Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 472 I Got Up, Shot In Seconds

Chapter 472

Endless icy storms swept all around, coupled with the influence of Moko Botmo, so that the space was crackling, making the sound of glass almost shattering.

Not only that, but even the weather above the venue has been changed. It was originally sunny, but in the next second it instantly turned into an endless snowstorm.

When Esdeth launched Teigu's big move, he did not forget to activate Shenmiegu's forbidden hand.

As a result, the entire island was sealed in ice, and the nearby rough sea was also frozen, spanning hundreds of miles.

If you look down from the planet that the chat group manifested, you will find that an entire continent has turned into a frozen world.

Little Spider: "You're kidding! Is Estes so strong!"

Seeing this scene, the spider was immediately dumbfounded.

She thought that Esdesh's strength was only around that of the highest-level demons, but she didn't expect that he was even above it.

Even Tokisaki Kurumi, who had just sparred with Estes, couldn't help but gasp-air-conditioning.

If Esdeth had used her big moves from the beginning, she might not have lived that long at all.

The Devil's Eye of Death is aimed at small-scale battles. With this large-scale freezing ability, no matter how destructive the Devil's Eye of Death is, it will not help.

Sister Pao was also a little dazed.

too exaggerated.

Compared with that time, it is completely earth-shaking change!

With this level of attack, even Bai Chen wouldn't be able to get rich without injury.

After all, this is no longer as simple as destroying a few hills, or a few streets, but a map cannon aimed at land plates!

And Amuro, Jianzi and the others were also shocked while being quite envious at the same time.

If he knows this, what Gundam do he need!


Estes was panting.

It is also a burden for her to release two big moves at the same time.

However, she is more aware of the gap between herself and Bai Chen than anyone else. If she doesn't go all out at the beginning, there is no need to think about the result of this competition.

Just when Estes was thinking about how Bai Chen would break the game.

The frozen atmosphere surged instantly.

The dark and frozen land is like a black curtain cut with scissors. First, a golden light illuminates a corner of the world like the dawn, and then Esdeth's eyeballs are filled with light

The moment before her consciousness disappeared, she only saw a spear-shaped gun of light coming towards her.

The forbidden hand that tore through the space and the god destroyer, and the ice barrier that even the devil can temporarily seal, disappeared in an instant, and everything returned to silence.

The chat group declared Bai Chen's victory, and the collapsed world quickly reorganized and returned to a sunny afternoon beach.

Estes stood there in a daze, and didn't regain consciousness until Bai Chen came in front of him.

"In addition to being able to develop forbidden hands, the artifact has a further stage. If you practice hard in this direction, maybe one day you can really use ice to freeze time and space."

Bai Chen said with a smile.

After experiencing it for himself just now, he found that Esdesh's strength was far more than a star and a half.

If it was him who became the godslayer in the first place, Bai Chen might really have a hard time parrying it.

But now, whether it's Mokobotam or the Ice Wind of God's Extinguisher, let alone damage, even if it can't be affected, they are directly immune to him.

Then, directly end the competition with a luminous gun.

After all, the strength gap between him and Estes is too big, and nothing can be seen from a simple competition.

If Bai Chen let Esdeth enjoy the joy of fighting for the sake of her being his woman, then there would be no end to it.

To deal with this kind of fighting maniac, it is necessary to solve the battle with three times, five times and two divisions, so that the battle will end before she starts to exert her strength.

If you are directly beaten on the field, you can't enjoy the fun of fighting, and you will naturally lose interest.

"Really boring."

For Bai Chen's suggestion, although Esdece was noncommittal, he was a little unhappy.

It had nothing to do with face, but just when she was about to get excited, she was beaten to the ground.

It's like sleeping in the middle of a sleep and suddenly waking up.

"It's right to be boring. I don't object to enjoying the fun of fighting, but the premise is that it must be dominant, and there are many capsized boats in the gutter."

"Yes Yes Yes."

Hearing Bai Chen's warning, Estes pouted dissatisfiedly.

Afterwards, she was a bit autistic and didn't want to be in the ring any more, so she went offline directly.

●Ask for flowers......


The group members who are more interested in the ring also opened a few rings to have fun.

After Bai Chen watched it for a while, he also went offline directly.

It's still the same place.

Bronze Black Cross headquarters, his exclusive bedroom.

Leaving the bedroom, feeling the breath of the girls, Youchen found them in the training ground.

And when he appeared in front of Guinevia like a ghost, the God Ancestor with a frightened expression came into view.

At the same time, when Princess Alice, who was originally standing beside Guinevia, saw Bai Chen for the first time, her eyes were empty, as if she had been bewitched by something, and her consciousness was gradually sucked away.

Athena appeared beside Alice, covering Alice's eyes.

"Don't you, as witches, like to stare at others?"

Athena's voice was a little helpless.

It's been several times, why don't you have a long memory?

"Thank you, Lady Athena."

Alice, who had returned to normal, patted her chest and thanked Athena.

However, she was also a little helpless.

Because, when he saw Bai Chen, the spiritual vision just now was activated completely uncontrollably.

Not only that, in her vision.

The divinity and soul held by the man she should be very familiar with in front of her has expanded further than before leaving.

In the past, Bai Chen only possessed the divinity of the God of Steel Army, but now he has the Bible and the Kabbalah system inexplicably.

Although the picture seen by the spirit vision is only a glimpse, but Alice is sure that she is absolutely right.

Where did the king go?

World Ruins, Nether Realm, or God Realm?

Could it be that a certain God of disobedience in the Bible Department was cut off?!

However, why did the council of wise men not respond?

"It's a big brain."

With just a glance, Bai Chen had an insight into Alice's mental activities, and couldn't help chuckling.

He just obtained most of the knowledge of the Kabbalah tree of life under various "coincidences", and was able to inflate himself a wave. In the end, he was made up by her brain as the one who killed a certain Bible department. God of disobedience.

The god of disobedience in the Bible is so easy to come. .

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