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Chapter Eight Hundred And Thirtieth I Am Not Targeting You

Chapter 832


A descendant of Leviathan, the former demon king of the underworld.

At that time, after the three-party war, every force showed signs of decline, especially in the underworld.

After this, there was a civil war among demons.

The ending is that the coup d'état wins, and the former demon king and his supporters are driven to the border of the underworld.

Before the outbreak of the civil war, Ingewell suffered from the sleeping sickness unique to demons. Since the demon civil war, he has been sleeping until now. After the artifact in his body was awakened, the sleeping sickness was actively cured.

Then, he was caught by the Knicks.

Therefore, Ingewell's actual age is almost the same as that of Sergeks, Seraphroux and others.

In this world, she doesn't have any relatives or friends. If she takes them away directly, it is impossible for the girl to disagree.

Speaking up.

I don't know if it's the singers in the two-dimensional world who all have the same three-nothing setting.

Moreover, he had a miserable life experience and had no one to rely on, so he was used as a tool.

This is true for both Miki and Ingewell.

Presumably the two of them will have many topics in common in the future.

As for the Asura Field, Bai Chen naturally didn't have to worry about it.

"My lord, the actions of Nyx, the goddess of the night, are obviously the actions of Greek mythology. This is a naked provocation. All of us in the heavens are at your disposal. Wherever your heart is directed, our sword is directed!"

After listening to Gabriel's advice, Bai Chen chuckled lightly.

The loyal Archangel awaits his orders.

If you give the order, the entire heaven will definitely be mobilized.

And Bai Chen also has this intention.

After all, gods like Hades who like to make trouble behind their backs have long been on his list.

Instead of leaving it alone, let's deal with it now.

Afterwards, Bai Chen no longer hesitated, and after learning the specific coordinates of the underworld from Nix, he teleported directly to the underworld space where Hades was.

before this.

In the Hades in Greek mythology, Hades and the gods of hell in various myths are gathering.

A skeleton figure dressed in gorgeous mourning clothes, his whole body is shrouded in an ominous aura.

Apart from Hades, one figure after another was sitting sparsely around the round council table.

Before Nix set out to attack Juwang Town, he had a report with his brother Erebus.

So, in order to discuss the consequences of the next possibility, Hades held a long-planned meeting.

Although all the gods who are working on the meeting participated in the meeting in the form of phantoms of consciousness, being able to sit here is enough to prove that they basically agree with Hades.

The total number of people is about twenty-three.

Most of the well-known and trusted gods of hell on the planet have sat here.

Apart from some small gods, the most dazzling one is naturally Hades, the god of Hades.

As the initiator of the alliance, he is sitting on the throne.

Although it is the C position, no god has any objection to this.

After all, Hades is the most powerful among them, and he is a super existence in the top ten in the world.

In terms of strength, it is second only to Shiva in India, and even comparable to Brahma and Vishnu.

Hades was sitting on the first seat, and his subordinate Reaper was reporting the current situation.

"My lords, Nix, the goddess of the night, led the evil dragon, the mass-produced demon, and Orpheus to the place where the god appeared just now, and has already launched an attack.


The main purpose of this meeting is to verify whether the information about God's resurrection is true or false.

Naturally, they can trust the combat power of the infinite dragon god Orpheus.

With her shot, there is a high probability that the god will be forced to show up.

At that time, the two sides will definitely have the opportunity to fight.

At that time, it will be possible to tell whether God is real or not.

But no matter what, yes or no, it is impossible for the opponent to defeat Orpheus.

Of course, the power of the Bible should not be underestimated. Although Orpheus is strong, it is impossible to win everyone at once.

But take a step back.

Regardless of whether the plan to instigate the Dragon God to attack the Bible forces is successful or not, their alliance of hell lords is the beneficiary.

Therefore, all the gods of hell, including Hades, talked with ease.

At this time, someone spoke.

Erebus, the god of darkness.

He also has black hair, his face is somewhat similar to Nix, but he looks quite sinister.

"Assuming that the Orpheus attack is successful and severely damages the power of the Bible, I think we should distribute the benefits earlier? It saves time to argue with each other because of this kind of thing, and let other gods take advantage of it.

His blunt words set off a conversation among the gods.

After all, they came together not because of ambition, but because of interests.

If their plan to destroy other gods succeeds, the post-war world will be redistributed, and no one wants to lose their benefits.

"...What do you want? Erebus?"

Hades asked.

"It's very simple, a transcendent quota born from Lilith.

Erebus spoke.

Today's "Lilith", the original mother of demons, has been able to mass-produce high-level demons, and even has a few demon kings.

If we continue to study more intensively, demons with transcendent level will be born soon.

If you want to stand firm in this world, you need strength.

"After all, my sister Nix paid the most in this battle. As for the management rights of Orpheus that everyone promised... Hehe, Orpheus is the strongest in the world. We can only use lies to control her. Who can really control her?"

Is it just because of the god-killing tool that Ingewell possesses?

That kind of thing can't destroy the Dragon God, let alone control it.

Hearing this, many gods secretly scolded Erebus for being shameless.

Well said!

Keli is all from your sister Nix, so you decide the weight?

But each other is a family, so it's not easy to say anything.

"Transcendence, if the power of that kind of thing is used well, it is comparable to a god, I disagree!"

Some gods think it's inappropriate.

Who knows how long Lilith can last with the current situation?

I'm afraid that if she didn't give birth to a transcendent demon, she would die directly.

"I don't agree either. The strength of a transcendent demon is far behind that of a god. Even if they are also among the top ten in the world, the gap is still huge.

At this moment, an untimely voice sounded in the temple. .

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