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Chapter 1332 Sister Pao: You Beasts

Chapter 1332

"My Weiyuan matter is a matter that doesn't even exist in theory in this world. No matter how strong your vector control is, it's impossible to reflect unknown things, right?"

With a ferocious smile on his face, new wings appeared behind Kakine Teitoku.

And it is no longer a pair, but three pairs of pure white wings.

Like the seraphim in mythology.

However, Accelerator who heard this announcement did not show any expression.

He was also defeated by that man's unknown force at the beginning, but didn't he complete the analysis in the end?

No matter what substance it is, everything will be crushed by his vector operation!

"Then I'll kill you and Weiyuan Matter together!"

Accelerator held onto the hurricane and moved forward.

But what followed was a strong white light erupting from the six wings.

Accelerator couldn't help but retreat from the temperature as if being burned by a flame.

At the same time, I also realized a serious problem.

That is him who can reflect all vectors, and he was hurt.

Seeing Accelerator's puzzled expression, Kakine Teitoku, who was suspended in mid-air, gave an aloof explanation: "Simply put, it's the refraction reaction. This is the knowledge of 803 physics in high school. You don't even know about this kind of thing? If that's the case, then honestly, you'll be irradiated to death by the light!"

"Idiot, no matter how light is refracted, it cannot kill people."

"Well, the physics of this world is indeed like this, but my primordial matter is non-existent matter, and it does not need to obey the laws of physics of this world at all, so the light I emit can not only hurt people, but also kill people!"

While speaking, the three pairs of wings rolled up the storm again.

Accelerator reflected while thinking about the next countermeasures.

But at this moment, he heard Kakine Teitoku whispering to himself.

"The calculation is over."

Then, before Accelerator could react.

Kakine Teitoku had already approached him.

The first person subconsciously used the reflex ability, but felt a piercing pain in the next second.

Kakine Teito didn't use light or the attack of the storm, but directly blasted his wings as weapons on him.

The huge force easily knocked Accelerator into the air, knocked down the big tree, and destroyed the stone flower bed.

If it wasn't for his ability to reflect the impact and impact force, he would have died the moment he hit the big tree.

But why?

Kakine Teitoku was condescending, walking towards him as if strolling in the courtyard.

"Your vector manipulation can reflect everything? Don't be kidding, if you can reflect everything, you can't hear anything, you can't grasp anything, and you will become blind, but as a human being, you will subconsciously build a "harmful" and "harmless" filter, and then reflect the filtered things."

While speaking, the wings on Kakine Teitoku's back continued to extend to forty meters, and he swung towards Accelerator from top to bottom.

The latter hastily used the reaction force to escape.

"I used the previous attack, observed your reflection, and then calculated your filtering mechanism to the outside world, and then used the vector that you will accept unconsciously to attack.

Accelerator grinned.

He didn't expect Kakine Teitoku to be so smart.


Just thinking of this way, it's too stupid to want to defeat him.

As long as he analyzes the definition of Weiyuan matter, and then solves a new calculation formula, the mere Weiyuan matter can also be reflected by him!

The battle continues.

The battle for first and second place has spilled over into the neighborhood.

Passers-by nearby fled in a hurry, fearing that they would be affected.

But it's on a rooftop that they can't see.

Bai Chen and Misaka Mikoto stood casually on the edge of the (cbce), overlooking the battle in the distance.

In fact, before the battle started, Bai Chen had already discovered Yifang Accelerator's movements, and took Misaka Mikoto to meet Yifang Accelerator.

But just when he was about to appear directly in front of Accelerator, Kakine Teito stepped in forcefully.

Then Bai Chen and Misaka Mikoto stayed here, enjoying the battle between the first and second places below.

Misaka Mikoto's eyes did not change, she just kept staring at the battlefield below as if fascinated.

At the same time, his expression was a little excited, his fists were clenched unnaturally, and pale electric currents rang through his hair from time to time, as if he was preparing to join the battlefield at any time.

"Are you still planning to participate in the melee?"

Bai Chen's voice came.

"The live broadcast on my side is ready, and the group is also very lively, this is your only chance to avenge your shame.

Sensing Bai Chen's gaze, Misaka Mikoto raised her head to meet his gaze.

"It's not that I don't want to, it's just that it's not good to get involved directly like this? After all, the two of them are still fighting.

"Isn't this just right? Beating the second and first places in a row can be regarded as your qualification to be the first place in the future, right? If it was later, the battle might be over, and when you enter the arena again, Limulu and the others will think that you are invincible."

Bai Chen smiled lightly.

"It's... okay.'

Misaka Mikoto stood up nervously.

At this moment, she was as nervous as a student taking an important exam.

After all, this is what she has been looking forward to for a long time.

"Then I'm ready to go."

After saying this, Misaka Mikoto subconsciously glanced at the chat group, ready to see what was expected in the group.

However, after glancing at it, his expression couldn't hold back at all.

Although there were several encouraging declarations from Butterfly Ninja, Emilia, and Sakura, but in addition, the people headed by Limuru, Spider, and the others are all placing bets! Betting on whether she will get her revenge this time, or whether she will be beaten by Accelerator, and then ask Bai Chen for help.

Moreover, the emoticons about her have filled the chat box.

"These bastards, don't they think it's a big deal to watch the fun?!"

Misaka Mikoto gritted her teeth.

Obviously it is about her honor, but she is very serious about it.

But this group of animals, it's fine if they don't encourage them, but they are still making trouble!

It's unbearable!

ps: There are many reasons for the lack of updates during this period, but the main reason is that there are not many worlds to write about. .

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