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Chapter 610 You Should All Repent

Chapter 610

The youth in the sky looked at the surging energy and smiled expectantly.

The next moment, the golden light that overflowed with brilliant divine power became even brighter, and the divine power appeared from the clouds.

Just listening to it will make the heart shake, and the voice of the brain trembling will be transmitted.

"It's just that the Flügel has such guts. It's really remarkable, but...hehe."

Under the watchful eyes of all the creatures on the ground, the guns of light that broke through the clouds and flew to the sky were all swallowed up by the pure golden ocean of light.

The sky strikes launched by all the Flügel species are powerful enough to shatter mountains, evaporate oceans, and shift continental plates.

However, it is such a force that can destroy the surface of the earth, but it is finally submerged in the brilliance without a sound.


All the Flügel, including Jibril, were all terrified to find themselves ~ unable to move.

Limbs, fingers, and the head, only the eyeballs are left.

As if falling into the bottom of the deep sea, the majestic suffocating pressure submerged them all.

Is this really... a god-species?

Because of the fear in her heart, Azrael's face, which had shrunk from the sky strike, wrinkled into a ball.

They have teamed up in the past to deprive a god of the marrow.

But now, even if they shot all the sky strikes they were most proud of, they couldn't hurt each other even a little bit.

What's even more outrageous is that the other party didn't even show up in person, but just cast their eyes on them, making them lose their resistance completely.

Is it true that as Jibril said, the one in the sky is a god from another world?

At this moment, the voice continued to sound.

"The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of heaven is at hand, repent ye."

The voice that directly sounded in the heart pierced through the whole body of the Flügel.


What are you kidding?!

Azrael raised a twisted face.

The true Flügel are those who take hatred as their joy, greedy for anger, allow betrayal, and ravage and ignorant as they please!

It's just a mere Ability God...!

Their thoughts seemed to be guessed, and then a magnificent voice sounded.

"You are from below, I am from above, you are of this world, I am not of this world.

"I am the king, I was born for this, and I came to this world specially for this, to testify to the truth, and everyone who belongs to the truth, listen to my words."

The loud voice was deafening, and the girls, including Jibril, suddenly gained control of their limbs.

But that voice was so breathtaking that they all fell to the surface together with the scattered ashes like spirits who had lost their lives.

Seeing this scene, Artoxiu showed a satisfied smile instead.

Then use a calm voice that can also shake the world to tell.

"The idiots who dare to claim the name of God in front of me, who is the king? And who is the truth?!"

Artosh also has his own pride.

So far, no matter what race it is, they are all insignificant trash in front of him.

Just because his essence is "war" and "the strongest".

Even in the face of a heterogeneous existence that he has never seen before, Artoxiu still released an extremely fierce aura.

But there was only one sentence from the sky.

"I am the way, the truth, and the life.

In the next second, Artoxiu realized that there was authority locking him.

It was far superior to the miscellaneous fish that he had destroyed, possessed a great power that was completely different from the whole world, and a threat strong enough to tear his soul and even everything apart.

Faced with such a domineering answer, even Artosh was stunned for half a second.

Afterwards, he reacted and released a ferocious aura.

The law of knots wailed, and the order of the planet was gradually distorted around Artosh's body.

"I've been waiting impatiently for a long time. "My "invincible"!"

The power of God of War is revealed.

The jurisprudence shows that the essence of "the strongest" is thus defined.

To be more precise, Artoxiu's power is constantly expanding.

The concepts that exist in the sky, the earth, and the whole world are all providing power to Artosh himself.

In order to fight an enemy that can only be met in tens of thousands of years, Artosh released the "law" that no god in this world can resist

The sturdy man opened his shining pure white wings, and with the joy overflowing in his chest, he turned into a sharp arrow that left the string, breaking through the hall of the Jade Throne in an instant. Teheim groaned in pain.

0 looking for flowers......

Together with the land under the floating city, it was also torn apart, and the continental plate shifted.

Turning into a figure of pure white starlight, it flew straight towards the sky.

In just a few seconds, he broke through the atmosphere and came to the void Taichen.

Then, the brilliance that illuminated the world burst out from above the planet.

In the first round, the two sides fought the most primitive hand-to-hand combat.

And this is also related to Artoxiu's traits.

Although Bai Chen engaged in less and less melee combat, his own skills have not been forgotten.

In the starry sky, the brilliance flickered, it was the shattered elf on the body of the god of war Artoxiu.

In just a few breaths, the two sides carried out hundreds of offensive and defensive battles.

The Holy Spear of Dusk sliced ​​through the defensive light curtain of God of War, leaving deep and visible wounds on his body.

Afterwards, Bai Chen's left hand gathered brilliance, bombarded Artoxiu's chest, and smashed him into the air.

With the spirit and its own energy as the medium, the violent sound can be heard even in space.

At this time, Bai Chen saw a golden spear appearing from Artoxiu's right hand.

Bai Chen recognized the true face of the spear.

Tens of thousands of years ago, on the battlefield where Artoxiu faced the strongest dragon spirit, the ultimate dragon king, God of War made the strongest dragon a history with this weapon that could burn even time.

In the next second, it was powerful enough to tear apart the brilliance of the planet, draw a straight line in space, and bombard it.

But Bai Chen, who had already prepared, smashed them all with the Twilight Holy Spear.

The torrent of energy it exploded caused the real space to begin to distort, and even collapsed in some places.

Even though Artoxiu was covered in injuries, he was still fighting high.

And Bai Chen, who noticed that the power of the God of War was still expanding, finally waited for the opportunity worthy of his action.

Then, the words that shook the starry sky sounded.

"The angry one, is it instant madness, follow nature (IrafurorbrevisestSequerenaturan).

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