Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 1254 Paojie: Are You Starting Again?

Chapter 1254

Just mentioning it now makes her a bit hypocritical.

Yujian Mingye had no choice but to keep this kindness in his heart, aiming to repay it slowly in the future.

I don't want to go to hell: "Okay, with the help of the boss, the troubles of the newcomers can be easily solved.

The little priest: "That would be great, and may all those who have passed away rest in peace.

Blue Slime: "By the way, what about the other newcomer? Why haven't you spoken until now?"

Little Spider: "You should still be vigilant against us. After all, everyone's acceptance is different. Like me back then, once the boss opened his mouth, I knew I was home."

Railgun: "You lick me so sick."

Little Spider: "Slightly slightly slightly.jpg.


Saiki Kusuo accepted the existence of the chat group within one minute after joining the chat group "Zero Four Three".

The reason why I didn't speak was that I didn't feel the need to speak.

He's not a talkative after all.

In daily life, whether at school or at home, even when going out with friends, I rarely talk.

No... It should be that I don't even bother to say anything.

Instead, they directly use superpowers to conduct domestic dialogues with each other.

In addition, the classmate with a buttocks and a chin kept talking to him.

This "gorilla" who cannot be read by him has always given him a headache.

Railgun: "By the way, Bai Chen, you should already know the newcomer's information, right?"

Bai Chen: "Well, the newcomer is also a superpower just like you, but the type and strength of the superpower are different."

Railgun: "The rookie is also a superpower?"

Railgun: "Strength? How is it different from me?"

Blue Slime: "I understand!"

Little Spider: "What do you know?"

Blue Slime: "Boss is turning the corner and saying that sister Meiqin is not as good as a rookie."

Bai Chen: "It's not about turning a corner, but rereading."

Electromagnetic Gun: "Are you saying that a newcomer who has just joined the group can defeat me who has obtained the power of Thor? And in terms of superpowers?"

Bai Chen's words inspired Misaka Mikoto's desire to win.

Although it is said that Sister Pao in the group has been ridiculed, hanged and beaten by the big guys headed by Bai Chen, and has been made into emoticons by others, but Sister Pao's current strength is also different from what it used to be.

In the middle and late stages of the magic ban, the power of the super electromagnetic gun has been difficult to be elegant, and it has even been reduced to the point where it can be a trick.

And after going through the "lottery draw" experience, her strength more than doubled.

Now, even Kanzaki Kaori, who is a saint, can no longer defeat Misaka Mikoto as easily as before.

Even Jibril, who had decapitated her in the group ring back then, might not be able to defeat Misaka Mikoto at this moment.

Blue Slime: "It's started, it's started!"

Little Spider: "Hurry up and be stunned! Why take a screenshot!"

Chaos Evil: "The camera is in place.jpg."

Super Electromagnetic Gun: "You guys just wait to see my jokes, right?! Suddenly angry.jpg.

The Spirit of Time: "Although I know that you are very unconvinced, Mikoto, I think Bai Chen would not deliberately tease you about this kind of thing, right? Maybe the newcomer is really strong?"

Bai Chen: "@超级铜炮, don't be too serious. Although the newcomer is a superpower, the superpowers he possesses involve all aspects, such as teleportation, flight, and time.

Back in time, telekinesis, spiritual dialogue, mind control, etc., almost all newcomers can do it.

Teacher Loli: "This...doesn't sound like a superpower, but more like magic, or the power of a god?"

Bai Chen: "That's true."

Railgun: "So you told me that the rookie is a superpower like me?"

Bai Chen: "Of course, if it looks like a superpower and works like a superpower, then it is a superpower, and I didn't say before that the superpower in your world, Sister Pao, is actually magic in essence, but it's just covered in a layer of scientific clothing by Aleister.

Ordinary psychic: "I'm sorry, I'm just an ordinary psychic.

Little Spider: "I didn't deny it, isn't this an admission in disguise?"

Blue Slime: "This is exactly like a god."

Bai Chen: "From a certain point of view, the newcomer is indeed a god. After all, we must prevent natural disasters such as volcanic eruptions and meteorites hitting the earth every year. All human beings in that world live under his protection..."

See here.

Qi Munan, who was eating ramen, was shocked.

The secret that I kept until now was discovered like this?

Moreover, was it discovered by beings from other worlds?

Could it be that the idea was read?

But after thinking about it, I didn't have any perception of being spied on just now.

"Your complexion seems a little pale. Is it because you have a cold? My mother said that if you have a cold, you can stuff it with scallions from the back, and it will be fine soon."

At this time, the classmate with the buttocks and chin spoke to Saiki Kusuo.


Hearing this, Saiki Kusuo immediately rejected the kindness from his classmates.

Afterwards, consciousness entered the chat group again.

Ordinary superpowers: "How do you know?"

Chaos evil: "Simple reasoning (that is, the answer)."

Blue Slime: "Newcomers, don't worry, in this group, all of us are just background boards for big shots, and we will get used to it gradually.

The Spirit of Time: "But then again, what happened to the volcanic eruption and the impact of the meteorite?"

Ordinary superpowers: "... Let me tell you, I have a prophecy ability with a high accuracy, so I can predict some disasters that will have a great impact on the earth with an accuracy of 0.4. Volcanic eruptions and meteorites are the two most harmful of them. So every time that day comes, I will turn back the time of the world for one year, so that what happened in the first place will not happen."

Chaos Evil: "Is there still such an operation?"

The Spirit of Time: "Back in time? If it's just like this, the future should not be changed. In this case, after a year, the disaster will still happen as usual, right?"

As the elf of time, Tokisaki Kuang Mishima is aware of the strong directivity and restoration of time.

If you can't do a major event that can affect the future, even if you turn back time, everything that happens in the future will still happen.

Ordinary superpowers: "So I go back every other year."

I don't want to see hell: "Ah this..."

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