Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 578 Newcomers Join The Group

Chapter 578

"Hallelujah, our God, all glory and praise belong to the Almighty Almighty Yahweh! There is only one true God King!"

God is high above the sky.

On the ground, the believers who fell face down and praised the glory.

Hearing people's praises, Bai Chen looked away.

Then, he turned to the Holy Son of Heaven brought by him with space control magic.

"Anything else to say?"

Under Bai Chen's smiling gaze, Sheng Tianzi just pursed his lips.

Seeing the appearance of the girl, the answer is already obvious.

"Come here, and then I'll keep my promise."


The Holy Son of Heaven looked at Bai Chen who was surrounded by light, and his complicated thoughts disappeared.

The light set off her, only making the girl feel warm.

A holy spear composed of light appeared in Bai Chen's hand, aiming at the abdomen of the Holy Son of Heaven and slowly piercing it.

The tip of the spear, which could easily cut through fine steel, pierced into the woman's abdominal cavity.

In the Bible, a woman represents birth, and the most prominent representative is the Virgin Mary giving birth to the Son Jesus.

In order for the Holy Son of Heaven to transform into his "Michael", what Bai Chen has to do is to engrave the stigmata on her body.

The Holy Son of Heaven, who was pierced into his body by the spear point, did not feel any pain.

On the contrary, she also felt a surge of energy washing her body, and she had that faint connection with Bai Chen.

After a while, the engraving ends.

Sheng Tianzi opened his eyes with a complicated expression.

If according to the previous agreement, then I should be the queen established by the god Bai Chen.

Bai Chen looked at the girl who was more maternal than before, and said with a chuckle, "Just take it as a gift of glory, and watch carefully."

As soon as the words fell, the cross-shaped beams of light that originally stood all over the world quietly shattered like dandelions.

They turned into examples of light, which splashed all over the world.

Just like what he did in the demon world before, all the sick and disabled people here were healed by being bathed in the holy light.

For a time, people became more fanatical and respectful.

Afterwards, the golden light that spread all over the world quietly disappeared, revealing a clear blue sky.

If it weren't for the ashes blowing into the distance, perhaps everything just now would have seemed like a dream.

But after reacting, there is endless joy.

They are reborn in a new world.

For the Holy Son of Heaven.

The present situation, after the world has been inundated with gastroenteria, is a future she never imagined.

After the end of Bai Chen's manifestation, the Holy Son of Heaven closed the live broadcast.

But when she returned to the holy residence, she was a little confused.

"Are you thinking about what to do in the future~?"

Bai Chen's voice passed over, allowing the Holy Son of Heaven to look over.

Although he became his "Michael", the relationship between the two has not changed much.

"Yes, I don't know what to do with the new world."

The silver-white hair slipped from the girl's ears, and the breeze blew up the holy hair.

"All according to your own ideas."

Bai Chen said.

All the sinners in the world were burned to death by the fire of sin, and all that remained were the righteous who believed in him and the sons of the curse.

Although he can do a good job in political matters, he doesn't bother to bother.

Sheng Tianzi is not a suitable leader in the last days, but she is the most suitable leader in the new world where all obstacles have been eliminated.


If Bai Chen paved the road to this extent, and she still couldn't handle it well, it could only show that there was something wrong with her ability.

But this is also impossible.

Sheng Tianzi has received education from a political family since she was a child, and she knows what to do.

"In addition, regarding the virus erosion rate of the children of the curse, I have suppressed the virus in their bodies, and when the vaccine is developed by Dagu, you can negotiate with them.

"Big bone... poof.

Hearing these words, the Holy Son of Heaven suddenly laughed.


"I'm just curious, why do people call him Da Gu even though he is called Da Gu?"

"It's just a stalk from the Celestial Dynasty."

Bai Chen said.

...so Mr. Bai Chen is from the Celestial Dynasty?"

Sheng Tianzi was slightly startled, and then took the initiative to skip this topic.

"Are you leaving?"

"Well, after all, I've done everything I need to do, not to mention if you have any questions, you can always contact me through the chat group.

After speaking, Bai Chen disappeared, as if he had never appeared.

On the contrary, the Holy Son of Heaven felt a sense of loss.

However, if you really want to get in touch, you can use the chat group to get in touch at any time.

She forcibly suppressed the yearning for Bai Chen in her heart, thinking about the next thing.

After all, she has many things to do in the next period of time.

[Group reminder (private): You have perfectly completed the entrustment of the group member "Holy Son of Heaven", with +10000 points. 】

The Spirit of Time: "Although it's a bit redundant to say so, welcome back, Mr. Bai Chen."

Chaos Evil: "Although the process is different from what I thought, it is inexplicably relieved, the fate of those bad guys.

I don't want to see a ghost: "Indeed, those children have done nothing wrong, but they will always be discriminated against."

Railgun: "Although the ending is quite comfortable, is the God in the Bible really that fierce?"

Teacher Loli: "It's fierce, what is it referring to?"

Railgun: "It's about Sodom and Gomorrah."

Teacher Loli: "I don't know, but there are such records in the Bible.

Bai Chen: "Actually (Wang Li's) the gods of all monotheistic religions are very authoritarian, and in the Bible, God kills the most people. In the eyes of many people, Tian Zijiao is indeed a kind of cult. "

Railgun: "Uh... is this an official answer? It always feels a little weird.

Bai Chen: "It will be beneficial if you listen carefully."

After all, Bai Chen is not the real God, but just happens to be ready to take the seat of "LORD of hosts".

And Miss Pao was right.

God is not entirely benevolent.

This is described in detail in the Bible, especially in the Old Testament.

Next, Shengtianzi talked with Dagu and Nangong in the group about making gastritis vaccines.

And at this moment, under Bai Chen's casual gaze, he suddenly found an unfamiliar nickname mixed into the original chat box.

Indecisive white-haired loli?

What is this?.

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