Chapter 1339

"Wouldn't it be a little too conspicuous for us to pass by like this?"

It's like Ye Gong loves dragons.

Misaka Mikoto is still a little worried about the chairman of Academy City.

After all, he is a ruthless person who can even plot against a demon god, and everything that happens in the entire Academy City is within his plan.


Except chat groups.

It's just that Bai Chen obviously didn't care about Misaka Mikoto's worries.

Divine consciousness locked on the seventh school district, a building without windows.

A white-haired youth immersed in a life support device.

Well, it's up to you.

Aleister Crowley!

next second.

Like "183" skipping frames, the figures of Bai Chen and Misaka Mikoto disappeared from the spot.

When it appeared again, it appeared in a dimly lit secret room.

"...He found us.

At this moment, a voice from the void resounded.

But after saying this sentence, there was no more text, obviously he was at a loss because of the arrival of Bai Chen and Misaka Mikoto.

"Hey, how are you two, Aleister and Aiwass."

After appearing here, Shiratori greeted the other two beings in the room with a leisurely expression.

The casual and clear voice is like an old friend who hasn't seen for many years.

The voice from the void suddenly stopped.

Bai Chen could sense that the aura belonging to Aiwass became less stable.

Are you afraid, worried, or like a hound seeing a lion?

At least in front of him, Agnes could no longer be as carefree as before.

"Aiwass, what Aiwass?"

Misaka Mikoto didn't know why.

There were obviously only three of them in the room, where did the fourth come from?

Located in the very center of the room.

Rows of silver-white mechanical instruments are neatly arranged, and the huge pipes laid on the ground all lead to the transparent experimental tank in the central area.

Among them, a figure soaked in translucent liquid, with long white hair hanging upside down, and a figure of no gender was facing the two of them.

And he is the chairman of Academy City, Aleister Crowley.

The feeling of meeting the chairman did not make Misaka Mikoto very excited.

What Bai Chen wanted to complain about was how did Aleister, who was soaked in the life support device all day, go to the toilet?

"Aiwass is the scientific angel summoned by Aleister using his own knowledge."

Bai Chen said with a smile.


"Although it is said to be an angel, it is actually different from the angels you have seen before. For example, Jibril, you know? Although they both have wings and halos, they are completely different species from angels. Aiwass is an angel in another sense."

Bai Chen said.

"Okay, although I still don't understand it at all.

Misaka Mikoto muttered.

"Just treat it as the soul behind the scenes, or a stand-in.

Bai Chen chose a simpler explanation.

"That's understandable."


The conversation between the two made Aleister and Aiwass fall into an indescribable silence.

Obviously, since the establishment of Academy City, everything in this city has gone according to their wishes.

Even if there is a slight difference, it can be adjusted in time to the extent that you can control through countless backup plans.

However, with the appearance of Bai Chen, Aleister's plan began to develop in an uncontrolled direction.

Last time.

Aiwass can still joke with Aleister, Bai Chen is very likely to be the only God in the Bible....

But this time, he couldn't laugh anymore.

after all.

When Bai Chen first appeared on the stage, she directly revealed her details and identity.

In comparison, our own side does not have any detailed understanding of Bai Chen, and even the identity of the "only God" obtained is nothing more than a guess based on previous video images.

"As the master of Academy City, it's rare for me to come here. Is this how you treat me?"

Bai Chen spread his hands and said in a relaxed tone.

There was a long silence.

Aleister finally spoke.

Both male and female voices came out from the microphone.

...Excuse me for my poor hospitality, but you have also seen me as I am now, so you can't come forward to greet me. "

Aleister was hunted down by enemies in the past and was seriously injured. If he hadn't met the genius doctor Netherland Chasing Soul, Academy City wouldn't exist.

But even so, he who survived was still unable to act like a normal person.

All life activities can only be maintained by machines, and even the brain is in a hibernation state.

Only a small part of consciousness is left to monitor Academy City 3.3.

Most of the rest of the thinking and decision-making is done by machines.

Perhaps ordinary people, after learning about this incident, would feel sympathy for Aleister.

But Bai Chen knew that with Aleister's current situation, he could completely get rid of the life support device and live in the outside world.

But the reason for not doing this is because of the "uncertainty" of Aleister itself.

Since birth, Aleister has been an uncertain factor.

Because of the lack of its own characteristics, his existence will present a variety of different impressions to those who see it, and even the voice heard by different people will change. .

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