Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter Five Hundred And Seventieth Different From Others

Chapter 570

The Spirit of Time: "It is to prevent us from falling too far, and we will help if we have a grudge in our hearts."

The Spirit of Time: "In addition, don't worry about moral kidnapping and other issues, after all, even if Mr. Bai Chen needs help, with our strength, it is difficult to help.

Blue Slime: "That's why I have always believed that the boss Bai Chen is the hidden group leader!"

Moon Goddess: "So Bai Chen is the group leader?"

Electromagnetic Gun: "Although he has never admitted it, this is already our tacit truth. Otherwise, how could he have a guarantee every time he draws?"

Little Spider: "Although we don't have a guaranteed bottom line in the lottery, we can increase the probability of shipments by paying homage to the boss, so don't say anything, let's burn the incense!"

Railgun: "...That's right."

Sister Pao feels the surging power of Thor in her body", and she has to agree.

Chaos evil: "Huh? Just say it in the group like this - is it really good?"

Butterfly Ren: "It shouldn't matter, I think Mr. Bai Chen knew about this a long time ago, but he just didn't point it out.

Goddess of the Moon: "Is there such an operation in the lottery?"

Non-staff individual: "I see."

Jibril, who was peeking at the screen, captured an important message.

She is not worried about the way to obtain points.

Rare materials, or time map skills?

This kind of thing just needs to search the battlefield.

But thinking about it carefully, as a member of Artosh, the god of war, how could she worship another god from another world?

What's more, according to the inference, there is no definite reason to prove that worshiping Bai Chen's statue can improve luck.

Otherwise, wouldn't that mean that the existence of Bai Chen has been able to affect different worlds?

Teacher Loli: "All in all, although Bai Chen's ideas are incomprehensible to ordinary people, he will never do meaningless things."

Sheng Tianzi: "So that's the case, I understand."

Sheng Tianzi: "Thank you very much."

I don't want to see a ghost: "Then Miss Shengtianzi is going to issue a commission later?"

Sheng Tianzi: "Well, is there any question?"

She has completely put herself in the position of a junior.

I don't want to see a ghost: "Of course there is no problem, but can you please start a live broadcast later, so that we can also see the picture over there?"

Sheng Tianzi: "Live broadcast?"

As a modern person, the Holy Son of Heaven naturally knows what live broadcasting means.

Little Spider: "Live streaming is a must! I've already stocked up on snacks, and I'm just waiting to see the big guy pretend."

Next, under the careful guidance of group friends, Sheng Tianzi quickly found the option of group live broadcast, and at the instigation of Limulu, an ISP, Sheng Tianzi opened the live broadcast in advance

[Group reminder: group member "Holy Son of Heaven" started the live broadcast, everyone come and watch~~~]

["Blue Slime" entered the live broadcast room. 】

["Little Spider" entered the live broadcast room. 】

【"I don't want to see a ghost" entered the live broadcast room】

["Super Electromagnetic Gun" entered the live broadcast room. 】

Almost at the same time, everyone in the chat group entered the live broadcast interface in unison.

Then, the Holy Son of Heaven with a doubtful look on his fair face appeared in the center of the interface.

The environment inside the car was a little dark, but even so, the girl's image was as bright and natural as if surrounded by holy light.

"So... is it considered successful?"

The whispering Sheng Tianzi was talking to himself in the live broadcast interface.

Obviously, she still hasn't figured out how chat groups work.

Luo Abao: "???"

Luo Abao: "Are the newcomers so young?"

Blue Slime: "Wow! What a beautiful lady! Much more beautiful than I imagined!"

After seeing the real person Sheng Tianzi, Limulu couldn't help exclaiming the nature of SP after a short period of stupefaction.

Little Spider: "The newcomer is not what I imagined, and he doesn't seem to be very old."

I don't want to see a ghost: "Yeah, I thought I was at least in my twenties, but I didn't expect that it looks about my age."

Black-haired loli: "Sister Shengtianzi is so beautiful!"

Chaos Evil: "This... so beautiful! So young! So good temperament!"


Fujimaru Tachika was also amazed.

She is about the same age as Sheng Tianzi, but it's really annoying to be compared with others!

In terms of appearance and figure, she is convinced!

Seeing the barrage across the chat interface, even though I have seen the Holy Son of Heaven on TV countless times, I feel a little embarrassed when faced with such a situation.

This can be seen from the girl's slightly red cheeks.


Bai Chen: "You are indeed young, you should only be sixteen now."

Regarding the reactions of the people in the group, it was rare for Bai Chen to stand on the same side as them.

Although there are many women around him who are noble goddesses, the appearance of the Holy Son of Heaven is not inferior to them.


At most, it is slightly inferior in temperament.

In fact, the setting that the Holy Son of Heaven is a beauty has been clearly reflected in the original novels and animations.

She is the most beautiful woman among the emperors of all dynasties, and her image in the animation is completely different from that of anyone else, including the protagonist Rami Rentaro.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as a sudden change in painting style.

Holy Son: "Yes."

Teacher Loli: "It's really young."

Nangong didn't care about the other party's appearance that month, but felt that she was young, but she had to be the leader of a country in the end-time world.

The pressure is definitely not ordinary.

Railgun: "Have you noticed that the man in the front co-pilot has been staring at the newcomer from the corner of his eye?"

Chaos Evil: "The eyes are a bit wretched."

Little Spider: "Indeed, I dare to use my eight eyes as a guarantee!"

I don't want to see a ghost: "Miss Shengtianzi, who is that man?"

The live broadcast camera is not fixed, the picture shown is completely movie-level camera movement, if there is a change in a certain place, it will even give a close-up shot very intimately, and the hidden villains have not found it at all, His ambush was completely seen by the surrounding audience.

Sheng Tianzi: "It's the captain of the personal guard. To be honest, I don't like this person very much."

Blue Slime: "Since even the little sister said so, it must be that the villain didn't run away!".

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