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Chapter 1347: Gu Dao Warm Heart

Chapter 1347

on the way back.

Kanzaki Kaori was slightly behind Bai Ming, with an apologetic look on his face.

"I'm sorry, although I said I was helping, but I didn't do anything this day, but I ate your two meals instead.

A look of embarrassment appeared on the girl's face.

Perhaps, in the eyes of this Amakusa-style female pope, it would make her feel ashamed when she failed to fulfill her promise.

"No, if it's a beautiful girl like you, it doesn't matter if you keep eating it.

As Kanzaki Kaori who pokes directly at his strike zone, Bai Chen will not be like those innocent boys who want to refuse and welcome.

To deal with this kind of superficially cold woman, one must take the initiative to attack.

Because only in this way can we have the opportunity to feel the warmth of each other in person.

"Oh?! My lord, Tao you and I

Sure enough, when Kanzaki Kaori heard these words, his face turned even redder.

The water vapor emerging like boiling water vaguely rises from the girl's hair.

Obviously, it was Bai Chen's words that directly dried up her CPU and smoked.

"That's right, Miss Kanzaki, who are you going to sleep with tonight?"

at this time.

Sister Pao, who was chatting and squabbling in front, suddenly turned around and asked.

This sentence inadvertently gave an assist.

300 Kanzaki Kaori took a sneak peek at Bai Chen.

What I have to admit is that the man in front of me does have a fatal attraction to her.

But in the end, it was the girl's reserve that prevailed and made her speak.

"I... just rest on the roof!"

A simple girl who likes to blush can't help but make people want to tease her.

Kanzaki Kaori obviously belongs to this type.

Don't look at her as the female pope of the Amakusa-style cross religion, plus the status of a saint with less than 20 people in the world, but no matter what, Kanzaki Kaori is just a girl who has just turned eighteen

Because of her height, she looks mature.

But in front of Bai Chen, Kanzaki Kaori naturally couldn't maintain a serious posture, showing the cuteness that should belong to this age.

"The situation is still easy to transform people."

Bai Chen sighed with emotion.

If Kanzaki Kaori were to live in Academy City, maybe he wouldn't use this method to cover up his heart.

Although the world of the Forbidden World is calm on the surface, in fact, almost every person with a name and surname here has his own extraordinary and unknown story.

These things (cbad) forced them to change.

Let everything proceed according to the direction stipulated by the Aleister plan.

Aleister's figure is behind Dori's talented workshop, 20,000 Misaka sisters' absolute ability user evolution plan, Anbe and other obscure things.

Looking at it this way, the Hanged Man is indeed a heinous crime.

Dispel these distracting thoughts from your mind.

Bai Chen continued to listen to the conversation between the girls.

"Resting on the roof? How is that possible? And the weather forecast says it will rain tonight.

Misaka Mikoto said in surprise.

"Or, do you people on the magic side have any quirks? Do you have to sleep on the roof?"

"No...just because..."

Kanzaki Kaori blushed and didn't know how to explain it.

Could it be because she was too shy to share a room with Bai Chen?

"It's suspicious, Bai Chen, did you say something to her?"

Misaka Mikoto asked suspiciously.

"Guess it."

There was a chuckle on Bai Chen's face.

"Looking at your sunny smile, it must be."

Anyone else would definitely be deceived by Bai Chen's sunny smile.

But as one of the oldest group members, she certainly knows what kind of character Bai Chen is.

That is the beautiful girl who catches the eye, as long as there is a chance, she will never let it go.

At first, Misaka Mikoto could still complain.

But as time passed, she no longer knew how many women Bai Chen had.

Even in chat groups.

Of course, she wasn't planning to denounce anything, she just found it weird.

Obviously, many girls in the group have expressed their affection for Bai Chi, but why is she the only one who doesn't feel that way?

He Ricun is also completely sweet, and he is completely casual.

Could it be that he really regarded him as a buddy?

Misaka Mikoto began to doubt her life.

Kanzaki Kaori, who had escaped, also heaved a sigh of relief.

If Bai Chen decided to share a room with her next, he really didn't know what to do.

Although the blushing Kanzaki Kaori is very cute when she flirts with her, Bai Chen also restrained her bad taste in time.

After all, once it passes, it will be counterproductive.

So there is no rush for the Raiders.


The few chatted all the way, and returned to the small villa that Misaka Mikoto rented.

In the evening, Index wanted to eat hot pot, and the others naturally satisfied her idea.

After that, until late at night.

The girls who played all day fell asleep one after another.

And on the rarest day of the month, Bai Chen really saw Kanzaki Kaori on the roof holding the Seven Heavens and Seven Swords in his arms, closing his eyes and meditating.

Seeing Bai Chen's voice, the ponytail girl's eyes were not natural.

When he was about to explain something, he suddenly froze and his breath stagnated.

The breeze blowing on the face also stopped at this moment, and the girl who entered the serious mode looked into the distance.

Academy City at night is very peaceful.

Even the lights in the city center tend to be dimmed, with only street lights on both sides of the road embellishing the night.

But such a peaceful scene did not exceed Kanzaki Kaori's perception.

Bai Chen had a smile on his face: "Oh, it seems that the God's Right Seat, which crusade against heresy, has arrived."

"Sorry, I didn't concentrate enough."

Kanzaki Kaori did not expect that not long after the letter of war was issued, the God's Right Seat of the Roman Orthodox Church had already arrived in Academy City.

And there was more than one of them.

Don't these fanatics really know what it means to keep a low profile?

In fact, as early as Kanzaki Kaori appeared in front of him, Bai Chen read the thoughts in the girl's heart.

Afterwards, the perception he spread out successively locked the position of God's Right Seat from all over the world.

Therefore, we are not surprised by their arrival.

And as long as he wanted to, he didn't need to waste any time at all, he could easily erase the Right Seat of God, and even the entire Roman Orthodox Church from this world.

But the main purpose this time is not to do the mission after all, but to travel.

If the villain just died quietly like this, it would be meaningless. .

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