Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 1238 God Is God (Full Order)

Chapter 1238

After all, most of the gods in this world are the same as the real gods.

To say that he is defiant, is still considered gentle.

To put it bluntly, they are just some fun people who have nothing to do.

The order of the world exists because of their existence.

As long as they don't die, the basic laws and order of the world will not go wrong.

Then, just like those boring gods in the wrong world, they started to have fun everywhere.

Rolling dice, comparing points, and then manipulating the world has become the mainstream.

After all, in the eyes of these gods, all creatures on the ground are just entertainment tools fabricated at any time.

This is true whether it is humans, goblins, or even the Demon King Army.

in the chat group.

Witnessing the sight of crushing the God of Reality with just a wave of hands, and Bai Chen's relaxed and freehand attitude, the live broadcast room once again boiled.

Although the group members have seen many gods, such a hearty plot is rare.

Especially Kuang San and others, who already have a bad impression of the gods, the feeling brought by this contrast makes people feel that their thoughts are clear.

God who plays with life and dignity should "drill" well like this!

The Spirit of Time: "You did a good job, Shiro!"

Electromagnetic Gun: "Super agree! I don't know anything about this kind of thing, I just look like a boss, my second child really deserves a beating!"

I don't want to see hell: "Then I got beaten up hhhhhh."

Grumpy Lolita: "Huh? What fun happened again?"

Rebecca flipped through the records of the chat group, and quickly understood what happened.

The irritable loli: "Ah? There are such people in the gods... No, god scum, has this trash been hurt by women before?"

Little Spider: "Who knows? Maybe she was scammed by a ladyboy for money and sex (big boo).

Grumpy Lolita: "Isn't that being stabbed in an asshole? Hey!"

The Spirit of Time: "Rebecca sauce, be careful what you say in the group, there are still children in the group.

Grumpy Lolita: "Ok, actually, I want to say that according to the laws of Night City, I'm considered a minor.

Railgun: "Speaking of Night City, the children living in that city are really hard. The difficulty of living in that city is no less difficult than in another world."

Grumpy loli: "It's all about luck to survive! Maybe even rich people will be shot in the street! But now the law and order is much better, at least there is no chaos in the city, at most it is petty theft..."

Although the days of peace and abundance are good, people get sick when they are idle.

Rebecca began to miss the lawless days before.

Blue Slime: "Speaking of which, don't you think what the boss said and did to the God of Truth just now look very handsome?"

Little Spider: "You said that, since when did Yin Lao not be handsome? (angry)"

Blue Slime: "Hey, I'm just talking, in case you didn't notice."

I don't want to go to hell:""

Electromagnetic Gun: "What you said sounds strange to me.

Railgun: "Especially considering you're a human...er, slime is weirder?"

Cranky Lolita: "I understand!"

Railgun: "What do you know?"

Grumpy loli: "I'm afraid Limulu has a crush on Bai Chen."

Railgun: "???"

Spirit of Time: "???"

Teacher Loli: "???"

I don't want to see hell: "???"

Little white cat: "???"

Chaos Evil: "Good guy, so many night owls exploded in one fell swoop, and so did I, so it's okay.

Little Spider: "Wait! Wasn't Limuru a man in his previous life?"

Grumpy Lolita: "It's normal. In Night City, there are quite a few homosexuals, as well as transvestites who cut off their original organs and put their sexual organs on their bodies."

Chaos Evil: "Hey!"

Blue Slime: "Well, let me say a few words, I really just think the boss looks very handsome just now, how could you say so outrageous!"

Grumpy Lolita: "An explanation is a cover-up, and a cover-up is the truth. Stop talking about it."

Chaos Evil: "Give it up, the boss only likes real girls, not transvestites."

Electromagnetic Gun: "Uh, strictly speaking, the current Limuru is not considered a shemale, and because it is a slime, maybe it can change gender at will in the future?"

...asking for flowers......

Little Spider: "So it's the slime girl!"

Little White Cat: "I thought of that too!"

Both the spider and the Tacheng kitten are qualified game geeks.

Shooting games, including "shooting" games have been covered.

Monster girls and the like are not a problem.

Little spider: "Why do you feel a little disgusted and a little irritated at the same time?"

The Spirit of Time: "I think if you continue like this, after Mr. Bai Chen finishes solving the matter over there, he will start to deal with you, dazed.jpg.

the other side.

Since the matter is not over yet, Baifeng has no spare time to see what the barrage is saying.


He just waved his hand casually, and he lifted the God of Truth's suppression of the entire town.

People who were freed all at once had no strength left to stand up.

Just because they just experienced the greatest terrifying pressure in their lives, it was as if their souls were being grabbed, and there was no room for resistance.

What's more, they had absolutely no idea what was going on.

It is only vaguely able to feel that it is the power from the gods.

Except for these people, the adventurers and staff in the Adventurers Guild have experienced the entire process.

The people who were glanced by the eyes of the God of Truth before were covered in cold sweat, as if their bone marrow and limbs had been poured into ice water, completely unable to move under the terrifying power.

After witnessing that kind of power, no one thought he could resist that god.

What silver level, what gold level, even if it is said that only a few people in history have won the honor—platinum level adventurers, they will definitely not be the opponent of the real gods

No matter what kind of resistance you make, what kind of magic you use, you can only bow your knees in humiliation in the eyes of God.

As for the words spoken by the God of Truth, even if they deliberately refute them, they have no corresponding power.

After all, the other party is a god.

It is an existence above all living beings.

However, it was such a god who was considered invincible in the eyes of the people, but in the next second, he was stepped on the ground by an adventurer with a white porcelain badge. .

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