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Chapter 801: The Choice Of Steins Gate

Chapter 801

Hearing this sentence, Bai Chen knew that Sakura obviously still had a grudge against the Tohsaka family.

But this is also normal.

Sakura is more precocious than children of the same age. She obviously does not want to be sent to Matou's house, but after being sent to see the hell scene of the sea of ​​insects, just thinking about it makes people's scalp tingle

After the reunion, Bai Chen took her back to Yuansaka's house.

But it's a pity that Tohsaka Tokiomi, knowing that Matou Zouken was going to use Sakura as the test object of the engraving worm, was unwilling to give up the Holy Grail War and accepting Sakura was the last straw that broke the camel's back.

The child's three views are being developed. After meeting Bai Chen who helped her win the Holy Grail War all the way, naturally she will no longer be nostalgic for her former home, but will become more and more dependent on Bai Chen.

Elegant lady: "My sister, no, "five-eight-seven". How is this possible?"

Railgun: "No problem, she is Sakura, she used to be Tohsaka Sakura, but now she is Matou Sakura.

Black-haired loli: "That's not true, as my brother's future bride, I have already changed my name to Bai Ying."

Blue Slime: "Ah, this...child bride? I didn't expect the boss to be so happy."

Elegant lady: "No, no matter what you say, I won't believe it."

Black-haired loli: "That's right, no matter what, I don't have a family like Tohsaka, it's been my elder brother's since birth."

The Spirit of Time: "Aren't you willing to believe that the evidence is right in front of you? Is there some unspeakable secret?"

Little Spider: "Heh! Could it be that what the boss said is still false? Newcomers, pay attention to my private chat, I will send you the recording of the Holy Grail War at that time."

Soon, Tohsaka Rin received a file with the suffix .avi from Spider.

Although he is an electronic idiot, the various functions of the chat group are surprisingly friendly. Rin Tohsaka turned on the video with a thought.

A few minutes later.

Elegant lady: "...How is this possible? My father would adopt Sakura to the Matou family???"

However, her childhood memories also seemed to tell her that the gloomy old head of the Matou family seemed to have visited their house to discuss some things.

However, for the sake of fighting the Holy Grail War, it's fine to adopt to the Matou family, the key is what happened to Zhong Hai who made her physically sick?

Elegant lady: "Obviously Sakura was adopted by the Edelfelt family in Europe."

Edelfelt is a famous Nordic magic family

Bai Chen: "This is all Steins;Gate's choice, no...it's all Tokiomi's fault."

Until now, Tohsaka Rin could not refute Bai Chen's words.

After all, Sakura in another world line was indeed adopted by the Matou family.

Railgun: "What is the Edelfelt family?"

Elegant and decent lady: "It's a Nordic magic family that has a little relationship with the Tohsaka family. A long time ago, my father sent someone to send her there. Not long ago, we even passed letters."

The Spirit of Time: "Letter? Isn't it more convenient to call?"

This question stumped Tohsaka Rin.

Can she say that she can't use the video phone well, so she doesn't have it installed at home, and the cost of international calls is so expensive that she can't afford it?


Anyway, she is also the young lady of the Yuansaka family, she must not lose face in front of outsiders!

Bai Chen: "Good guy, you actually adopted him into the Edelfelt family? In the future... no, I'm afraid she has become a muscular girl."

Bai Chen remembered.

Tosaka Tokiomi's father abducted the eldest daughter of the Edelfelt family at that time when he was studying in Europe, and the reason why the Tosaka family had jewel magic was also handed down from then on.

Among the many world lines of Xingyue, Tosaka Tokiomi chose to adopt Sakura to the Edelfelt family.

Although the Edelfelt family was quite unhappy with the past behavior of the Tohsaka family, but in order to inherit the twin magic, Sakura, who has the blood of the family and is extremely talented, is naturally the best choice.

However, under the influence of Luvia, Sakura became a muscular girl like her, a lady crane.

Thinking of the cute Sakura turning into a Spartan warrior who can carry a tripod and run a horse on his arm, Bai Chen thinks that picture is quite "beautiful".

The current him definitely won't let Sakura play with her muscles.

After all, just imagining that scene gives me a chill...

Black-haired loli: "Sakura, don't be like that!"

Just hearing the word "muscle", Sakura flatly refused.

And if you are full of muscles, you will not be liked by your brother.

You must become a big sister with a beautiful body and a good figure like Sister Gorgon!

Teacher Loli: "Even if it is the future of becoming a muscular girl, it is better than spending a lifetime in the sea of ​​insects.

The Spirit of Time: "Yes, it should be said that no matter which family you adopt, it will be a hundred times better than the Matou family."

Elegant lady: "I'm sorry, Sakura, I didn't know that my father would do that at that time, if I knew, I would definitely stop it."

Now she can only apologize to Sakura like this.

Black-haired loli: "It doesn't matter, anyway, I already have a big brother now, and I have forgotten about the past, sister Rin Tosaka.

Seeing this title, Tohsaka Rin could also feel the alienation.

But it's not Xiao Sakura's fault, if you want to blame it, you can only blame his father.

Butterfly Shinobi: "Let's not talk about this, does Ms. Tohsaka Rin need help? The upcoming Holy Grail War should be very troublesome for you, right?"

Little Spider: "If you entrust, ask the boss for help. Whether it is saving the world, moving mountains and reclamation, reversing the past and the future, even if you want to destroy the earth, it is more than enough. All in all, the boss is the choice you will never regret!" 0.7

Elegant lady: "Destroy the Earth..."

Rin Tohsaka's mouth twitched.

Doesn't this guy brag that he doesn't write drafts?

However, if she wanted to win the Holy Grail War, it would be very difficult for her alone to win.

Now that there is a chat group, it is not impossible to ask foreign aid for help.

Elegant lady: "I will consider it."

The Spirit of Time: "If you need help, you can prepare it now. After all, points are not so easy to obtain."

Elegant lady: "Thank you for reminding me."

Little Spider: "Okay, next!"

Golden Fairy: "Huh? Finally...it's me?"

Cordoli, who has been watching the screen, appeared nervously.


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