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Chapter 442 The Reincarnation Of The Only God?

Chapter 442

"I'm sorry, our Kocabele has caused trouble to everyone, but he is also dead, so I can't come here to apologize."

Asachel said calmly, without any introspection.

For the death of Kokabile, Asachel still couldn't thank her. Although the fallen angels could be supplemented by birth and the fallen angels, the fallen angels' cadres died one by one.

After all, they are comrades-in-arms who participated in the war together in the past. Although the ideas are different, the relationship is not ordinary.

Then, he continued to speak.

"So don't be a mother-in-law. We came here today to sign a peace agreement, aren't we?"

The reason why Asachel was so impatient and wanted to get to the point as soon as possible to test whether Vali really betrayed him was in it.

Rias and Chitori Cang, who were in the audience, were dissatisfied with Asachel's frivolous attitude, but due to their status as juniors, they couldn't say anything.

"Yeah, let's start this negotiation."

Serjex seemed to be used to Asachel's character and didn't care.

"Yeah, that's what we're here for.

Michael smiled softly.

She doesn't know the situation of the underworld and the fallen angels, but the situation in the heavens is getting worse and worse. Now that the God of the Bible has fallen, if you want to supplement the words of the angels, you can only do it through human reincarnation.

But this efficiency is too low, and there are too few human beings who are qualified to be reincarnated as angels.

If things go on like this, the consumption of the civil war will definitely make the heavens fall completely.

"Then Rias, and Canna Sidi, each of you tell us what happened last time."

"Yes, Your Highness Lucifer."

The girls whose names were called stood up, and then, nervously, they began to tell what happened some time ago.

The content of the talk is very boring after the beginning, but it is a necessary process.

The three parties exchanged views with each other, explained their own situation, looked forward to the future, and finally synthesized their opinions, and it was over.

After all, the agreement is not something that can be signed at will. Even if Sergex, Asachel, Michael and others want to seek peace, it is not a matter of simple words.

From the written black and white to the official announcement, the process is very troublesome.

And Bai Chen was invited entirely as a guest, which may also mean that the underworld wants to win him over.

But Bai Chen is right to come here to travel by himself.

"Then, how about we listen to Mr. Bai's opinion?"

Michael turned his gaze to Bai Chen.

Hearing this, the others also looked at Bai Chen in unison.

After all, the people present were all insiders, Kocabil was killed by him, and even the peace talks were organized by him.

When it comes to peace, none of them who have lived from the war to the present do not yearn for peace, even people like Asachel are no exception.


It would be fine if any of them put forward an opinion, but it happened to be Bai Chen who had nothing to do with the stake.

What's more, so far, no matter what means they have used, they have been unable to find out Bai Chen's details.

When did it appear?

How can they know this kind of inside story... They don't know anything.

The greatest source of fear comes from the unknown.

And Bai Chen is that unknown.

"Then let me just say a few words.

Bai Chen chuckled lightly.

"Whether you are peaceful or not has nothing to do with my interests. I did this just as a kind reminder. By the way, you should all know about the Brigade of Disaster, right?"

Hearing this, the leaders of other forces all nodded.

The Disaster Group is an organization that is gradually growing, but because there has been no trouble, no one cares about them.

"Actually, the leader of the Brigade of Misfortune is not the Infinite Dragon God, but Li Zevim, the son of the previous generation of Lucifer. The original intention of creating the Brigade of Misfortune was just to create chaos. Of course, he has another purpose. Do you want to know?"

At the same time as the voice fell, a strange feeling came to my heart.

The feeling that time pauses.

Bai Chen is very clear, after all he has this artifact.

At the same time, he looked around and found that Rias, Jitsu Canna, and Tacheng Kitty were all suspended in place, with astonished expressions on their faces.

Hei Ge is safe and sound, probably because of the transformation.

0 looking for flowers......

And Bai Chen also activated the power of the artifact, which released the time stop on the girls.


The familiar feeling swept across the room again, making Asachel look at Bai Chen in surprise.

He has been studying the artifact, and knows that this time stop is caused by the vampires under Rias.

Because they had to do a full set of acting to prevent abnormalities from being discovered, they didn't transfer the vampire, but reserved other backups.

But what Asachel didn't expect was that Bai Chen's power just now was exactly the same as the artifact of that vampire family member.

You must know that apart from ordinary artifacts, the God of the Bible will never make exactly the same artifacts.

So who is this person?

Powerful, able to instantly kill Cocabil and the White Dragon Emperor of all time, know about the Misfortune Group, Infinite Dragon God and Li Zevim, and seem to know other secrets that ordinary people don't know.

Plus the artifact you just used.

All kinds of thoughts kept wandering in Asachel's mind. In the end, his eyes widened, his heart beat wildly, and he came to an almost impossible conclusion.

Could it be... this man is the reincarnation of the God of the Bible!

Once a person has a certain idea, he will involuntarily rely on everything.

That's what Asachel is now.

Reminiscent of the previous events, as well as Bai Chen whose whereabouts and details are extremely mysterious, Asachel felt that he was more and more like the reincarnation of a god.

After all, he was also a child of God, and he listened to the holy voice under his seat.

As a result, Asachel looked at Bai Chen again, and the look in his eyes had changed from a bit of hostility to shock suddenly.

The thought that emerged from the bottom of his heart made his body tremble slightly.

Noticing Asachel's eyes, Bai Chen smiled slightly.

And this smile directly defeated his last "impossible".

Although Asachel tried his best to maintain his composure, he still couldn't hide his uneasiness, and completely froze in place.

After all, isn't it normal for gods to reincarnate and walk in the world?

As for Bai Chen, he has no idea what the fallen angel governor has imagined. .

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