Chapter 712

"What's wrong?"

Bai Chen stopped and looked at Catherine.

"...I just want to know, are you interested in the identity of an adventurer? Our association's commissions and rewards are quite rich, and it can definitely meet your various needs.

As the sign board girl of the association, Catherine's eyesight can be described as unparalleled.

She could see that Bai Chen was different from ordinary people.

Of course, she didn't know exactly where it was different.

.....I'm just a passing traveler. "

Bai Chen said with a light smile.

"Is that so sorry, I was the one who said too much just now.

Catherine knew the meaning of this sentence, and sighed slightly after apologizing politely.

A group of people left the hall of the association and fell into the turbulent crowd again.

Mond, located in the northeast of Teyvat, is a free city-state established in the center of the lake between the mountains and the vast plain.

The wind of freedom blows over the fruit wine lake with the breath of dandelions, sending the blessing and favor of the wind god Barbatos to the city-state.

Although the history of Mond in the past was full of disasters, under the leadership of the Lion Tooth Knight Vanessa, New Mond has become more and more prosperous under the wind of freedom.

People come and go, businessmen and tourists are constantly flowing, and all kinds of mundane things constitute human nature.

Perhaps because it is backed by the largest winery in Tevat, "Sunshine Winery", even the air seems to be filled with the smell of fine wine.

"Traveler, where should we go to eat next? I think sweet flower stuffed chicken, fisherman's toast and manor baked muffins are all very good!"

Paimeng reported the name of the dish like a few treasures, and said with bright eyes.

"That's all you want to eat, right?"

Ying followed suit.

Although I usually only pick some muffins, bread and other relatively cheap dishes to satisfy my hunger, but after all, I am entertaining the distinguished Bai Chen, so I can't be as casual as usual.

At the very least, find a decent restaurant.

"How about going over there?"

Bai Chen pointed to a shop on the corner of the street.

The "Angel's Tavern" written in Monde on the signboard is impressively printed.

"Oh? Going to the tavern?"

Ying asked in surprise.

"After the thrilling adventure, most adventurers will choose the tavern to end their day's work compared to the general restaurant.

With both hands in his pockets, Bai Chen seemed to be in a good mood and opened his mouth.

"If you go there, you may accidentally hear some news, meet some unexpected people, and it's rare that the guardian is not here, don't you want to taste the wine?

"Huh? But I... am still a minor.

Ying shook her head, but her slightly pursed lips revealed her thoughts.

"If you count from the time of birth, you are older than many existences in this country."

After all, it was sealed for five hundred years by the maintainers of the laws of heaven.

With Ying's seniority, everyone in the entire Mond City, except for the wind god Barbatos, has to call her grandma.

"Well, what you say does make sense."

Hearing what Bai Chen said, Ying was a little moved.

It's impossible to say that Mond, who is famous for his wine, doesn't have an interest in wine these days.

Soon, a group of people came to the Angel Tavern.

As the directly affiliated store of Chenxi Winery, the wine business of Angel Tavern takes over half of the entire Mond.

Generally speaking, when the time comes at night, the upper and lower floors of the Angel Tavern and the open-air area outside will be full.

However, it is only noon at the moment, and although the business of the Angel Tavern is good, it is not that there is no place.

"Guests, what would you like to order?"

The bartender's eyes naturally fell on Bai Chen.

From the perspective of clothing and temperament, it is not rich or expensive.

"Two glasses of dandelion wine, and some signature dishes and desserts."

After glancing at the menu, Bai Chen said (cbdj).

"Huh?! There are only two cups, which means that there is still one person missing. Could it be me?"

When Bai Chen mentioned it, Paimeng, who had been expecting the taste of the wine along the way, immediately looked at Bai Chen angrily after realizing the problem.

"Are you going against Paimon on purpose? I'm already past the age to drink!"

Looking at the angry little guy in front of him, Bai Chen joked with a smile: "You can drink if you want, as long as you can get into the glass, you can drink as much as you want."

Hearing this, Paimon subconsciously looked in the direction of Bai Chen's finger.

Seeing that it was just a glass full of clear water, he immediately leaned forward and shouted dissatisfiedly: "I can't get in! No matter how I think about it, I can't get in!"


Ying on the side watched the joke.

Occasionally, when she was bored, she would tease Paimon just like before.

And Bai Chen also asked the bartender to serve an extra serving of dandelion wine after teasing, which calmed down the rambunctious Paimon.

In about five minutes, the dishes and drinks are served.

Looking at the dazzling array of exquisite delicacies, Paimeng's eyes lit up, he completely forgot what he was teased before, and directly picked up a scone covered with meat sauce and ate it.

His eating looks like he has been hungry for three days without eating, and he can't wait to stuff scones that are bigger than his face into his mouth in one bite.

"Hmm...Is this the taste of wine? It feels different from what I imagined."

Yingwei took a sip of the dandelion wine, her lips and teeth were stimulated by the spiciness at first, and then she tasted a touch of sweetness and bitterness.

It's not bad to say, but for girls who don't know how to taste wine, the taste is not as good as a simple fruit drink.

At this moment, a burst of noise from the bar attracted the attention of others.

At the bar at the entrance, a petite figure is particularly eye-catching.

It was a girl with long blond hair, her hair was combed into a shawl double ponytail by a black ribbon, and the hairband had a headdress of grids and bat wings.

Under the bright blond hair, there is a young and lovely pretty face, the right eye is as peaceful as amber green, but the left eye covered by bangs is wearing an eye patch.

The girl was wearing a backless mesh jumpsuit with a purple bow tied at the neckline. The outside of the gauze was covered with layers of black skin-fitting leather clothing, and the back was a two-color printed crowtail skirt.

A purple gauze skirt sticks out from under the coat, and the legs under the absolute domain wear asymmetrical stockings.

The dress of this one-piece gauze skirt, while outlining the graceful lines, also highlights a little astringency. .

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