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Chapter 822: Zhu Nai’S Thoughts

Chapter 822

When Bai Chen looked over, Amaterasu felt a bone-chilling chill.

Moon Ye Jianzun was also obviously terrified and speechless.

The little gods around were even more silent, for fear of making a sound and being noticed by the pagan killing gods.

But at the same time, they were extremely sincere and could not wait for Amaterasu to agree immediately.

They are still young and don't want to die yet.

"I... I wait for Gao Tianyuan to submit to your glory.

The palm under the sleeve of the skirt suddenly loosened, Amaterasu let go and said.

All of a sudden, the nearby gods knelt down towards Bai Chen in the center of the temple, with their heads in their hands.

"a wise decision."

Bai Chen chuckled lightly.

This smile makes people feel like a spring breeze, and the entire Gaotianyuan City seems to be wrapped in a warm breeze.

It even made many gods feel that it is a wise decision to belong to God, and they began to think about how to please their new masters next.

Under such an atmosphere, only Amaterasu felt desolate in his heart.

In her hands, the entire Gao Tianyuan god system surrendered to him.

In the next step, her fate as the head of the three noble sons may not be too good.

"There is no need to worry about that kind of thing happening, I have no intention of changing the status quo."

Bai Chen's teasing voice fell into Amaterasu's ears.

"You are still you, you are still the Supreme God of Gao Tianyuan, the only change now is that you have me as your boss.

"As a reward, I will return Susanoo's soul to Gao Tianyuan."

Then, under the shocked gaze of Amaterasu, Tsukiyomi, and a group of gods, Susanoo, who should have died, stood up again.

Except for the slight indifference in the eyes, there is no difference from before.

Bai Chen smiled at the two goddesses.

Now that Gao Tianyuan has surrendered to him, he should show his attitude anyway.

After all, Susanoo was one of the three noble sons and Amaterasu's younger brother, so if he died directly, it would inevitably make them feel bad.

Therefore, after dominating Susanoo, bringing him back to life will undoubtedly eliminate their inner concerns.


Sinners who offend him are redeemed and forgiven.

As he said earlier.

Those who surrender will be born again in His glory.

Where in the world is there such a loving God?

If it is the local God of the Bible in the Demon High School, it will either be killed directly, or it will be sealed in the 18th floor of hell, just like Samuel, who will never stand up for eternity.

The kitten behind him could tell at a glance that it was a slave after being dominated by the teacher.

Although the soul and will are no different from the past, they are slaves who are absolutely loyal to the caster.

However, this is also good.

Without the instigation of Gao Tianyuan's divine system, things similar to Zhu Nai's will never happen again in the future.


"My lord."

Gabriel responded.

"Afterwards, they sent people to Gaotianyuan to assist them in their development.

Gabriel answered briskly.

"Hallelujah, praise to your kindness."

As one of the first angels to follow the God of the Bible, she found that after God came again, his methods were much gentler than before.

At the very least, it is impossible to resurrect a god like Susanoo.

Instead, it will divide the souls of gods, stuff them into different worlds, and then be inherited by different humans.

"Indeed, I am still too merciful now."

Hearing Gabriel's praise, the corners of Bai Chen's mouth couldn't help but rise.

The conversation nearby made Tianzhao's heart extremely complicated.

But until now, she didn't dare to have second thoughts.

Perhaps...it is a good thing for Gao Tianyuan to be attached to a powerful force.

She got up with Yueye Jianzun.

Seeing this, the other gods in the Shrine also knelt down.

"Greetings to God... Amen.

The crappy mixed farewell words made Bai Chen and his party smile.

Then, when they raised their heads, Bai Feng's figure had disappeared.

the other side.

Himejima Suzaku is directing the tribe to deal with the funeral.

"The era belonging to the five great clans has finally come to an end."

A woman a few years older than Akeno looked at the scene in front of her with emotion.

The change came so fast that everyone was caught off guard.

But she hated Bai Chen at all.

After all, the ones who died were the old stubborn who should have retired long ago. Most of the younger generation of the clan are still alive.

She didn't dare to ask for too much.

But it would be nice if it could be a little lighter.

"Junai, can you tell me about God... my lord?"

Now that he has surrendered to the other party, he will naturally change his mind.


Akeno Himejima, who was being questioned, reacted, and then looked at a loss.

"I'm not so sure either."

"But Lord God, you are his friend..."

Himejima Suzaku looked puzzled.

"Friend...it should be counted, but the one who really knows her is not me, but the kitten."

Akeno Himejima shook his head.

In terms of the degree of relationship, Tacheng Kitty is honored as Teacher Bai Chenli.

In comparison, even Rias, Shitori Sona's relationship with Bai Chen is better than her own.

"But no matter what, the Jijima family can survive so many people, thanks to you, Akeno."

Perhaps, Bai Chen intentionally made Himejima's family owe Akeno a favor?

Such speculation is not impossible.

"I don't care about other people, as long as you can survive, cousin.

Now when it comes to Himejima's family, Zhu Nai's heart is full of pleasure.

After all, from top to bottom, Jijima Suzaku is the only one who treats her well among outsiders in the Jijima family.

Others, especially Suzerain Ji Dao Zhuhuang, hated him, even if he was torn to pieces, it would be difficult to dissipate.

Although Jidao Zhuhuang died, it was a pity that she did not do it herself.

"That's it."

Suzaku sighed.

She understood Zhu Nai's hatred for the family, so she didn't say much.

In order to ease the atmosphere, she changed the subject.

"By the way, Zhu Nai, have you thought about how to repay Lord God?"


Zhu Nai was a little confused.

"I heard that the three major forces in the Bible have formed an alliance. Even if you and Lord God are friends, you should think about ways to repay them, right?"

"Uh...I, I don't know.

Speaking of this, Zhu Nai was even more confused.

However, what my cousin said is not unreasonable.

All her enemies at Jijima's house had been eliminated, and the girl who was thoughtful and thoughtful might be guessing at this moment whether she made a special trip for her.

Even if it wasn't, she couldn't just do nothing now that her hatred had been avenged.


What should I do?

This level of "help" can't be repaid even if she sells her.

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