Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 673: The Drunkard Doesn’T Want To Drink

Chapter 673

After exiting the chat group, Bai Chen left the bedroom.

It was evening, and he came back just in time.

"King, you are back."

Seeing the figure appearing from the second floor, the girls stood up and saluted one after another.

Because of the sudden return, the Qingqiu Yuanyong who stood up still had rice grains hanging from his mouth.

Mariya Yuri on the side winked at her, and after she realized it, he quickly stuck out his tongue and licked the rice grains back into his mouth.

Mariya Yuri: "

The girl was very speechless.

Although you grew up in the mountains and forests since you were young, at least you have received the education of Yamato Nadeko, right?

Of course, Qingqiu Yuan Huina didn't think it was wrong, after all, food should not be wasted, and this is the meal cooked by Master Athena, if it is not too solemn every occasion for eating, almost everyone's status is more noble than her, Otherwise, she couldn't help but occupy the whole pot.

"Okay, let's all sit down."

Bai Chen smiled, and immediately sat on the seat Liliana had prepared for him.

Although he had said long ago not to be so restrained, these girls still insisted on using their status as an excuse and saluted him every time they saw him.

Although this feeling of being respected is good, Bai Chen prefers to see it only on ordinary people.

Could it be that what I did before was a little too much?

Recalling all the things he had done in the world of godslayers, Bai Chen found that some of his actions were indeed the cause of the current situation.

However, this situation will at least gradually disappear with time.

"You came back just in time, and there is something you need to know just in time."

Afterwards, Athena stated the "summation" message sent by Pandora in its original form.

"Oh, that goddess is quite sensible. I thought she was going to fight to the end with me, a different kind of godslayer."

"In a sense, she is indeed a diehard. After all, Pandora is only asking for peace and not submitting. If she refuses, the concubine will convey the news to Pandora. The concubine feels that it can turn human beings into godslayers. , It would be better to hold it in your own hands.”

Facing Athena's radical idea, Bai Chen leaned back on the chair comfortably, took a sip of the food made by the goddess, and said with a light smile.

"Let her go, after all, in name, Pandora is still the mother of our godslayers."

Although he only saw Pandora's figure when he killed the god for the first time, he has a good sense of this goddess.

Never since the gods ravaged the earth, they have been sticking to the ring to ensure that human beings can smoothly transform into godslayers after killing gods.

Although Pandora herself is also a God of Disobedience, at least from a standpoint, she is on the human side.

For so many years, he has been conscientious and has not gone out to cause trouble, so Bai Chen is too lazy to take action against Pandora unless necessary.

What's more, she is still a loli goddess who doesn't have much fighting power.

"Invite her to my house some other day. If she doesn't come, it will be regarded as a declaration of war."

Bai Chen said casually.

Hearing this, Athena squinted at Bai Chen.

After living with a man for such a long time, Athena knew what to say when she opened her mouth.

Inviting Pandora to come over as a guest is obviously a drunkard's intention.

But Athena is not the kind of stingy goddess.

In the future, it will only be a competition of multiple goddesses for favor, and as the main palace, she can still accommodate it.

Not long after, Bai Chen's family dinner ended amidst the noise.

The maids were in charge of cleaning up the mess, and Bai Chen suppressed the smile on his lips and looked at Athena: "Let's go together later in the bath?"

Although Athena gave Bai Chen a blank look, showing shame and annoyance, she still nodded slightly.

Although she (cbfi) used to be a virgin and didn't like to be close to men, but now that she has become a partner with Bai Chen, she will also change herself.

Besides, she did not have any contact with Bai Chen for some time.

"Wang, can I join too?"

Upon hearing this, Alice covered her mouth and showed a teasing smile.

OK. "


Bai Chen agreed immediately.

Then it was Alice's turn to freeze.

She intended to make fun of it, but she didn't expect Bai Chen to be so straightforward and put herself in it.

And now, since Bai Chen agreed, she couldn't refuse, so she could only sit there blushing.

Of course, Princess Alice also has some expectations in her heart.

After all, just thinking about it is a bit red chicken.

Seeing Alice in the water, Bai Chen naturally wanted to be more lively.

So he looked at the girls with full expectation: "Who else wants to come together?"

The result was unexpected.

Except for Lancelot and Guinevia, all the other girls agreed.

Even Luo Hao agreed.

It seems that with the increase of time spent together, the degree of goodwill can also develop rapidly.

Ever since, a group of people entered the large bathing place one after another.

The luxuriously decorated dome is as bright as the Milky Way, and the patterned decorations near the bathing place, under the hazy heat, it looks like a fairyland.

After taking off his clothes, Bai Chen casually sat on the edge of the bath.

Athena, who was wrapped in a thin bath towel, sat down next to Bai Chen.

Feeling the soft skin, Bai Chen is really happy.

"What's the situation on the other side?"

Bai Chen knew that the goddess referred to Hakoniwa.

"It went well, and all the expected goals were achieved."

"Well, try to be careful.

Athena nodded.

For the trip to Hakoniwa, she knew that she could not provide substantial help, so she could only give verbal support like now.

"If you fail in other worlds, I, Luo Hao, will not let you go."

A beautiful voice like a yueqin sounded from behind.

Looking back, Luo Hao, who tied his long black hair into a ponytail with a hairpin, swung his slender waist and entered the topic.

Looking at the beauty who was close at hand, Bai Chen's eyes naturally fell on it.

Although in the eyes of others, Luo Hao is the vicious leader of the Demon Cult, but at this moment, she is only wearing a thin and soft tulle Hanfu, her eyes can easily penetrate through the clothes, and she can see the jade skin covered with beads of sweat.

Although she is a godslayer, the girl's figure is unexpectedly thin, but where she should be thin, she is not ambiguous at all, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as exquisite.

"I didn't expect you to agree to come in."

Bai Chen said half-jokingly, at the same time a pair of eyes fell on Luo Hao with admiration.

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