Chapter 791

With Qi's body data, Bai Chen quickly fabricated a soulless body for Yingman's real name.

After receiving the instruction, Yingman's real name drilled in.

Soon, a little loli who looked a little younger than Qi Qi and had a similar face opened her eyes.

"Dad... Dad."

It was the first sentence when I opened my eyes.

Not only the previous scare, but also the instinct from the virus creature is at work.

But just in case, Bai Chen still controls the soul of Yingman's real name.

"Okay, it's all over."

Bai Chen looked back at Mo Qi.

I found that the girl's expression was different from usual.

Confused, lonely, like an abandoned, homeless kitten.

But this is also a good thing.

Although it is a bit ruthless to say that "September 10" is ruthless, if you want to gain more feelings, you must first experience some things.

For Maki, her past action plan is the task of the funeral home.

While rebelling against GHQ in various parts of the island country, rehearsals for network ting are also going on.

Although in the eyes of others, the existence and life of Qi Qi is a complete tool person, but for Qi Qi herself, that is the whole of her life.

But after joining the chat group, everything changed.

After reading and listening to the deeds experienced by other people, Qiqi gradually had his own ideas.

Otherwise, if it was the former Qi Qi, he would never issue a commission to Bai Chen in the group.

In other words, even the existence of the chat group will be directly informed by her to other people in the funeral home.

His own intrusion also allowed Mo Qi to successfully avoid the fate of Xiang Xiaoyu in the original book.

After all, if he doesn't come, the tool man, Meiqi, will be stabbed in the back by Chou Shenya in the end, and more than half of the other people in the funeral club will be killed or injured, and they will be devastated.

This is the best ending.

Of course, Mo Qi, who had a certain amount of affection, fell into confusion after Bai Chen completed all the commissions.

After all, the habits of the past few years cannot be changed so quickly.

At the moment when everything was resolved, she was at a loss and at a loss as to what to do.

Even though we are in this world, the cheers and prayers of the crowd are constantly coming from outside, but there is a kind of alienation.

Perhaps, this is the disadvantage of being an artificial human.

The meaning of her birth is to provide a body for Sakuraman's real name, and on the other hand, as Uki, she feels very strange to the new world.

Because many things she knew had changed.

"What's wrong?"

Bai Chen asked.

Hearing this, the girl with long pink hair shook her head.

"I have no idea."

Miao Qi shook his head slowly, looking at Bai Xia with a look of loneliness on his face.

She really didn't know how she was feeling at the moment.

All she knows is that the commission is over, the funeral service is disbanded, and the new world after the Apocalypse virus has been changed, what will she do? And how should she do it?

Bai Chen could see what was going on in the girl's heart.

Three Questions of Classical Philosophy.

So, Luo Tianqing showed a faint smile to Mi Qi.

"If you have nowhere to go, how about going back with me?"

Anyway, his original intention was to take away Mo Qi, seeing that the time was ripe, he naturally wanted to strike while the iron was hot.

At the same time as hearing Bai Chen's words, Mo Qi, who was originally dazed and lifeless, had a light that had never been seen in the pair of deep red eyes.

"Is it really possible?"

楪 asked.

"Of course you can. You won't be a container for the virus Eve over there, nor will you be a tool for a funeral home. After you get there, you can think about any life you like, whether it's an ordinary person, learn spells to become a spellcaster, learn martial arts to become a knight, or you still prefer to sing."

Bai Chen stroked the girl's hair.

"It's not bad to go back to my old job and continue to be a singer."

Hearing this, Mo Qi fell into deep thought.

After a few seconds, the four girls nodded slightly.

...If Mr. Bai Chen wants to hear it, I will continue to sing for you.

The wind blowing from the window made the pink hair sway.

Bai Chen suddenly said, "At this time... just smile."

The moonlight reflected on her face, and the slightly frowning brows of Mo Qi gradually loosened, and there was a flicker of light in her eyes.

In an instant, the corners of her mouth raised a bright arc.

"Before going back, ex-friends say hello?"


Then, Bai Chen returned to the headquarters of the funeral club with the real names of 楪祭 and Sakuraman.

At this time, the funeral home still had an atmosphere of praying to the gods for forgiveness.

Although the funeral home is a non-governmental organization against GHQ, in the past because of its mission, it also used many civilians as bait.

Although it was all Chu Shenya's plan, they also felt guilty in their hearts.

In this atmosphere, Bai Chen found Tsugumi and Ayase.

In the entire funeral agency, these two girls have the best relationship with Qi Qi.

"Pray! You're back!"

Tsugumi raised his arms vigorously and called out her name when he saw Miki.

Seeing this, Ayase approached with a smile on her face.

But in the middle of the walk, when he saw Bai Chen and Yingman's real name behind 楪祭, Tsugumi stopped immediately.

The move that shocked the entire world before was a miracle performed by the gods.

And at this moment, no matter how slow they were, they could still guess that Bai Chen was the legendary god.

Tsugumi and Ayase's brains went blank, and their bodies stopped in place, motionless.

When the two subconsciously reacted and wanted to kneel down and salute, they were stopped by Bai Chen.

"You don't need to salute, coming here now is just to let Maki say goodbye to the two young ladies."

Use divine power to soothe the spirits of the girls and restore them to peace.

"bid farewell?"

Ayase looked at Miki who was standing beside Bai Chen.

From her body, Ayase felt an inexplicable sense of distance 2.3.

"Ah this..."

Thrush was a little confused.

Are you going to leave with God-sama?

"Feel sorry."

Miao Qi pursed her lips, not knowing what to say.

But during the period of living in the funeral home, they did give me a lot of help.

After finishing speaking, she continued to maintain her usual silence.


Seeing that Qi Qi had finished speaking, Bai Chen stood up and made the final opening remarks.

But it's just some ordinary concluding remarks.

In the end, Bai Chen also gave the two of them some preferential treatment as friends of Qiqi, and asked Shuichiro Kanedao as a tool to support them in doing what they wanted to do.

In the future, maybe I still need to use the two of them. .

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