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Chapter 1328 Sister Pao: The Fist Is Hard

Chapter 1328

In addition, Bai Chen asked Kanzaki Kaori and the others about their situation.

But Misaka Mikoto shook her head.

"I don't know. The last contact was half a month ago. Ms. Kanzaki said that everything is fine. It seems that the British Puritans have not tracked down Index, oh... and that pervert Aleister didn't do anything either."

When Misaka Mikoto said this, her tone concealed a bit of boredom.

If it follows the normal direction of the forbidden plot.

Misaka Mikoto, who has experienced the "Absolutely Capable Person Evolution Project", will definitely hope that similar things will not happen in Academy City, and that everything can proceed smoothly and stably.

However, after joining the chat group, basically everyone will change subtly.

Misaka Mikoto, who has gained power, hopes that those criminals will be able to mobilize, and it is best to appear directly in front of her eyes, and then she will crush them with a strong posture.

The thrill of crushing bad guys will definitely make her feel supreme pleasure-.

By the way, you can also contribute to the world, why not do it?

Hearing Misaka Mikoto's thoughts, Bai Chen couldn't help but laugh.

"It's been so long, sister Pao, you still haven't grown up at all."

When I spoiled Sister Pao at the beginning, I deliberately concealed some things.

I didn't tell her about the clone until I felt that Sister Pao had grown a little bit.

And it has been a long time since that incident passed.

I thought Sister Pao could be more mature, but I didn't expect that instead of changing, she even got worse?

Thinking of this, Bai Chen began to think whether he spoiled her a little too much.

But it doesn't matter.

Anyway, no matter how big the storm is in this world, even if the Roman Orthodox Church hits Academy City tomorrow, and all the demon gods are mobilized, he will be able to settle it.

"growing up?!"

Hearing Bai Chen's words, Misaka Mikoto felt differently.

Subconsciously, she looked down at her crescent mouth.

It is still to the extent that the instep can be seen at a glance.

Recalling that she was deceived and taught to use electrical stimulation to stimulate cell activity to make her body grow, Misaka Mikoto couldn't help but feel the urge to strangle Bai Chen to death on the spot.

Why did I believe him in the first place?!

But if you want to blame, you can only blame yourself for being too simple and easy to trust others.

"Wow! What a delicious smell!"

At this time, Index, who was walking in front of the two, suddenly turned her gaze to a nearby ramen restaurant.

"Oh, Misaka Misaka said that it is a newly opened ramen restaurant. The owner claims to be a ramen fairy. Misaka has never been there, so I really want to go once."

Like Index, The Last Work had its eyes on the new store.

"Secondly, Misaka is also a little hungry, so she wants to eat ramen, but she is embarrassed, so she can only look at Lord Bai Chen and Elder Sister with hopeful and longing eyes."

Misaka sister also spoke with a blank expression.

Being stared at by Sandaoshao's pupils made a decision instead of Mikoto.

It's nice to enjoy the life of an ordinary person once in a while.

Shortly after.

"Phew... finally alive! Lord Bai Chen is as gentle and kind as ever, that guy Miqin is always unable to feed me, and always forces people to copy magic books in a small dark room! If you want to eat snacks, you have to work, stupid Miqin!"

The silver-haired little nun showed a very satisfied smile on her face after drinking the soup of tonkotsu ramen.

By the way.

This is the tenth bowl of large ramen she has eaten.

Being able to eat like this made Bai Chen a little suspicious. This little guy obviously doesn't have any special abilities, so why does he eat like this?

Driven by curiosity, he looked through Index's body.

Do not worry.

It's not seeing through the clothes, but directly seeing through the human body to observe her body structure.

After all, Bai Chen is not lost to the point of wanting to see through a little girl to satisfy himself.

After observing Index's internal organs, the questions that have troubled her for many years were finally answered.

There is no difference in body structure from ordinary people, the only difference is that the stomach pouch is very large, and the density and strength of the bones are also very strong.

I'm afraid this is why Index can even bite through a frying pan.

...asking for flowers...

"What are you kidding? I can satisfy your request every day, okay? You want to eat snacks, and sometimes I even have to run out to buy them in the middle of the night!"

Misaka Mikoto was startled.

After so many days of being a cow and a horse, she actually got such an evaluation in the end?

There was no love in an instant.

Misaka Mikoto was still thinking about it until the checkout time.

But at the time of payment, two female clerks in the store suddenly spread two vertical banners on the left and right sides, and at the same time, the owner of the ramen shop also launched some colorful ribbons for the celebration.

"Congratulations! You are the thousandth customer of our store!"

Colorful ribbons and pieces of paper fell on the girls' heads.

Misaka Mikoto was at a loss at first, and then looked at the text on the vertical scroll.

This is... winning the lottery?

"Because the cute kid over there ate a lot of bowls, that's why he won the lottery, so accept it carefully, this is the first prize of our store."

After speaking.

The boss took out two prize tickets from behind the counter.

"This is a double ticket for a two-day tour of the beach, including all entertainment including board and lodging."


After Index took it, she immediately jumped up happily.

"Master Bai Chen, you see we won the lottery! This way we can play together!"

"Oh? What about me? This is paid with my money?"

After Misaka Mikoto realized it, she said in surprise.

"But the boss also said that it was because I ate the thousandth bowl that I won the lottery!"

Index said happily.

"So it's not because of the idiot Mikoto."


Hearing this, Misaka Mikoto's face darkened.


The fist hardened.

But then the happy Index saw that Bai Chen's face wasn't full of joy, it was just as calm as before.

"Master Bai Chen, don't you like going to the bathhouse?"

"It's not that I don't like it, it's just that if there are too few people, it's not fun, and it would be better if Kanzaki Kaori was there."

Bai Chen said begging with a smile. .

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