Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 470 Tokisaki Kuangsan Vs Esthers

Chapter 469

Little Spider: "Wuhu! Take off!"

Little Spider: "With this, can we date each other in the future?"

The Spirit of Time: "Group arena? This function is quite good, and no matter whether you are injured or die, it will not affect your real self, and you can even adjust your pain sensation by yourself."

Railgun: "Isn't this just virtual reality? No, it's full stealth technology!"

The queen who wants to fall in love: "Can you challenge one-on-one? It's interesting. If this is the case, who of you wants to come and fight with me?"

Railgun: "Uh..."

Little Spider: "Well....I don't look ashamed to look at people now, so I'll leave it alone, next time, next time!"

After Esdeth read the description of the group arena, the fighting spirit surged in his heart instantly.

Since Bai Chen left, besides Bude, her daily sparring partners are only the night raiders.

However, as time went by, as he became more and more busy with the affairs of the empire, Xi couldn't fight as usual.

After all, she was born on the border of the empire, and she has been living a life similar to "20 Ru Mao drinking blood", so this has also led to her developing a strong desire to fight since she was a child.

The reason why she chose to join the empire in the first place was that besides being able to kill aliens, another reason was that she could satisfy her desire to fight on the front line.

But she was tricked by Bai Chen before.

If life could start all over again, she would definitely not choose to become the queen of the empire.

Butterfly Ren: "In this group, there are not many people who can care about fighting with Miss Estes."

For the group arena, Butterfly Ninja has no feeling at all.

The reason why she joined the Ghost Killing Squad at first was to avenge her parents.

Now that the vengeance has been avenged, the ghost killing teams have all disbanded, either because the owner of the house gave away some money to go home to farm, or to work in the family business.

She's just a normal person with a little luck and doesn't like fighting very much.

Blue Slime: "If I can fuse Veludra now, I can still fight with you, sister Estes, but if I pass by now, I'm afraid I can be beaten into pieces with a single slap. A puddle of liquid, the cat is afraid.jpg.

The Spirit of Time: "In this case, let me come, just to get acquainted with the Devil's Eye of Death."

The queen who wants to fall in love: "Yes."

Estes has no taboos.

Although killing the weak among the enemies was also a way for her to have fun in the past, but these are group friends, and they are very familiar, so it is not good to attack too hard.

Judging from the previous chat records, this girl named Tokisaki Kurumi is an elf, and the power of the spirit crystal extracted by Bai Chen has the same effect as the king of power.

Judging from Bai Chen's past live broadcasts, the power of elves is not weak.

At least it is an existence above the general Tegushi.

The queen who wants to fall in love: "What is the scene choice?"

The Spirit of Time: "Anything will do."

Blue Slime: "Looking forward!"

I don't want to go to hell: "+1."

Before, they all watched Bai Chen's live broadcast, but now they can PK each other in the group for a change of taste, so don't have any expectations.

And the third Sides Cunzaki Kuang who was present was teleported to the new battlefield opened up by the chat group.

The group arena and the group live broadcast will start simultaneously.

An island on the border of the Empire.

And Bai Chen could tell at a glance that it was the place where he and Esdeth "battled" for the first time when he was about to leave Zhan Chi's world.

I can't hold back anymore.

However, apart from him and Estes, no one else should know.

Smiling Tokisaki Kurumi appeared on the right half of the live broadcast interface. She was wearing a blue and white intertwined school uniform and a pair of black pantyhose that seemed to reflect light. With a smile, his whole body is full of a strange attraction.

"Good afternoon, it's our first time meeting, Miss Estes, I'm Tokisaki Kurumi, please give me your advice."

As if a little embarrassed, Tokisaki Kurumi showed a shy smile.

"I'm Estes."

Esdeath's introduction was short and nonchalant, but that's what she was to anyone.

"So shall we begin?"

If it was an enemy, she would definitely start the fight with a move of freezing to end the battle, but everyone is acquaintances, so let's say hello before starting the fight.


As the voice fell, Tokisaki Kurumi's body seemed to be burned by ashes, and the original student uniform gradually faded, replaced by a gorgeous orange-red and jet-black dress

Even the hairstyle has been changed.

The double ponytails hanging down the shoulders, the slender limbs seem to be broken with a little force, and the waterfall-like bangs cover the upper left eye pupil.

But Tokisaki Kurumi raised his bangs to reveal his left eye engraved with a clock pattern.

"Is that what you are capable of?"

Estes looked at the idiosyncratic pupil and asked.

"That's right, this is the power of the elves that I was given to control time and shadows, the third elf of time.

Tokisaki Kurumi waved his hand.

"Appear, Emperor Keke!"

In the next second of 590, a huge golden clock more than twice as tall appeared in the air behind the girl.

At the same time, the clock in Tokisaki Kurumi's left eye also started to turn.

"Here we go, Miss Estes!"

"Just what I want."

As soon as the voice fell, the battle began.

Estes smiled, raised his right hand above his head, and in an instant, a huge ice cube comparable to a hill appeared.

Simple and unpretentious offensive means, but it is so powerful that it is difficult to parry.

Using this trick, Esdeth was enough to easily kill a dangerous species with a height of 100 meters.

The airflow is rolled by huge ice blocks, forming a strong hurricane.

However, Tokisaki Kurumi did not choose to dodge.

She took out her long gun and pointed it at the ice in the sky: "Two bullets!"

The pitch-black shadow flowed from the city of time into the muzzle of the gun, and the bullet condensed with spiritual power immediately hit the ice.

Then, the iceberg that was supposed to fall quickly, like a movie slowed down countless times, descended extremely slowly.

Afterwards, Esdeth pinched out more ice cubes, but Tokisaki Kumzo responded quickly in the same way, slowing down the falling speed of the ice cubes, and flew into the sky with ease

Aim at Estes in the distance and shoot the time bullet. .

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