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Chapter 787 This World Must Have Light

Chapter 787

In the empty space of consciousness, Mo Qi's will is under the impact of the virus Eve.

However, because Bai Chen strengthened the wave of 楪济 in the early days, no matter how hard the virus Eve exerted itself, it could not destroy the barrier protecting 楪济's will.

"What the hell is this?!"

Bearing the image of Sakuraman's real name, the will showed impatient eyes.

This woman is just the consciousness of the container, and it is so difficult for him to destroy it.


Bai Chen looked at the crazy Virus Eve and chuckled lightly.

The voice from the void startled Yingman's real name.

After seeing other people entering the consciousness space, she was already annoyed and immediately shifted her target, letting the curse of the apocalypse virus rush towards Bai Chen crazily.

Immeasurable, the curse that can shatter the will of any individual forms a pitch-black storm.

But in the vortex of chaos, which was deeper than the darkness, a golden light suddenly shone.

"That's right." 21 spoke words of approval from the golden light that had burned out the curse.

When Bai Chen looked at the astonished Yingman's real name and his unobstructed body in the spiritual world, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"But that's all."


Sakuraman really looked at the man in front of him in disbelief.

"who are you?"

"Boring question."

Bai Chen sighed softly, and then he stretched out his right hand to point at the will of Yingman's real name.

next second.

Ignoring the realm of distance, Bai Chen grabbed Yingman's real name's neck.

The feeling of being strangled by the throat made Yingman Zhenming struggle.

"let me go!"

A ferocious expression bloomed on the girl's delicate face.

The power of the Apocalypse virus burst out in one breath, allowing her to completely occupy Mo Qi's body.

But this is not a simple control, but a precursor to the outbreak of the apocalypse virus.

The Stone of Origin placed on the table resonates with the true name of Sakura Mitsu in Miki's body.

Although Yingman's real name was controlled by Bai Chen, the part related to the Apocalypse virus started the fourth impact because of the unexpected arrival.

Wearing crystal costumes and disheveled hair, Miki began to dance softly like a dancer.

The toes are hanging on the ground, like fallen leaves on the lake, stirring up ripples in the world.

The first to be affected were the researchers in the control room.

Crystals appeared on the surface of their bodies, and in just a few seconds, they completely turned into an irregular crystal.

Mo Qi's body has already jumped out of the window, walking in the void.

In an instant, a purple band of light like a star ring appeared in the sky above the Tokyo area.

Walking through each other, it wraps around the world like a ribbon.

Not only that, this phenomenon occurs almost simultaneously all over the world.

Every country, every region, everyone can see this intricate and bizarre side as long as they raise their heads.

If you look at the earth from the universe at this moment, you can find that the atmosphere of the entire planet is surrounded by interlaced bands of light.

Then, almost at the same moment, a DNA-like spiral beam of light approached from the sky.

Submerged into the ground, let the earth light up with purple brilliance.

Regardless of whether they were infected with the Apocalypse virus or not, all the people who were exposed to the purple light were silently swallowed up by the metal crystals before they even had time to respond in shock.

Just like the literal meaning.

Hair, face, eyes, limbs, body, clothes, all became crystals in an instant.

The originally noisy street was instantly silent, leaving only irregular columnar figures with vaguely discernible shapes left behind.

They used to be human, but there is no sign of life anymore.

The whole world fell silent in an instant.

———The fourth impact.

at the same time.

Bai Chen also noticed the strange movement outside.

He tilted his head and looked at the girl who was laughing wildly in front of him.

"Too late! Everything is too late! Hahaha! All human beings in the world have perished, and a new world has come!"

The wish was fulfilled, and Yingman's real name showed a broken expression on his face.


Richen was a little helpless.

However, he could also guess why the fourth impact would happen without "King".

Because of his influence, the Apocalypse virus was fully awakened, and achieved genetic resonance without the influence of the original factors.

With him as the true God here, there is no need for Adam and Eve at all.


Sakuraman's real name was still laughing.

On the contrary, Bai Chen felt a little helpless.

Isn't it the successful fourth impact? Is it necessary to be so excited?

Afterwards, Bai Chen dragged his consciousness full of real names back to reality.

"Do you want to destroy me? Even so, it's too late! Everyone will die, except you and me! Hahahahaha!"

Sharp laughter came to his ears, and Yingman's real name in the spirit state was full of ridicule.

However, Bai Chen stretched out another hand.

Facing forward, he stopped the crystals that were attacking him under the control of the virus, and then said this lightly.

"There must be light in this world."

Less than a blink of an eye after 950.

Sakuraman's real name's smile froze.

Inori, who was dancing the dance of destruction in the void, froze, like a suspended marionette.

Immediately afterwards, under the inconceivable gaze of Sakuraman's real name.

Brilliant beams of light shot up from the ground into the sky.

They pierced through the clouds and rushed to the highest sky, revealing the shape of a cross in the sky invisible to the naked eye.

The light that blooms from the beam of light renders the entire world into a pure and holy golden color.

Countless cross-shaped beams of light ignored all material barriers and turned into bonds connecting heaven and earth.

They are majestic and grand, standing on the earth, showing the glory of God.

And the light belt originally brought by the Apocalypse virus has long been easily shattered, turning into particles and disappearing from the world.

Seeing this scene, Yingman Zhenming was deeply shocked.

Even if she doesn't know what it is, she can still feel the power that is completely above her, and even everything she knows.

...Can you still save everyone?"

Yingman's real name asked unbelievably.

But what responded to her was the young man's gentle smile.

"Then as you wish."

next second.


The world suddenly let out a trembling that shocked the soul. .

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