Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 604 Xiaoji Who Runs Away At Any Time

Chapter 604

Chaos Evil: "Finally I can go to Jibril's world, I've been wondering what's going on there for a long time!"

The Spirit of Time: "I hope I don't forget to broadcast live this time."

Bai Chen: "The live broadcast will not be missed."

Electromagnetic Gun: "Wait a minute! Will there be a bloody scene in the next live broadcast? I have to be mentally prepared."

Butterfly Shinobi: "It probably won't happen this time, after all, the main theme over there is just war."

Non-staff individual: "Are you ready?"

[Group reminder (private): Your entrustment has been received by the group member "Bai Chen". Do you agree with the other party to go to the world where you are? 】


A world of blue-green ash.

Jibril was quietly suspended in the air, and the girl who was silently waiting saw a blue door of time and space open quietly.

A familiar figure walked out slowly, and the clear golden pupils swept over him, making Jibril feel goosebumps all over her body.

Compared with the short meeting in the group arena, Jibril felt a huge sense of oppression from the level of life from Bai Chen after the real face-to-face.

Even though she knew that Bai Chen, who had accepted the entrustment, would not hurt herself, this creepy feeling that she would only feel when facing Artosh-sama still forced Jibril to subconsciously be vigilant.

Under the gaze of the girl with the irregular halo above her head and the face of an angel, Bai Chen chuckled and spoke.

"It's our first time meeting, Jibril, but why are you so strict?"

"...I'm just worried that you will attack me suddenly, so be prepared to run away at any time.

I have never said such words when facing dragon spirits, giants, phantoms, and even other gods.

But Jibril clearly knew how big the gap was between herself and Bai Chen.

Once she starts to fight, she will die instantly.

And it's kind of helpless.

"Although little Jill, you have a bad personality, but you can agree to this entrustment. It's too late for me to thank you, so how could I attack you?"

Bai Chen smiled and waved his hands.

"After I think about it, I can't rule out the possibility."

Jibril said straight to the point.

"Don't worry, Xiaoji is the initiator of the entrustment. If you die, the entrustment will be directly judged to be a failure [Do I need to spend so much effort to make a trip in vain?"

...You are right, there are chat group rules, I am too nervous. "

After pondering for a while, Jibril relaxed her vigilance, showing the same smile as usual.

She rearranged her clothes, gently shook the wings that grew behind her waist, and crossed her white legs.

But Jibril never thought that only her death can determine the failure of the commission.

But Bai Chen could directly transform her into his slave.

Of course, as long as Jibril is honest, he will not do such outrageous things.

"So, what are you going to do next? If you have nothing to do, I can take you to see Master Artoxi now."

"Don't be in a hurry to get into the topic, after all, the live broadcast has just started.

Bai Chen said with a smile.

"I'll go here for a stroll first, let the group of friends understand the general situation here.

"Okay, but let me tell you in advance, we don't have as many attractions and popularity as in the other world."

Jibril nodded, temporarily put down the idea of ​​reporting, and started wandering around with Bai Chen instead.

Afterwards, Bai Chen and Jibril walked together and traveled continuously over the continent of the game life world.

It has to be said that what Jibril said is correct.

Under the influence of the war that has lasted for an unknown period of time, there is really no place (cae) worth visiting here.

Just like the dark bullet world where the Son of Heaven lives.

Everything in sight has been destroyed by the war.

Except for the blue-green ashes falling like snowflakes, there are only ruins covered in ashes, telling the tragedy of the war.

Of course, there are still some scattered corpses.

Jibril put her hands behind her head, as if floating on the water, followed Bai Chen, and said with a dull face: "Let me just say, there is nothing to see here. In terms of scenery, Abant -The view from above Heim is a hundred thousand times better than this!"

"Having said that, but the instigator of this situation should be you?"

Bai Chen shook his head.

"Yeah, who made those races disobedient at all! Wouldn't it be good if they were obediently killed by us?"

Jibril's face was full of righteous words, and she had no intention of introspection at all.

"It is obviously impossible to win, but it is necessary to resist in vain. I don't understand it at all!"

In the live broadcast room.

The other group members heard Jibril's remarks and started a discussion again.

Little White Cat: "It seems...doesn't mean to reflect at all?"

Bad woman: "This is the result of unequal status, and the world Jibril lives in is even more distorted than mine."

After seeing the tragic situation caused by the war, Maqima was also touched.

Inequality in status and strength will cause various consequences.

Therefore, she wants to establish "equal relationships" all over the world.

However, due to lack of ability, she can only expand the mandatory equality of the dominated by the power of domination.

It wasn't until the appearance of Bai Chen that she saw the dawn of real equality.

Therefore, even though she was the one being dominated in the end, Machima enjoyed the result very much.

After all, her goal has been achieved.

After Bai Chen descended as the "only God", "equality" also naturally descended on everyone.

Blue Slime: "Guys, do you dare to believe that this is something a demon can say?"

Luo Abao: "I feel that the Flügel species can be renamed the Demon species."

Little white cat: "?"

Little White Cat: "Who stipulates that demons cannot love peace?"

Demons are just one race, and even angels have bad guys.

Big bone boiled into soup: "Yes, there are bad people among angels, and good people among demons. What's more, every race has the right to continue to live, and this cannot be decided unilaterally."

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