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Chapter 534 Do I Look Like A Minor?

Chapter 534

Memorizing the mileage and direction of the mission is the basic essentials of a scout.

Although Artemis cannot use divine power, hundreds of millions of years have brought her extremely rich experience.

Determine the direction and distance, then...

This group of girls experienced what is called "flying feeling".

The Artemis family has flying props.

However, the durability and endurance of flying props are not very long. Compared with the experience brought to them by Bai Chen, it is simply a world of difference.

It's like the speed of ants and spaceships.

Even if you use a flying dragon, it will take a week's journey to go on a fast horse. Even if Bai Chen goes around and back, it will not take more than a minute.

Of course, considering the physical problems of the girls, Bai Chen maintained the speed at a distance they could bear while enjoying the scenery along the way.

If he is the only one, after knowing the location of Olalie, he can use space magic to move directly there.


In this huge city built on the underground labyrinth, known as the labyrinth city, races from all over the world gathered.

The degree of excitement can only be described by the word prosperity.

All racial elites gather here.

A very large number of gods also live here.

Under the grace of 100 gods, mortals joined different families, met companions, and carried out adventures, trade, entertainment and even battles in Orario.

Everything in the city is extremely prosperous.

The reason is the underground labyrinth.

Although the monsters in the maze are extremely dangerous, the maze also brings people a lot of valuable wealth.

Magic spar, and various materials dropped from monsters.

If one day, the underground labyrinth suddenly disappears, perhaps the city will also be destroyed.

However, this is not an issue that Bai Chen needs to consider.

From the ancient ruins to Orario, it takes only twenty minutes.

Of course, in order not to cause unnecessary trouble, Bai Chen did not directly fall from the sky above Orario, but after falling nearby, he and the Artemis family directly entered through the main entrance.

Their return went unnoticed.

On the one hand, Olalie has a huge flow of people coming in and out every day, and on the other hand, the Artemis family is not a powerful family, and they often carry out investigation tasks outside, so they are not as good as the Loki family or the Freya family in the eyes of the public. So glamorous and beautiful, every time it comes back, it will cause a big commotion.

Although Olali is the largest city in the world, it can also be found that the gates of the entrance and exit have been renovated several times. Compared with the luxurious capitals in the movie, Olali has more rustic flavor.

To put it simply, it is intimacy.

Although it is a city in another world, it has a "air star" that can accommodate everything

Passing through the city gate with thick walls, besides the dazzling array of different races, the first thing that catches the eye is the huge tower that stands in the center of the city and soars into the sky.

Tower of Babel.

At first, it was a high-rise building where the main god Uranus suppressed the underground labyrinth and prevented monsters from escaping.

However, after time development, more than two floors above the ground have become commercial buildings.

If it goes further up, it is set up as a special suite for the main god of the family who has the ability to live here.

Back to the present.

The stream of people all around gathered together in twos and threes, as if they were discussing something.

After inquiring by the girls, I just learned that not long ago, the monsters in the underground labyrinth suddenly rioted for some reason.

The monsters in the lower, middle, and upper floors all rushed towards the exit of the dungeon crazily.

Therefore, the guild issued an urgent mission to keep capable family members on the first floor to prevent monsters from running to the ground.

It is said that both the Loki family and the Freya family participated in this defense battle.

But it is strange to say.

The monster rioted suddenly, and the dispersal was also quite sudden.

It was only a dozen (cacc) or twenty minutes before and after.

At present, those family members who participated in the war are retreating, leaving only minor personnel to guard them.

"This time seems to be the same as when we encountered Andaris before."

Some girls got together and discussed in a low voice.

"I don't know if it matters."

"It does matter."

Bai Chen looked at the puzzled Artemis.

"Andaris is a monster bred by the dungeon in ancient times. Perhaps it captured the divine power and made the dungeon aware of the moment of counterattack, so it subconsciously caused the dungeon monster to riot."

Such a dual-threaded operation made Bai Chen believe that the dungeon is impossible without wisdom.

In the animation, after Andaris captured Luna, he immediately prepared the arrow of Luna to wipe out the surface.

It's a pity that before it could be released, it was solved by the protagonist with a plug-in.

If it succeeds, the world and the gods can play GG together.

"So there is such a thing."

Even though the matter had passed, Artemis still couldn't avoid a moment of fear.

"By the way, I have something to deal with next, can you wait for me for a while?"

When he came to an intersection, Artemis suddenly put his palms together towards Bai Chen, assuming a begging attitude.

"Go ahead, just be careful not to keep my guest waiting too long.

Bai Chen said disapprovingly.

What Artemis said naturally refers to handing over investigation information to Uranus.

"By the way, if you need to mention me, just say it directly, there is no need to deliberately hide my identity.

"...Is this okay?"

Artemis showed a embarrassed expression.


Bai Chen smiled lightly.

"Well, then I'll go first."

After speaking, Artemis walked towards the Tower of Babel alone.

But as soon as he took a step, he immediately turned around and warned Bai Chen in a low voice: ... Also, please don't walk around in Olalie, the city is huge, and I might not find it when I come back you. "

Hearing this, Bai Chen showed a strange expression.

"Do I look like a minor?"

Hearing this, Artemis quickly waved his hands, completely different from the serious attitude he had at the ruins.

Afterwards, she hesitated for a while, tiptoed to Bai Chen's ear, and whispered: "...I do have such a feeling, well, I'm just joking, after I report on the task, I will Will be right back."

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