Chapter 778

After all, it is man-made.

Although Wang Zhili sounds coquettish, it is actually that way.

Extracting void battles from other people's bodies may have a place in the world of ordinary guns, but in other worlds, it is not enough to see at all, and the disadvantages are very serious.

Tasteless to eat, but a pity to discard.

However, judging from the rarity, it should be able to sell for a good price.

Hearing this, Chou Shenya frowned even deeper.

If he hadn't wanted to maintain his consistent image, he would have ordered his subordinates to take down this strange man.

"What do you think?"

When I received the inquiry, I was at a loss for the first time.

It wasn't until the end that he said: "Hey, this is what Lian wants."

"But now it's something you risked your life to get."

Bai Chen smiled lightly.

"By the way, how did that person explain the Void Genome to you?"

"...remove GHQ and restore hope for peace."

楪21 prayed and replied.

In response, Bai Chen smiled helplessly.

"Then you believe it? Are you not afraid that these words are deceptive?"

"Ya is not that kind of person."

Mizuki subconsciously shook her head.

For Chou Shen Ya, who took herself away from the research institute, taught her common sense, and gave her a place to stay, Mo Qi had extremely high trust.

Just like a newborn animal that regards the first life that appears in front of its eyes as its parents, Miki has always had full trust in Kushinya.

What's more, she lacks emotion in herself, so it is difficult to change after forming the first impression.

"It is not advisable to be blind, and being backstabbed by the best relatives and friends in the world is not the same thing.

Bai Chen chuckled, and the others could hear some irony in their ears.

Backstabs from friends and family?

Tohsaka Tokiomi gave a thumbs up.


Mo Qi lowered his head, savoring the unfamiliar term he heard for the first time.

"Your Excellency, we have never met before, have we?"

Chu Shenya narrowed his eyes.

From Bai Chen, he has a feeling of being seen through from the inside out.

"Saw it a minute ago."

Bai Chen chuckled lightly.

"It happens that everyone is here, don't you plan to talk about what you want to do after you get the Void Genome?"

"...Naturally use it to expel the GHO organization that will occupy our homeland and strip us of our freedom."

Chou Shenya said the answer without thinking.

His righteous appearance made all the staff of the funeral club respect him more and more.

And without the leadership of Chou Shen Ya, the funeral home would not be what it is today.

"Don't talk nonsense with this kind of person, lock it up first."

Someone in the funeral home was clamoring.

At the same time, two burly men came out, ready to take the nonsense Bai Chen away.

Whether it's an idiot or a spy, you only need a little interrogation to find out all of them.

But halfway through...

"Kneel down."

Bai Chen said lightly.

At that moment, all the members of the funeral club froze suddenly, except for Qiqi, and then knelt down uncontrollably.

Chougami, Tsugumi, and even Ayase in a wheelchair.

However, Bai Chen was not a treacherous person after all, so he removed the word spirit from Ayase and let her sit back in the wheelchair.

Maybe I don't know the reaction of the person involved, but it is extremely insulting to others in the live broadcast room.

Until Bai Chen went to a chair and sat down, in the entire command room, only Ayase and Inori remained free, and everyone else knelt on the ground, unable to speak, and looked at Bai Chen with a horrified expression.

Especially Chou Shenya.

After he knelt down and struggled to no avail, the way he looked at Bai Chen completely changed.

This inhuman magic power is definitely something that no one can possess.

Could it be... is this man the "King" injected with the Void Genome?

Otherwise, there is no way to explain clearly.


If he could also inject the void genome, how could he be slaughtered like this!

"Sure enough, there is no demon king in this world who is more loving than me."

After saying this helplessly, Bai Chen set his sights on Mo Qi.

"As you can see, your people did it first."

Mo Qi looked around silently, and then said in a tone without ups and downs: "What's wrong with them?"

"Don't worry, it's just the spirit of speech, it's harmless to the body."

Bai Chen said in a relaxed tone.

Although he said it lightly, the people in the funeral home fell into deeper chaos.

Lingling...what is it?

But thrush was even more terrified inside.

As a technical geek, her usual hobbies are watching movies and novels.

Therefore, she is no stranger to the meaning of words.

However, this method has completely exceeded common sense. She never thought that such a thing would actually exist in the world.

Although Ayase on the other side regained her freedom, she was already frightened by such a strange scene.

"Miss Qiqi, although you are the main client, you and I are friends after all, so I kindly remind you to choose the best solution."

Bai Chen didn't talk too much nonsense, and said bluntly.

"I can solve the Apocalypse virus, including expelling the GHQ organization, and ensuring that they will never repeat the same thing. Of course, I also fully respect the wishes of every group member. If you choose to believe him, then I have nothing to say.

"Of course, the premise is that everyone here is willing to believe his words after he tells the truth.


A look of confusion flickered in Mo Qi's eyes.

She didn't know what Bai Chen meant by this sentence.

Afterwards, Bai Chen's eyes fell back on Chou Shenya.

"Ten seconds later, the lie will disappear from you, then ten, nine..."

As if foreshadowing something, Qiu Shenya struggled frantically, his eyes bloodshot.

But the resistance of mortals is futile after all.

After Bai Chen's countdown ended, Tsuyoshi felt something disappear from him.

But what exactly it is, I can't say.

"Then, let's start with the questions."

Bai Chen sat in a different position and asked his first question.

"Chou Shinya, what is the purpose of setting up a funeral home?"

"Expel GHQ, restore peace to the island nation..."

Chou Shinya spoke uncontrollably.

The first half of the sentence made all the staff of the funeral club feel uplifted, and felt that Chou Shenya was a good leader, but the second half of the sentence immediately made everyone feel a little overwhelmed.

"At the same time, use the power of the organization to obtain the Void Genome and become one of the chosen kings. Xiahuo Yingman's real name."

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