"Then what should we do with this door? Just keep it open like this?"

Bai Ye hesitated.

"I will set up a restriction in the future, just prohibit anyone from entering or leaving."

"That's fine, I trust you."

Bai Ye has 100% trust in Bai Chen.

"By the way, what, what have you encountered in it before?"

"There are a bunch of evil gods. Sakyamuni asked them to make a deal because he wanted to get the power to break through single digits. However, making a deal with evil gods is tantamount to seeking skin with a tiger, and then he became corrupted unknowingly."

Bai Chen shrugged.

Sakyamuni's death, half of the responsibility must be counted on the head of God.

Of course, the main reason is that he regards power too important.

But maybe the bald donkey was right when he died.

After all, there is always a sword of Damocles hanging above his head, so there is no rush to change it.

"For the rest, you can find recordings in the group later."


Bai Ye nodded.

After all, hearing is not as intuitive as it seems.

"In that case, let's go back together."

She rubbed her hands, looking a little impatient.

The finishing work was left to Tianbu herself. Anyway, she had done everything she could do.

Di Shitian watched the disappearance of the figures of the two, but did not intend to stop them.

After all, they have helped so much, and I feel sorry for asking them to stay and help.

Bai Chen and Bai Ye returned to Little Garden.

The original stronghold of Buddhism.

Over the two-digit outer gate, Richen looked down at the former Buddhist holy land below.

It is not difficult to understand once said.

As early as the dawn of Hakoniwa, when Sakyamuni chose to study the power of evil gods, he had already derailed the fate of Buddhism.

Subtly, the originally holy bodhisattvas and arhats have become monsters who are neither human nor Buddha.

If Bai Chen guessed correctly.

Sakyamuni's fall has reversed cause and effect.

Not only the Buddhism of Hako Garden was affected by this, but even some parallel universes in the outside world may be in chaos.

After all, even if he is depraved, Sakyamuni is still the leader of Buddhism.

His disappearance represents a mythic end times.

Those worlds that are closely related to Buddhism may have been corrupted along with Sakyamuni.

Especially those parallel universes dominated by Buddhism, I am afraid that they will completely fall into riots.

after all.

in those worlds.

The image of Buddha is as deeply rooted in people's hearts as the sun.

Billions, or even tens of billions, of beings visit the Buddha and contribute massive amounts of faith.

Almost every city has small temples enshrining Tiantian.

But everything went to ruin with Sakyamuni's choice.

When the ruler is corrupt, the lower class will not be much better.

"It's ironic."

Bai Ye stood side by side with Bai Chen.

Looking at the declining Mount Sumeru, his expression was complicated and ironic.

In the past, Buddhism, which used the banner of justice, has changed with the passage of time, and it will end up like this.

"But this is what you asked for."

"It's just that Buddhism has become like this, and there will definitely be turmoil in Hakoniwa after that, and the history of mankind... The disappearance of Sakyamuni will at least lead to major events in the human world."

Having said that, Bai Ye sighed.

What she was worried about was not Buddhism, but those innocent people who were implicated and Hakoba.

"Don't worry, there will naturally be a special god to solve that kind of thing, not to mention, the inheritance of Buddhism has not been completely cut off, I just killed the corrupted Buddha, and just choose a new one."

Bai Chen smiled indifferently.

In fact, even if Buddhism is really buried by him, it will not have a particularly large impact on Hakoniwa.

After all, after this battle, his Golden Law will be further expanded in Little Garden.

If there is a big turmoil, he can easily solve it by himself.

However, this also made Bai Chen realize once again the fragile nature of Hakoniwa.

After the first opening of the world and the birth of the demon king named Tiandongshuo, Hakoniwa has been in an extremely complicated situation.

The demon king is domineering, but the gods lack the attention of the lower classes, and are busy competing for territory, spiritual status and favor.

A three-digit final trial can almost collapse the seemingly prosperous Hakoniwa Paradise, making the gods overwhelmed, and the Demon King Alliance is secretly making trouble.

The drought dies, the flood dies, the weak dies, and the fishy dies.

For Hakoniwa, the word balance is undoubtedly a "luxury".

Ask for flowers... 0

After that, the two did not continue to stay here.

After Bai Chen recalled the war slaves, he took Bai Ye and Leticia back to the golden magic city in the capital of blazing flames.


Athena and Luo Hao stood side by side.

Although he didn't say it, Bai Chen could see that there was resentment in the hearts of the two women.

Needless to say, they were obviously dissatisfied with Bai Chen for not taking them out.

This also forced Bai Chen to explain dumbfoundingly that it was for their safety.

After all, it was a contest with Buddhism and evil gods.

Let other people do the death thing, how could Bai Chen be willing to let his wife participate in that dangerous battle.

After all, not everyone is as strong as Bai Ye.



In order to appease Athena and Luo Hao's emotions, Bai Chen could only helplessly lead them to the bedroom.

What will happen next, several people know very well.

Leticia also followed behind Bai Chen slowly.

Of course, there are also less harmonious voices.

After noticing this situation, the black dead spot loli screamed and was about to run away, but she was grabbed back by Leticia.

As the maid of the superior and the subordinate, even she, the head maid, has joined the battle, so how can it be the servant's turn to escape?

Time flies like a white horse.

A week passed in the blink of an eye.

Nothing special happened during this period.

The impact of the turmoil at the top is still continuing, and many things are so busy that the top is overwhelmed.

But it's none of Bai Chen's business.

After working so hard for so long, not only to solve the corrupted Sakyamuni, but also to solve the evil universe, Bai Chen also decided to take a vacation for himself to relax.

As for the way to relax, it is naturally a chat group.

But it seems that because of the late night of the book, no one is chatting in the group.

The last speech was also a good night greeting from the spider.

Just when Bai Chen was about to quit the group chat and was about to have some other fun, he suddenly heard a familiar sound.

"Group reminder: "Goddess Officer" has joined this group, hurry up and say hello to everyone~~~"

Happy New Year and. .

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