Chapter 1278

Little Spider: "Ah...we've already talked so much, why do people still have such doubts?"

Little Spider: "It has already been explained that this is a chat group."

Valkyrie: "The words that have been explained in words all the time seem very suspicious.

Little Spider: "Have you used the lottery for newcomers? If you can get something, do you still think it's fake?"

Valkyrie: "It's not impossible to use magic."

Blue Slime: "The newbie is unexpectedly stubborn."

I don't want to see a ghost: "Ann, after all, it's not like there have been similar situations, but in the end, everyone will believe the same thing."

The Spirit of Time: "However, judging from the newcomer's dialogue, it seems that there are also gods in the world she lives in?~"

Electromagnetic Gun: "Maybe, after all, the newcomer's nickname is Valkyrie-."

Group nicknames usually represent the respective identities of group members.

The word Valkyrie couldn't be more obvious.

Blue Slime: "But there are exceptions. After all, a nickname can still represent a name, and it may be misleading. For example, a certain "seventeen-year-old beautiful girl" in the group

Seventeen-year-old beautiful girl: "Kill you, smile.jpg."

Blue Slime: "I don't dare again!"

K: ""



Built on top of a hill that stands above the ocean.

Surrounded by the sea on all sides, there is no end in sight at a glance, and a lonely mountain stands here, showing loneliness.

Contrary to the prominent atmosphere on the surface, the scenery in the mountains is extremely beautiful, and there are also a large number of birds and animals.

And from time to time came the noise of people from the mountain stream.

This is the residence of fairies and heroic warriors.

Also known as the "Hall of Valor".

This is the hall of the dead in Norse mythology, used to receive the dead who died on the battlefield.

The souls of the dead will be reborn here, undergo rigorous training during the day, and gather together again at night to hold banquets, drink and revel.

Until the day when you can step into the battlefield again with the gods.

And these people are called "heroic spirits."

But not all the dead can enter and become heroic spirits.

The deceased who will become a heroic spirit needs to be personally selected by "Valkyrie", that is, the Valkyrie.

As the daughters of gods and humans, the Valkyries have sharp eyesight and select qualified dead souls for the gods from the fierce battlefield, and introduce them into the Hall of Valor.

There are a total of thirteen Valkyries in Asgard.

Among these Valkyries, the oldest Valkyrie who also symbolizes "victory"—Valkyrie, or Brunhilde, encountered a strange thing today.

As a Valkyrie, her daily job is to select suitable dead souls for the Hall of Valor to live in, guide those soldiers who died in battle, and become Odin's most loyal servants.

But things are a little different today.

"Am I hallucinating?"

With a delicate appearance, wearing a gorgeous battle robe, a woman who looks like a dress is covering her forehead and thinking.

Is it because of working too long, and mental weakness?

Compared with the pure gods, the Valkyries living in Asgard, despite being given the suffix of "God", are actually half-human and half-god.

She used to be the daughter of a human king, but for some reason, she was consecrated to the gods and served in Asgard.

Countless years have passed, and Brunhilde has long forgotten the memory of when he was still a human being.

However, when she closed her eyes, the existence that seemed to be imprinted in her soul—the chat group reappeared.

Quirky panels with quirky nicknames and conversation.

Although after joining the group, Brunhild has been vigilant, secretly peeking at the chat records of different nicknames.

But instead it became more confused.

"Is this true, or is it a prank God played on me?"

Brunhilde murmured to himself.

She couldn't tell, really couldn't tell.

In her impression.

The gods are extremely powerful, but they are arrogant.

As a Valkyrie, she was usually ridiculed by those gods who called themselves "pure blood".

In normal times, some pranks continue.

The weird chat group might be a joke played by the gods on her.

And at this moment.

...asking for flowers...

A sweet call woke Brunhild from his thoughts.

"Sister Brunhilde."

A cute girl with short light purple hair lifted her skirt and trotted towards her.

"What happened?"

Among the thirteen Valkyries, Brunhilde is the oldest, so the picture history is the deepest.

When she saw the youngest sister Grey running anxiously and the uneasy expression on her face, she seemed to guess something, and the faces of those ugly gods subconsciously flashed in her mind.

As a Valkyrie who serves the gods.

Brunhilde knows that the gods are not kind to people.

"Brünnhilde sister, it's not good! God... God's meeting has already started..."

Gray was panting and out of breath.

Her dress was much more nondescript than Brunhilde's.

The upper body is a yellow coat, and the lower body is wearing a pair of shorts, but what is conspicuous is that only the left leg is wearing a pair of black pantyhose, and the right leg is exposed to the air.

His fair skin was slightly tinged with cherry.

"What is the agenda of the meeting?"

Brunhilde showed a searching expression, temporarily leaving the chat group behind him, and asked.

The so-called divine meeting.

It is a meeting of the gods that brings together the main gods of all the gods to participate in discussing big and small matters every thousand years.

Although it sounds like a very high-level meeting, most of the topics it deals with are related to human beings.

Among them, the most common ones are the natural disasters brought down on the human beings living on the ground.

As for the reason, Brunhilde did not know.

And this time, the divine meeting may once again pass the result that is unfavorable to human beings.

Thinking of this, a ruthless look flashed in Brunhilde's eyes.

"Yes... it's the way to deal with human beings. The gods seem to be discussing whether to destroy human beings."

Gray took a deep breath and finished speaking.


As soon as the words fell, the girl only heard the sound of a stone breaking.

The anger in Brunhilde's eyes flashed away, and then returned to normal.

She turned her head and said to Gray: "Grey, come with me to the scene of the meeting.".

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