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Chapter 542 Is It That Kind Of Expansion?

Chapter 542

After that, the two left the Adventurer's Guild.

The nearest place to Adventurer Avenue is the gathering place of various taverns.

Although at this time, most adventurers would take risks in the dungeon, but due to the previous monster riots, after the initial crisis was resolved,

Most adventurers choose to wait and see near the square, or buy supplies nearby, or go to drink, as if they were giving themselves a day off.

Only a small number of adventurers will choose to venture deep into the dungeon.

And these changes are only the result of the appearance of An Dali.

But this is a joy to those businessmen.

Although it is not yet crowded, at least it can be regarded as a continuous flow.

However, without knowing where to start, the adventurers and gods who came and went stopped involuntarily, and after confirming that they had read correctly, they began to whisper under the eyes full of incredulity, gossip, and curiosity.

"Hey, you, did you see that one, 20 is that one!"

"Which one?"

"It's the goddess Artemis, she was originally a goddess who never sees her tail, but I didn't expect to be lucky enough to meet her today, she is really beautiful.

"I think it's a little less tasteful than Lady Freya."

"That's true. After all, as long as you are a man, it is impossible not to like Lord Freya, right? But the point is not this! You see the goddess Artemis walking side by side with a man, don't you think it's strange? ?!"


"It's actually true! But maybe it's someone you know at work?"

"Maybe, but don't you see that Artemis seems to be smiling all the time? Judging from a man's sixth sense, maybe"

"Masaka! Could it be that kind of unfolding?!"

The reason why Artemis is so famous among adventurers is precisely because of the word of mouth of the gods.

It is said that, without exception, all the gods who courted Artemis were coldly and rudely rejected.

After reaching the lower realm, those male gods told the matter to the family members, and then it spread.

Not only that, but other families and shops that have worked with the Artemis family have also secretly said that women in the Artemis family are difficult to get along with.

Some good-for-nothings even secretly nicknamed Artemis the "Iron Maiden" in private.

Therefore, when I saw Artemis walking with a young man talking and laughing, I naturally made a meaningful association.

Not long after, a girl with double ponytails and jet-black hair who happened to come out of a nearby alley subconsciously stopped when she heard the whispers of the adventurers around her.

She was wearing a white dress that looked like a dress, with a beautiful ponytail, a slightly immature and baby-fat face, and a proud bust that would be taken away subconsciously just by looking at it.

On the front of the chest, the left and right arms are connected by a slender blue ribbon, which seems to be a decoration, but it looks a bit monotonous.

It's just that such a very cute and charming woman has not received too much attention.

Because she is a goddess, and she is also the so-called "Northern District Natural Disaster", in addition to causing trouble, she can't even win over half of the family members.

The reason is that apart from teasing a few words in private, the Yin family only treats her as a mascot.

And if Bai Chen was present, he would definitely recognize her as the heroine of Encounter in the Dungeon, Hestia, the loli ru god.

Although the plot of the dungeon is excellent enough, there were also many people who came here just because of the goddess' ru.

Bai Chen is one of them.

In the chatter from the people around her, she heard the name of a friend.


This is one of the few good Ji friends she hasn't had the chance to see again since she was in the lower realm.

Now when I hear this name, and after capturing some key information from other people's conversations, I immediately lift my spirits.

Hestia curiously walked forward in the direction pointed by others.

Not long after, she saw two figures walking side by side.

One of them was short, slim, with sky blue mid-length hair from the back, and Hestia immediately recognized her as her best friend Artemis in Wegui!

The joy of reunion after a long absence made Hestia smile, and even her pupils dilated slightly, but just when she was about to wave her hand and shout to Artemis enthusiastically, she caught a glimpse of Artemis' smiling side face.

Hestia then stopped and looked at the man next to his friend.

Although it is from the back, it can also be seen that it is a man.

Wearing an exquisite and slim black long dress like a dress, his body looks tall and slender, and his appearance inadvertently revealed is even worse than those of the already outstanding gods.

From Hestia's point of view, the man standing beside Artemis is really handsome, and he also has a special temperament that those frivolous male gods don't have. 283

If it weren't for walking with Artemis, perhaps a bold girl would have approached him.

"Is it true that Artemis fell in love as others said?"

Thinking of this, Hestia suddenly became entangled.

If this is the case, she doesn't know whether to congratulate her or say something else.

After all, when they were in the Heaven Realm, the two of them were the famous "Iron Maidens". They rejected all the male gods' courtship, and their usual relationship was very good.

It wasn't until Artemis went down to the lower bounds that there was no contact.

Now they meet again, but Artemis suddenly "leaves the single", which makes Hestia suddenly have the illusion of being abandoned.

Anyway, let's meet first!

She raised her little hand again and waved it in the direction of Artemis excitedly.


But just as Hestia's call sounded, it was overwhelmed by the noisy flow of people.

No way, who told her she was too short.

the other side.

Artemis, who was introducing the nearby delicacies to Bai Chen, looked back with some doubts, but he didn't see anyone.

"Just now, was someone calling me?".

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