Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 418: Happiness Belongs To Others

Chapter 418

Chaos Evil: "Integral"

Although the boss's words made her feel a little comforted, but how to get points made her a little bit difficult.

Blue Slime: "Having said that, for newcomers like us, how do we get points? Before, I tried to use synthetic herbs and gems to sell to the chat group, but it was not worth much at all. I - I really want to draw a lottery.

Although the ship sank successfully for the first time, it still couldn't stop Limulu's love for drawing cards.

After all, before time travel, he was a social animal.

No house, no car, no girlfriend, the money I earn is to buy some learning materials, and to develop mobile games.

The more you can't get something, the more you want to get it.

What's more, the props and abilities in the chat group prize pool are not virtual items on the Internet, they can really make people stronger.

You can become stronger by lottery and shipment, and you can't refuse it at all, okay!

The Spirit of Time: "It should be mentioned in the group file that in addition to exchanging valuable items, personal abilities and the like can also be exchanged for points, so if you have unused skills or equipment, you can exchange them for points in use."

Blue Slime: "That's true, but...I'm just a slime."

Little Spider: "Skills can also be exchanged, isn't your predator and mimicry skills?"

As soon as this remark came out, people immediately felt the spider's sinister intentions.

Blue Slime: "Forget these basic skills...Although the lottery is very good, let me refuse!"

Railgun: "Specify the "mimicry" skill, hey! I'm too embarrassed to say what you really think!"

Little Spider: "Cut! We've been spotted!"

Bai Chen: "@蓝蓝着姆, the lottery draw is to become stronger. You don't need to draw a lottery right now. After you absorb that dragon, Veludra will be your biggest finger."

Little Spider: "I'm envious, you have a golden finger at the beginning, unlike me, wandering on the edge of life and death every day!"


Compared with Limulu who traveled smoothly after crossing, Spider's experience is simply unbearable to look at.

Limuru's three basic skills at the beginning allow it to pass through the early stage smoothly.

And the spider was almost eaten by the spider queen at the beginning, and then escaped from the lair with great difficulty, and was spit all over his face by the acid poisonous frog, half of his head was corroded, and then his hometown was burned by human adventurers , was chased and chopped down several streets, and it was not until recently that it finally stabilized.

Not only that, but when brushing corrosion resistance, it is also miserable for spiders.

It's not as easy as Limuru.

Slime has no sense of pain and taste. If you want to build patience, you can directly swallow the corresponding creature, and you will be able to gain the corresponding resistance and holding ability.

People are more than people, really maddening.

Black-haired loli: "Sister Spider, don't be too envious. Didn't my brother say that you can evolve according to the evolution route he gave in the future? And you can become a god in a year, right?"

Butterfly Ren: "Although it was a bit bitter in the early stage, at least there is room for growth. According to the old saying of the Celestial Dynasty, this should be the end of all hardships."

Super electromagnetic gun: "Become a god, I'm envious."

Blue Slime: "Senior is actually a god?! Is this too strong?"

Little Spider: "Hey, Ji Cao, don't be 6."

Even across the dimension, Bai Chen can still imagine the spider's floating appearance.

Therefore, he didn't want to tell the fact that even after becoming a god, she was still a weak chicken.

It's not good to hit the spider's self-confidence.

Moreover, compared to the gods that spiders rely on biological evolution, Limuru can also become a god, and is the strongest founding god.

Although they are all protagonists, the treatment gap is huge.

What the stepmother raises is different from what the real mother gave birth to.

Take Bai Chen himself as an example, compared with the experience of Limu Lu's son of destiny, Bai Chen should feel ashamed.

Chaos Evil: "The hot chicken is actually me?"

Fujimaru Tatsuka looked at the various Versailles languages ​​in the group, and was envious of the real-name system.

Leaving aside those seniors who joined the group earlier, Limulu, who joined at the same time as him, will soon succeed in getting the first golden finger under the prophecy of the boss.

0 for flowers...

On the other hand, let's not mention the demon king Gaetia who caused the incineration of humanity.

Just thinking about how to safely get through the next singularity [ has already made her burnt out.

After all, according to the boss, the difficulty of the singularity is more difficult than the other.

Even if she met some partners along the way, she is just an ordinary person.

Although Matthew is a follower, after all, she cannot protect her all the time.

The same is true for chat group delegation.

If you are really in danger, you can only rely on yourself.

But looking at the lively scene in the group, Fujimaru Tachika, who has not yet integrated into the chat group, does not want to radiate her negative energy.


After all, her character is not like Spider or Limuru, some things are just kept in her heart.

As for what Miss Kuang San said, skills or props can be exchanged for points.

But she is a cute new novice master, and she doesn't have any treasures or skills at all.

Sure enough, happiness belonged to others and had nothing to do with her.


Just when Fujimaru Tachika was a little overwhelmed, she suddenly found a private message window flickering.

Is it the big guy named "Bai Chen"?

Bai Chen: "Gudazi, you shouldn't be here, right?"


Who is Gudazi?

Bai Chen: "Sorry, I called you Gudazi because my language is different here, so it's better to call you Ms. Fujimaru or Ms. Lixiang?"

Chaos Evil: "...just call me Fujimaru..."

Chaos Evil: "Excuse me, what's the matter with Yin Lao?"

Bai Chen: "Well, I just want to ask you, you should be worried that you have no way to get points, right? I have a little understanding of your situation, so why don't you try to talk about your thoughts? Here and I say fine."

Fujimaru Tachika stared blankly at the message sent by the big man, and couldn't help feeling grateful.

Could this person be an angel sent from heaven to save her?


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