Chapter 799

It has become a practice for newcomers to join the group, as always, not to believe that the operation has become a practice.

While taking advantage of this time, Bai Chen speculated on the identities of the two newcomers.

Golden leprechaun.

Just judging from the nickname, the identity of this newcomer is already obvious.

From the golden goblin Cordoli in "Three Questions of the Last Day".

According to the setting of the Three Questions of the Doom, the golden goblin is a biological race that existed more than 500 years ago, a special race born from the soul of a child who was too young to understand his own death.

In fact, the Golden Goblin is the soul fragment of the star god Eluk.

The so-called star gods are actually a group of external races who had to go into exile in the universe due to the destruction of their hometown. After losing their way home, they drifted to a planet in desperation to stay dormant for a while.

After a long time, the golden goblin was born from the fragments of the star god's soul.

And it is used in the crusade against the monster called "Beast".

Although he has the name of a fairy, his fate is far from the carefree elves in fairy tales.

They don't have the common sense of society, they don't have 887 pain, and their life expectancy is only more than 20 years.

However, it is an extravagant hope for them to die in bed. Basically, all the golden goblins died in the war with the beasts, not even a whole body remained.

However, Bai Chen could only guess where the other party came from.

The golden goblin is a race, he doesn't know exactly who it is.

But he guessed that it is very likely that it is Cordoli who appears the most in the animation.

As for the other person.

——— Elegant and decent young lady.

I can't guess it at all.

After all, there are too many roles that can take on this nickname.

Could it be Miss Hui Ye?

But who it is, we have to wait for her to reveal more information before we can guess.

While Bai Chen was thinking, the newcomer who was taught by Butterfly Ninja to use a free lottery again erupted again.

Elegant and decent lady: "It's outrageous! There is such a thing as a chat group! A system connecting the heavens and worlds, and there are group members from different worlds!"

Elegant and decent lady: "It's okay to have a lottery function, the most outrageous thing is that there is still a chance to extract the root cause! If it spreads, the magic world will definitely go crazy!"

Magic world?

Seeing this word, the image of a certain red girl appeared in Bai Chen's mind.

Tohsaka Rin.

The eldest daughter of the Tosaka family of the Gosan family in Fuyuki City.

However, compared to Tohsaka Rin's various behaviors, Bai Chen feels that Devil Muscle Nan is more suitable as her outer layer.

Little Spider: "The magic world? Is it the world of magic?"

Elegant lady: "It's not magic! It's the use of magic. Don't there often be characters with superpowers in novels and movies? We magicians are similar to them

Little Spider: "Oh, that's the magician, I'm familiar with this."

Elegant lady: "Not a magician, but a magician!"

Blue Slime: "Ah, don't these two words have the same meaning?"

The elegant and decent lady: "How could it mean the same thing?! A magician is a magician, and a magician is a magician. They are two completely different routes, okay? I want to be a magician, but there are only a few people who have the qualifications of a magician so far."

It's not that Tohsaka Rin has never dreamed of becoming a magician, but she also knows how difficult the road is, so she made the second best decision and decided that the aptitude to get the crown in the Clock Tower in the future is enough

Blue Slime: "Ah... is there such a big difference?"

Railgun: "I think it's all the same."

Golden Fairy: "The magician also sounds very powerful."

Elegant lady: "I repeat (cbef) again! A magician is completely different from a magician!"

Seeing the speeches in the group, Tohsaka Rin was very helpless.

Are all these people Muggles?

How could there be such an advanced existence as a magician everywhere.

Bai Chen: "Let me explain. Although in our cognition, magicians are very common, but in some worldviews, magicians and magicians are two different systems. The simplest explanation is that magicians can create something out of nothing, but magicians cannot."

Elegant and decent lady: "Oh? There are still people who know how to do it in this group?"

Tohsaka Rin was very surprised.

She was ready to explain it patiently.

Bai Chen: "Then I think you don't understand at all, Miss Devil Muscle Rin."

Ah...not good, just now I have been forming the image of the devil's muscular muscles in my mind, and I subconsciously sent out the words.

You know, no matter which world you are in, Tohsaka Rin's temper is very irritable.

Otherwise, there would be no prefix title of "devil".

Elegant and decent young lady: "You bastard, who are you talking about is the devil's muscular Rin?!"

After seeing this word, Tohsaka Rin broke out as expected.

Isn't she just exercising a little every day!

How did she become known as a muscular girl?!

Come and see if I don't knock your dog's head off!

Bai Chen: "Sorry, I made a slip of the tongue."

Elegant and decent young lady: "What slip of the tongue! The ability to accurately say my nickname is entirely intentional, right?! Wait!"

Elegant lady: "How do you know me?"

Did you say that all the group members come from all heavens and myriad worlds?

Could it be that these people are playing with her?

Or some kind of social experiment?


Rin Tohsaka looked at the Elderly Treasure mobile phone in his hand, lost in thought.

When the mobile phone appeared, she didn't notice any magical breath around her.

Could it be that a magician who can move in space specially made a joke on her?


Which magician would be in the mood to play tricks on a down-and-out young lady?

Little Spider: "Newcomer, be quiet, this is just the basic operation of Bai Chen.

Blue Slime: "It's finally coming, and it's my favorite part of checking the account book again."

Golden Elf: "Check account?"

Little Spider: "After you joined the group, the boss already knew your details, but don't worry, we are not bad people, so don't be afraid.

Little White Cat: "Speaking out some information is good for newcomers. If you encounter problems, you can discuss them in the group, and we will also give various suggestions.

Bai Chen: "But compared to this, the two of you choose to talk about it after reading the group information."

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