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Chapter 169: The Servant Cage of Death

Chapter 169

Railgun: "Doesn't that mean that I have to raise another person!"

Bai Chen: "I like to be a mother.

The Spirit of Time: "I love being a mother.

The queen who wants to fall in love: "Happy to be a mother.

Brunette Loli: "I love being a mom.

Butterfly Ninja:

Railgun: "Hey! You guys don't - it's too much!

Railgun: "Damn it! That fellow Aleister, please push the trouble to me! I have to raise two people at once, and my reward for this month is almost bottomed out!

As Iv5, Academy City has a lot of subsidies.

If he was alone, he would be able to live quite casually in Academy City.

But now, she had to support two people and had to rent a house outside. Misaka Mikoto, who had plenty of money, was suddenly stretched.

Bai Chen: "If you want gold, I'll give you a few tons.

Butterfly Ninja: "Good guy."

Railgun: "Don't! It's just a little trouble, this money can easily be earned back.""

When you have nothing to do, as long as you go to work in some research institutes, you can get a considerable income.

But after this incident, she developed ptsd for Academy City's research institute.

Bai Chen: "Have a backbone, brother, you have managed to attract my attention.

Railgun: "I'm not your brother! My sexuality is normal!

But he didn't take over the job of Sister Cannon.

Instead, he sent out a word mysteriously.

Bai Chen: "Maybe in the future you will have to support one more person.

Railgun: "Impossible, I'm the only child in my family, I don't have any siblings, and the other Misaka sisters have been sent all over the world, I only need to raise these two in the future.

Bai Chen: "Then wait, and hope.

Railgun: "What the hell? I don't want another person to take care of it!"

Sister Pao is not good at communicating with people, and she is a junior high school student who has just entered school. She has to go to school every day, so it is not easy to take care of the two sisters Misaka.

Fortunately, the older ones are learning common sense of life through the Internet, which can help a little bit.

But even so, Sister Pao also realized the hard work of raising children.

The Spirit of Time: "I always feel that... Mr. Bai Chen is spoiling the future of Misaka-san.

Brunette Loli: "Did Big Sister fall in love early?

Butterfly Ninja: "Ask a gossip question, does Misaka have a boyfriend? 99

Railgun: "What nonsense! I don't have a boyfriend!

The Spirit of Time: "Don't you even have someone you like?"

Railgun: "No."

But thinking of this question, the figure of Bai Chen suddenly flashed past in Sister Pao's head.

There seemed to be a feeling of rapid heartbeat.


She patted her hot face suddenly, waking up like a dream.

"How could I possibly like a character who bases his happiness on the pain of others!

Brunette Loli: "Big sister is suddenly not so determined.

Misaka Mikoto was helpless.

Sakura is clearly a Loli, yet she is so arrogant!

Moreover, she also suddenly expressed considerable concern about Bai Chen's "prophecy".

However, no matter how unreliable this world is, there will not be such a bizarre thing as something that falls from the sky.

There was laughter in the chat group.

In my impression, the plot of the nun falling from the sky is the Index incident.

The reason why she landed in Kamijou Touma's dormitory was not an accident, but Aleister's intention.

If nothing else, Aleister, who gradually shifts her focus to Misaka Mikoto, will definitely choose the same method in the future to drop Index's foodie in front of Misaka Mikoto in an incredible way.

Black-haired Loli: "Ah! Sister Spider seems to be waking up soon!"

Bai Chen: "After waking up, let her continue to eat, but the reward will be given out, and then I have things to do. 35

The queen who wants to fall in love: "Listen to your tone, do you want to do it yourself?

The Spirit of Time: "It's only that kind of thing that is worthy of Mr. Bai Chen's own actions. 35

Butterfly Ninja: "...Fighting the gods?"

Bai Chen: "It's not a god, it's just a god-killer. Let's settle the small conflicts in the past, and see you later."

After chatting for a while, the hands of the clock were almost past eleven thirty in the morning.

Leaning back on the sofa, Bai Chen withdrew from the chat group with satisfaction.

Open the curtains that block the sun and look out the window.

0....... ask for flowers...

Because of the approaching reason, the altitude of the plane has dropped a lot, and the outline of the city can be vaguely seen.

Then, he turned his head to look at the girls who were huddled together and sleeping.

"Do you need me to wake them up?

A voice came from Deanna.

"Just wake up when you get off the plane, let them sleep a little longer now, and you too."


For Bai Chen's sudden concern, Diana's charming and mature face flushed a little more.

Then he sat down in the chair, closed his eyes and began to rest silently.

After half an hour.

The plane stopped firmly on the runway.

At the same time, despite Bai Chen's unannounced arrival, the news of his arrival is fermenting like a flood.

After seeing the sudden arrival of the new king, the eyeliner of the Nordic Magic Association immediately reported the news to the Marquis of Vauban.

"Godslayer is here?"

In the room, Alice, who also heard the news, was a little surprised.

The first person she thought of was the black prince Alec.

The English gentleman who had been fighting back and forth with him for several years, actually stopped thinking about it and made a move, but did it directly after hearing the news that she had been captured?

"Hehe, instead of huddling in your own fields, you choose to take the initiative to attack."

Woban's emerald eyes shone brightly.

Eye of the Tiger.

The vision reminiscent of the word left Alice breathless.

But the Marquis of Vauban did not take her reaction seriously.

In the shadows of the room, there were several humans with bloodless faces and empty eyes.

Although the clothes are ragged, but the weapons they wear and hold, it can be vaguely seen that these people are not easy to mess with.

Alice narrowed her pupils slightly.

The witch's spiritual vision allowed her to distinguish that these were not living people, but walking corpses driven by magic.

At the same time, this is also one of the abilities of the Marquis of Vauban, "The Servant Cage of Death".


The function is to turn the dead that he slaughtered with his own hands into servants who are extremely loyal to him.

If you go against Woban's will, you will become like that too.

This is definitely something scarier than death.

Because the dead have no lifespan, if they are bound by the old devil, they will never be able to rest in peace.

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