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Chapter 760: White Yasha Plays Abnormally

Chapter 760

In any world, there is no tradition of standing up and talking when entertaining guests.

Sarah led several people into the living room built in the water tree.

Emerald crystals, fire lamps that exude the same brilliance as electrical appliances, and decorations close to nature.

Looking out from the huge window, one could just see the underground city that was about to be covered by the spreading roots of the network pattern.

The biggest feeling standing here is green.

Not only the composition of the community, but also the content of the harvest festival and the gift game, all show that the main direction of attack in the southern area is more on agriculture and nature.

Food is fundamental to sustain life.

Different from those gods in the upper class who can not eat five grains, the minimum pursuit of the people who have taken root in the lower class is food and clothing.

This is also the main reason why, although the overall strength of "Six Scars" is not strong, it can attract so many people to participate.

"By the way, I haven't heard everyone's thoughts on the Southern District yet? Didn't you have a good time before?"

Sarah lowered her head slightly, and her red hair also hung down.

The exposed skin from the cuffs glowed with a healthy bronze radiance.

Between the crimson hair, there is also a pair of long dragon horns, which proves that she has the blood of the sub-dragon.

"It's very interesting! The water tree is very spectacular, and there are many delicious stalls!"

Kasukabe Yō responded immediately.

He obviously ate something before coming here, but at the same time as he said this, he seemed to feel the fragrance remaining between his lips and teeth.


My stomach is getting hungry again.

"By the way, can I ask, the origin of the name "Six Scars"?"

Jiuyuan Asuka asked.

"It's the six scars on the Griffin that originally became the prototype of the "Dragon Horned Griffon Lion". It has no special meaning."

Sarah explained.

"I've heard about Noname's current difficulties, but just a while ago, our alliance cultivated many animals and plants unique to the southern region, which should be able to solve your current predicament...

"Thanks to your concern, we will choose the right products to buy."

The black rabbit showed a happy expression.

As long as food is grown, the children of the community will no longer be hungry.

"Just now you said that the animals and plants unique to the southern district mean that some plants can only be cultivated in the southern district?"

Bai Chen took a sip of tea and asked.

"Yes, the land in the southern region is different from the other three regions. The soil containing various nutrients is spread all over the southern region, and more and more gift holders related to "agriculture" are present, so at least in terms of animals and plants, the southern region is completely ahead of the other regions.

Speaking of this, Xi's tone was a bit awkward.

After all, the prosperity of the South District today also has her hard work and hard work.

Just like my own child.

Hearing this, he nodded his head, feeling that he had come to the right card this time.

After all, if you want to develop the community in the future, and even grow stronger, the food problem will naturally need to be solved.

Being able to establish a good relationship with the Southern District League in advance is also good for future development.

But Bai Chen will not consider the issue of purchase now.

Let Leticia deal with this matter after the community and territory are established.

"One more thing, since the South District has a lot of experience in cultivation, do you also have that kind of plant?"

Suddenly thought of something, Bai Chen asked casually.

"Which one are you talking about?"

Sarah asked.

"I remember it's called... Rabbit-eating Grass, it should be the name."

However, this casual question immediately made Heitu, who had been quiet at the side, stand up excitedly.

"How could there be such a horrible and messy plant!?"


Sarah nodded without thinking.

"I...it really does exist! How can there be such stupid things in the world!"

The black rabbit yelled with its rabbit ears upside down.

"Oh? Did you eat black rabbit grass?"

Jiuyuan Asuka asked tentatively.

"Forget about the existence of plants aimed at rabbits! That kind of horrible plant that deliberately targets people is impossible!"

Sensing a chill, the black rabbit trembled even in his voice.


Sarah wasn't hiding anything.

"Wh...why would there be! What fool in the world would want the scariest plant ever made for rabbits!"

Heitu, who was slapped in the face again, went completely mad.

"Which fool are you asking me where I am... Let me see, the order is right here with me."

Sarah, who didn't understand why the black rabbit was so violent, took out a list from in front of her.

"Let me see, it's from the East District..."

Before Sarah finished reading, the black rabbit snatched the manifest.


She looked at the black rabbit hesitantly.

The orderer's information needs to be kept confidential. "

But at this time, the black rabbit couldn't hear any words from the outside world at all.

She trembled as she looked at the words on the list.

Among them, it is written in the remarks column of the ordered goods: "Use plants for black rabbits: eat black rabbit grass, which is not lethal, but you can use eighty tentacles to transform the target into a lewd

Hei Tu directly rubbed the list to pieces, there is no need to read the following text.

"There's no need to confirm the name, if you dare to target a foolish prisoner like this, there will be only one adult in the entire Little Garden!"

She lowered her head feebly, her whole face was blackened into a pan, and at the same time, faint black energy spread from the black rabbit little by little.

Bai Chen remained silent.

Other than Shiroyasha, who could make that kind of request, even if he turned Hakoniwa upside down, he couldn't find anyone else.

Good guy, it takes more time to play than him!

Although he is a man, Bai Chen still has to admire Bai Yasha's artistic attainments.

The next time we meet, let’s call her (who wins the king) a master.

"I remembered, it seems to be Shiroyasha-sama, the stratum ruler of the eastern district..."

Sarah said.

"...It's not a surprise."

Asuka sighed.

Kasukabe Yao on the side also looked at Kurotu with sad and sympathetic eyes.

"Master Shiroyasha! After the Harvest Festival is over, I will come to your door and ask you why!"

The black rabbit suddenly cheered up, and his bright blue hair shone with its crimson brilliance.

Using the power given to her by Di Shitian, she used the imitation godhead and transformed into a real black rabbit.

At this time, her aura was not weaker than four digits.

"Master Sarah! May I ask where the black rabbit grass is placed?"

"Uh, in...in the exhibition hall on the lowest floor, it has been cultivated, but it has not yet been distributed in the future."

"thank you!"

After saying this, the black rabbit jumped out of the window. .

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