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Chapter 715 How Do You Know It's Me?

Chapter 715

Wendy, who was begging for a drink, froze her smile, and asked with a sneer, "How do you know it's me?"

Now that his real name was spoken, the bard no longer pretended.

The young man looked at Bai Chen strangely, trying to find out the identity of the other party from the dusty memory.

But no impression.

This is a bit strange.

As the wind god Barbatos, although his strength is far inferior to that of the Demon God War, his strength is still a bit worn out, and he has not shown any signs of aging in other aspects.

What's more, he is still the spirit of the wind, who can read the historical information from the eternal wind.

Wendy could be sure that it was the first time he had met the man in front of him.

But why, one's own identity can be revealed in one word.

You know, the entire Mond, even the acting head of the West Wind Knights, Qin, and the believers in the West Wind Church can't recognize him.


Ying was puzzled by the sudden situation.

But before she could ask more questions, Paimon on the side started shouting.

"It's you! That villain who colluded with Fengmolong!"

"What is a bad guy who colludes with the wind dragon, what an ugly nickname, I'm the best bard in Mond.

Wendy scratched her cheek and explained with an intermittent smile.

"My name is Wendy."

"Wendy! Okay, I understand! It seems that you disguised yourself as a bard, and then waited for an opportunity to cooperate with the Wind Demon Dragon, planning to catch Mond off guard!"

Paimon put his hands on his hips and expressed his conjecture after careful consideration.

"Besides, Traveler and I both saw you and Feng Molong together, and there are all witnesses, yet you still want to deny it!"

"He actually colluded with the gale that ravaged Mond, Oz, let this self-proclaimed bard taste the thunder of wrath from the convict princess."

Hearing Paimon's analysis, Fischer immediately prepared to condense the power of the thunder element, and was ready to blow up this unscrupulous young man in front of him.

"Wait, Paimon, don't do anything yet." "

Ying stopped rolling up her sleeves, as if Paimon was about to show off.

"Didn't you hear what Mr. Bai Chen said just now?"

"...Understood, but how can this princess believe that the funny boy is the great wind god Barbatos?"

For the residents born in Mond, Barbatos, the god of wind, is the belief of most people.

Whether you are doing business or taking risks, you will always say "let the wind lead you" on your lips.

"Funny boy or something, it's too ugly."

Wendy said with a sad face.

Colluding with Feng Molong again, and being a funny boy again, he is too miserable.

At the very least give it a prestige title.

Like the bard of the storm or something.

"Maybe it's true."

Ying said seriously.

After all, Bai Chen's identity is only known to her.

In this situation, it is impossible to be aimless.

"Actually, I don't care if you believe me or not. You just need to believe that Fengmolong doesn't want to hurt Mond."

Wendy sighed.

It's not that he hasn't told others that he is the wind god Barbatos, the key is that no one believes him.

And when the Wind Demon Dragon attacked Mond, he also explained to the West Wind Knights that Twalin was infected by poisonous blood, causing him to temporarily lose his mind, not because he wanted to really destroy Mond.

But still no one believed it.

"If you believe what you say, it will make me lose face."

Paimon folded his arms with a haughty attitude.

Because of Bai Chen's appearance, the travelers have a crisis of trust in her, and it's not easy to meet the weak wind god Barbatos Pymon, and naturally let alone his majesty.

But Wendy obviously ignored Paimon's attitude and turned to look at Bai Chen.

Because he knew that the leader of this group of people was obviously this handsome blond young man.

Moreover, the guidance from the wind of freedom allowed him to produce these people in the dark, and there was a way to solve the problem of the wind demon dragon Tewarin.

"Let's talk about it in detail, I will make a choice depending on the specific situation."


Wendy nodded.

No more hesitation, tell the whole story of Feng Molong.

"The Wind Demon Dragon was not as evil and filthy as it is now. It is a holy dragon, one of the four wind guardians that protect Mond.

"Guardian of the Four Winds, Guardian of Mond, this princess has heard about the corresponding deeds."

Fischer nodded.

The guardian of the four winds is the existence in the legend, following the order of the wind god to protect Mond.

The dragon of the east, the lion of the south wind, the wolf of the north wind, and the eagle of the west wind.

Speaking of this, Wendy's expression became a little sad.

"The Wind Demon Dragon was the Dragon of the East. Why did it become what it is now? It's been more than five hundred years ago..."

Then, Wen Run will tell the secret past that ordinary people don't know.

Five hundred years ago, a large number of dark monsters ravaged the land of Mond, and they polluted everything they encountered.

During that time, barbarians bred on the land, monsters ravaged, and people's living space was compressed within the city walls, lingering on their last breaths.

At that time, an evil dragon named "... Doolin" came to attack Mond, and Twali fought against it in order to protect Mond.

But even though that battle was victorious, Twarin was also infected by poisonous blood.

The wounded dragon wants to go back to Mond to listen to the bard's singing, and to be cheered and loved by the people.

But after returning to Mond, Barbatos, the god of wind, disappeared, and the residents of Mond City also held their weapons and feared themselves.

Twarin, who was sad in his heart, was jealous and angry, and wanted to punish those humans who were fighting against him, but he was stopped by reason in the end.

"Twarin's story is what it is, it's sad and lonely right now."

Wendy sighed leisurely (for money).

He also has a lot of responsibility for his old friend from the past to become what he is now.

"Twarin is so pitiful, not only infected by poisonous blood, but also forgotten by the people he once protected."

Paimon, who had been arrogant and rude to Wendy before, was twitching his nostrils, as if he might cry at any time.

...So there is such a secret? "

Ying looked at Bai Chen, and found that the young man's face remained unchanged, and guessed that Bai Chen might have known about these secret pasts.

As for Fischer's eyes, the kind-hearted girl was also obviously touched by the hidden feelings.

"So I hope you can help me."

Wendy said in a deep voice.

"As soon as I came here, I knew a few extraordinary people, so it would be great if you could help me save Twarin."

While saying this, Wendy stared at Bai Chen closely. .

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