Chapter 840

The relative mystical advantages of technology are obvious.

However, the shortcomings are also very obvious.

That is, if you want to break through, you must use massive resources.

The reason why EXE's mechanical civilization can develop to such a high level has a lot to do with their endless aggressive actions.

In order to maintain the speed of technological development, aggressive actions based on war are indispensable.

However, wanting to leapfrog from four digits to three digits is not as simple as it sounds.

Irreverent white-haired loli: "Are you going to destroy them?"

Bai Chen: "It would be a waste to destroy it."

Unscrupulous white-haired loli: "Could it be that you want to dominate them? But I remember that your power of domination seems to be unable to support a four-digit level of defense.

Bai Chen: "It's just that there is no way to control ordinary people as easily as "Four Five Seven". Combining my existing power, it is not impossible to control them in theory.

Goddess of the Moon: "Can mechanical things be controlled?"

Electromagnetic Gun: "Yes, robots should not have such things as souls."

Bai Chen: "Strictly speaking, they are mechanical life forms, but their souls are no longer illusory things, but are stored in a certain core."

Little Spider: "I see, it's similar to Transformers, right?"

Blue Slime: "The flesh and blood are weak, and the machine flies!"

Spider and Rimuru talked about things that only a certain circle could understand.

Bai Chen: "Basically, digitize the biological consciousness, abandon the physical body and use the mechanical body to achieve immortality. As long as the parts are replaced frequently, there will never be a problem of death, and the thinking efficiency and work efficiency are many times higher than those of a mortal body."

The Elf of Time: "This...what is this called? Cyberpunk?"

Bai Chen: "Cyberpunk can be regarded as the embryonic form of mechanical civilization, but it is still dominated by human thinking and consciousness, and compared with pure mechanical civilization, the order is more chaotic.

Bai Chen: "By the way, @蝶吉, the world you lived in before was the predecessor of cyberpunk. If there is no apocalypse virus, maybe it will develop into a real lotus punk civilization in the future.

In the world of Guilty Crown, humans have been able to use the principle of gene resonance to remotely control the humanoid machine "Ultimate Roar" with human thinking.

After a period of development, the means of implanting machinery into the human body should also be able to be manufactured.

Die Qi: ...Looking forward to going with Mr. Bai Chen. "

Electromagnetic Gun: "Mr. Bai Chen? This title...shouldn't it be attacked again?"

Little Spider: "Hmph! Now, sister Pao, you still have such doubts. Rather, it's strange that you haven't been captured by the boss. Could it be that you are really a person like what Limulu said?"

Electromagnetic Gun: "Are you kidding me! I'm a real woman, okay?!"

Although Yuexiong is a little younger, she is still a junior high school student and has great potential for development in the future!

Little Spider: "That's a woman with a man's heart, how dare you say that you don't treat the boss as a brother!"

Railgun: "I...!"

Sister Pao wanted to refute, but couldn't find a reason.

After all, when Bai Chen helped her before this, besides being grateful, she really regarded him as a big brother she could rely on in her heart.

But later, perhaps because of Bai Chen's disdainful personality, this relationship gradually turned into a relationship similar to that of brothers.

Of course, this is only one-sided.

Bai Chen still regards Sister Pao as a toy for him to tease


Could it be that I'm about to be straightened by Bai Chen?!

Sister Pao thought with some horror.

Leaving Misaka Mikoto aside, she began to think about whether to go to a psychiatrist, and the discussion on Mechanic Gods continued in the group.

Irregular white-haired loli: "Integrate biological consciousness into the mechanical body? You say that, we seem to remember that there was such a civilization in Little Garden many years ago, but I don't know whether it was destroyed by other gods or left Little Garden.

Bai Chen: "There is a high probability that it will be destroyed. After all, the mechanical civilization is very scary when it explodes."

With a mechanical civilization with three main gods, it will definitely be the target of the Hakoniwa gods.

After all, theoretically speaking, mechanical civilization can be regarded as a branch that can affect human history.

Mechanics will never worship other gods.

For the main god who feeds on faith, nature is the natural opposite...

Bai Chen: "Stop talking, they came out."

In the silver ship.

Inside the bridge as the main control room, there is a chilling atmosphere.

Regal Zewa, the tyrannical ghost god, sat on the throne that belonged only to him.

The seven-meter-high body is built with the most cutting-edge technology of the Mechanic Kingdom, with the absolute golden ratio, endowing it with the most streamlined appearance. Not only does it not look ugly at first glance, but it also has a special metallic texture.

The four eyes stared at the reality scene observed by the ship.

In the image, it is the great red, Orpheus and Bai Chen who have turned into human forms.

"That's a flesh creature called a dragon? It looks like the flesh creature we slaughtered in the FXF world."

"Reporting to Mr. Regal Zewa, according to data calculations, most of the flesh and blood creatures with extraordinary power in this world have the ability to change forms. Perhaps for better communication, all of them have the form of "humans."

Reported by a mechanical body.

"Communication? Didn't it turn into a war situation?"

The ghost who was surprised by this asked.

"Yes, according to the outdated network that invaded this world, we can know that the war between humans has stopped decades ago, and the system estimates that the probability of the major gods maintaining peace is more than 90%."


Rhaegar 4.5 Erzewa let out a deep smile.

He has invaded and destroyed three hundred and six planets and civilizations. Although the civilizations of each dimension are different, the places where his fleet arrives are full of wars and chaos.

"However, in this way, those high-level life forms should live longer, and the data sent back to their home countries will also increase."

Mechanical civilization feeds war with war.

Everywhere they go, they will absorb the local advantages, and conduct research dissection of some powerful flesh and blood creatures, and absorb the advantages to change the weapons and body structure.

"All out, let the world witness the arrival of the Xingxie Ghost God Fleet.

Regal Zewa didn't think much, and directly announced the attack of the whole army. .

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