Chapter 531

It would be okay if he just injured Andarish, but no matter what, the scene of being roughly kicked away was still unacceptable for a while.

Such an outrageous thing, even the strongest adventurer in Orari, Ota of Iv7, can't do it.

But no matter what, an outrageous scene happened right in front of my eyes.

No matter how stunned you are, you can't change the fact that has already happened.

the other side.

Bai Chen, who doesn't know how much impact his actions have had, still has unfinished business.

Andaris, who obtained the power of the moon god, was almost immortal.

Although it can be killed with Bai Chen's power, Artemis will die from exhaustion and exhaustion in that case.

The purpose of his coming is also meaningless.

However, Baifeng also has his own way.

In the next second, he suddenly appeared beside Andaris.

Seeing the enemy reappear, it struggled to get up with half of its body embedded in the wall, roaring unyieldingly.

"Let's make a quick decision."

At present, Artemis still retains consciousness. If she waits until she merges with Andaris, it will undoubtedly increase her workload a lot.

Don't think about it any more.

Accompanied by thick smoke and storm, Bai Chen lightly stepped on Andaris' chest.

020 Just like some game bosses like to put their weaknesses in the most conspicuous places, the location of Artemis in Andaris is also clear at a glance.

And at this moment, Andaris seemed to know what Bai Chen wanted to do, his thick stinger stinging like a missile.

But before that, the torso that Andaris had just raised crashed to the ground as if a thousand tons of mass were pressing on him.

No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't move the stage.

"Don't worry, you'll be free soon."

After making the declaration that made the monsters tremble, Bai Chen directly tore off the bone armor covered by Andaris, revealing the clear and transparent rhombic crystal inside.

And in this crystal, Artemis, whose consciousness was already in a trance, was opening his eyes, looking at the man in front of him.

I saw him lightly tap the crystal with his fingers, and even the most advanced adventurers could not scratch the barrier, and it was covered with spider web-like cracks in an instant.

Immediately, it shattered.

Artemis, who was sealed in it, also lost her confinement. Under the influence of gravity, her body fell forward uncontrollably. (caeh) Bai Chen put his hand on her shoulder.

Mixed in the soft holy light, Artemis gradually regained his rationality, and his emerald green pupils also ignited with brilliance.

"I... this is..."

The pure goddess opened her mouth slightly, and after a brief moment of confusion, she recognized the man who was hugging her.

Although it is not the same as the live broadcast, it is indeed the friend she met in the chat group.

"You're awake, it's over."

Following Bai Chen's line of sight, Artemis looked down.

The body of Andaris embedded in the broken wall was like burnt ashes, slowly dissipating with the wind.

But just when she breathed a sigh of relief, she was about to ask Bai Chen about the situation of her family members.

A beam of light descended from the sky.

Artemis was startled, she knew that this beam of light was caused by the rules jointly established by the gods.

Once a god breaks the rules and uses divine power in the lower realm, he will be sent back to the heaven realm.

And the power used by Andaris before is undoubtedly Artemis's.

But since Andaris is not affected by divine power, Artemis himself will naturally be affected.

Of course, Bai Chen had already expected this situation.

After working for a long time, in the end, if Artemis returned to the heaven, wouldn't it be a waste of work?

After all, the content of the commission was to let Artemis stay in the lower realm.

Bai Chen didn't say much, but a gleam of light emerged from his fingertips, and the Holy Dusk Spear appeared from his hand, and then a bright holy light burst out.

Without chanting the incantation, the golden holy spear came out of his hand, drew a straight ray in the air, collided with the beam of sending light that was about to shine down, and then scattered the beam of light without a pause.

The violent force swept away the flowing clouds in the sky, filling the world that had already dawned with dazzling brilliance.

The beam of light no longer fell.


The golden brilliance gradually faded from the eyes, and Artemis showed an incredible expression on his face.

After a while, she asked in a daze.

"In the future... can I continue to stay in the human world?"


Bai Chen brushed the long blue hair hanging on the side of his face over his right ear for the cute goddess at the moment, and said affirmatively.

"Otherwise, stay with me in the future..."

Remembering that it was the live broadcast, Bai Chen stopped the teasing words in time, and then brought Artemis back to the ground.

In fact, it only took a few minutes from the beginning to the end of the battle.

But for these girls who survived the catastrophe, it seems like centuries.

However, after seeing the reappearance of his own god, no matter what he was thinking before, he surrounded him at this moment.

It's just that when he approached Bai Chen, he hesitated.

After all, just relying on his previous performance, it is really difficult for people to approach easily.

This is not fear, but a feeling similar to "idolatry" in religion.

Artemis obviously didn't notice this situation.

Of course, when she saw these girls who were almost all injured, she was also full of remorse.

"Sorry, if I didn't want to enter the ruins together, such a thing would not have happened.

As soon as this remark came out, the members of the Artemis family immediately shook their heads and denied it.

"Master Artemis, we have never blamed you!"

"It feels great to be able to fight on the front line with Lord Artemis!"

"That's right, we don't regret following you, and you don't have to apologize to us."


Hearing these girls' heartfelt words, tears welled up in Artemis' eyes.

Then, there were words of comfort and encouragement between them.

After this battle, the relationship between members of the Artemis family has gone a step further than before.

This is the best result for Artemis whose original intention is to build a "home".

Of course, after the communication between the families was over, everyone turned their attention to Baichen.

But compared to their previous cheerfulness, now they are like students who have made mistakes, shrinking their bodies and eyes, and can't even meet Bai Chen's eyes. .

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