Chapter 1300

at the same time.

In the live broadcast room.

Seeing the two people arguing, those group members who didn't come also started.

Blue Slime: "Yeah? Arguing? Fight! Fight!"

Rimuru, who doesn't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement, speaks first.

Little Spider: "He stole my lines again! Little Slime, don't let me run into you!"

Anzi Wuergong: "Well... I think it's better for the group to be more harmonious and friendly."

Suzuki Satoru spoke tremblingly.

Not long after he joined the group, he saw a real-person conflict in the live broadcast, and his mood suddenly became a little delicate.

Anzi Wuergong: "Everyone, don't quarrel about anything, take a step back and let the sea and the sky go.

In the era when capitalists controlled social power, Suzuki Satoru's spirit had already become numb.

Being able to maintain this goodwill is still because of his addiction to games.

He pinned his life on the game 21.

But this sustenance also had nowhere to go when the game announced the suspension of service.

In desperation, he was lucky enough to become a member of the chat group, and only then could he feel the warmth of human nature from here. He doesn't want to see the chat group become as dangerous as the society he lives in.

Butterfly Ninja: Mr. Suzuki Satoru, you don’t need to worry, you just need to get used to this kind of thing in the future. "

Ainz Wurgon: "Have a habit?"

I don't want to see a ghost: "Yes, it's not clear that you are a newcomer, but it is common for Misaka-san and Miss Jibril to quarrel."

Ainz Wurgon: "But...they are about to fight!"

Suzuki Satoru couldn't hold back.

The picture shown in the live broadcast room is already a completely confrontational situation.

Misaka Mikoto holds Thor's hammer Mjolnir in her hand, and violent thunder entangles her body, setting her off like a female version of Thor.

Jibril was suspended in mid-air, with an irregular geometric halo shining brightly above her head, and an ominous aura surged up and down her whole body.

Having watched the live broadcast, he has no doubts about the destructive power of these two seemingly delicate and frail girls.

Little Spider: "Well, no matter how fierce the quarrel is, nothing will happen."

Little White Cat: "After all, the teacher is there, so it's impossible for them to fight."

And the truth is exactly what they say.

When the hostility between Misaka Mikoto and Jibril was about to explode.

The indoor storm caused by the two girls subsided like a mud cow into the sea in the next instant.

No matter which one of them it is, the energy in the body seems to be dead and cannot be mobilized at all.

Like a pipe that was completely blocked, an invisible force suppressed them.

Misaka Mikoto and Jibril had confused expressions on their faces at first.

But in the next second, they looked at Bai Chen in unison.

The only person on the scene who has the ability to do this is Bai Chen.

Seeing the two girls looking at him, Bai Chen said helplessly: "Although I don't object to the competition among group members, don't you think you went too far just now?"

"If you want to fight, after this incident is over, I will pay for the points in the group arena. You can fight as you like, and it's not a problem to stay in it 24 hours a day."


Misaka Mikoto wanted to say something, but she swallowed the words again.

It was because she saw Bai Chen sizing her up. .

The tea-haired girl couldn't help shivering.

Although she knew that Bai Chen would not punish her, she also knew that if she was unreasonable, she would probably receive "love" care from the only boss in the group.

For example, worshiping idols has no effect at all.

And if it doesn't work, she won't be able to draw good props.

If the lottery fails to deliver the goods, I will continue to force Index to rewrite the magic book.

Then, there will be a few more tooth marks on her forehead.

Thinking of this, Misaka Mikoto couldn't help shivering.

She doesn't want to sleep with a helmet on all over the house.

Compared with Misaka Mikoto's reaction, Jibril turned into a good girl the moment Bai Chen spoke.

After all, she has experienced 407 punishment from Bai Chen more than once.

What's more, compared to other group members.

Bai Chen is also the only god of Disbod continent in his own world.

It would be okay if she was punished to clean the toilet for a year.

But if she was banned from leaving Disbod Continent in the future, the feeling of not being able to explore the unknown would be more uncomfortable than killing her.

"There is no bottom line!"

Misaka Mikoto muttered in her heart.

She is not as unscrupulous as Jibril.

And at this moment.

The voice of the host Heimdall came again from outside the venue.

"There are still three minutes before the second match, please take your place, if you are late, it will be regarded as abstention.

"Next, let me introduce to you, the second match represents the choice of the god camp."

"The great god of creation and destruction—Shiva!"

Accompanied by the hysterical noise of Heimdall.

With the cheers of the gods, Shiva in purple skin walked out slowly. .

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