Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 437: The Spear Of The Lord God

Chapter 437

Railgun: "Run!"

Blue Slime: "Why are you running? Could something be wrong?"

Railgun: "Sorry, it's completely subconscious~ that's all.

Little White Cat: "Because - the teacher is going to draw a lottery."

Butterfly Shinobu: "Every time it comes to this time, Misaka-san will be more excited than Bai Chen-kun.

Railgun: "Is there? Not at all! I just don't want newcomers to follow in our footsteps!"

Electromagnetic Gun: "@蓝蓝着姆, @暴暴恶, I suggest that you close the group immediately, and then don't join the group for one day, no... two days, otherwise, don't blame me if anything happens You were not warned!"

Blue Slime: "I still don't understand."

Chaos Evil: "...Is it really that serious?"

Luo Abao: "Very serious!"

Luo Abao: "If you don't want to doubt life, I suggest you listen to Sister Pao.

When Bai Chen said that he was going to draw a lottery, the atmosphere in the group was more jubilant than before.

But Bai Chen is also used to their rowdy, so he didn't talk in the group, but looked at the lottery interface.

As the largest seal in the group, he naturally smoked the resident pool.

What's more, he was bold enough to invest 20,000 points in it, quadrupling the explosion rate this time.

"Twenty thousand points, at least a double yolk egg guarantee?"

Without thinking too much, Bai Chen clicked the ten-in-a-row button this time.

Compared with the special effects of the ordinary ten series, the cutscenes with a quadruple explosion rate are much more gorgeous.

After all, it was the first time the quadruple burst rate, so Bai Chen did not choose to skip with one click, but slowly watched the drawn props appear one by one.


Ten items that shone with light of various colors appeared in front of Bai Chen.

Bai Chen blinked his eyes and waited patiently for the prompts from the chat group. At the same time, he did not forget to record the process of the lottery draw. Once the goods are shipped, he will put the whole process in the group.

[Group Reminder (Private): Congratulations on getting One Bullet (R)*3, Spirit Vision (R), Space Movement lv3 (R), Teigu-Thunder God's Wrath (Admiral) (SR), Domination Demon- Power Crystal (SR), Death Servant Cage (SSR), Spirit Crystal - Mercy (SSR), Spear of the Lord God (SSR). 】

When Bai Chen saw the last series of shining golden light, the corners of his mouth involuntarily raised upwards, revealing an expected smile.

Then, like the influence engraved deep in the soul, Bai Feng immediately posted the screenshot to the group.

Bai Chen: "Screenshot.jpg."

Bai Chen: "Mengxin got this, how do you feel?"

Railgun: "?"

Super Electromagnetic Gun: "Damn it! As soon as I heard this sentence, I knew something was going to happen!"

Then, Misaka Mikoto clicked on the screenshot of the chat group. After zooming in, she saw three SSRs in it, and she suddenly felt bad.

Electromagnetic Gun: "This kind of luck is simply beyond the reach of human beings!"

Spirit of Time:


Even though I just got an SR just now, I still want to say, I can't accept it!"

Butterfly Ninja: "

The queen who wants to fall in love: "Bai Chen, are you still a person?"

Bad woman: "Three SSRs, either I have a problem, or this group has a problem."

Luo Abao: "Zhuo! It must be the same as last time, the upgrade of the chat group caused the system to go wrong!!!"

Teacher Loli: "...Excuse me, is there a group owner or administrator in this group? Have his account blocked."

Black-haired loli: "Wow! Even sister Yue couldn't bear it anymore, brother, you really went too far this time!"

Blue Slime: "Two SRs and three SSRs.. This is definitely cheating!"

Chaos Evil: "Senior Tokisaki Kuangsan only got one SR before, but Mr. Bai Chen got three SSRs..."

Even Tachika Fujimaru, who didn't know much about the prize pool, felt that there was something wrong.

Seeing that Bai Chen shipped directly, she also began to feel itchy.

But hold back!

Bai Chen: "The result of the lottery is actually not bad, after all, I spent 20,000 points this time alone.

Blue Slime: ...20,000, is that much?"

The Spirit of Time: "Did Mr. Bai Chen use the function of increasing the burst rate? If so, the result is at a normal level.

Butterfly Ren: "Huh... Fortunately Mr. Bai Chen explained it, otherwise I would have thought it was just the result of an ordinary ten consecutive rounds."

0 looking for flowers...

Railgun: "Wait! You guys should be sober! Even 20,000 points for ten consecutive draws is outrageous, okay?"

Railgun: "It's over! I can't control my hands anymore! I'm going to hold down Index's head hard and let her write for me!"

Black-haired loli: "Sister Misaka has gone crazy! Can someone save me?"

Little Spider: "It's hopeless, wait for death, farewell, Hua Tuo Sanlian.jpg.

The Spirit of Time: "Calm down, think about it, will Index bite your head if you do that?"

Railgun: "Thank you, I've calmed down."

Blue Slime: "So fast!"

Bai Chen: "Actually, you can really give it a try. If you increase the burst rate, the result will indeed be very good."

Electromagnetic Gun: "Pull it down, is your lottery drawing the same as our lottery drawing?"

Luo Abao: "Indeed."

Luo Abao: "And 20,000 points are not something that ordinary people can get."

Electromagnetic Gun: "I'm in so much pain! I'm guarding a golden mountain, but I can't eat it and become fat!"

Bai Chen: "Publishing a book in more than ten days is not enough enthusiasm in the final analysis. After all, it is just copying it according to the head, and the speed will not be too slow. Speaking of it, what do you feed Index every day? "

Electromagnetic Gun: "Just eat normally? How could I abuse her?"

Bai Chen: "What about the big meal?"

Railgun: "When she finishes writing a book, take it out for a meal."

Bai Chen: "I found the problem. Index is the kind of person who can't move without immediate rewards. If I usually feed her with ordinary meals, the efficiency will certainly not work.

Bai Chen: "If you want the horse to run, but also want the horse not to eat grass, how can such a good thing happen?"

Railgun: ... So that's the problem? But my living expenses..."

Bai Chen: "You can go to Shokuhou Misaki for help, she is a rich daughter, even if she eats big meals every day, she will not be poor."

Railgun: "...I'll think about it!"

Bai Chen: "Then I'll slip away first, and see you later."

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