Chapter 856

[Group reminder (private): Your commission has been completed by group member "Bai Chen". 】

【Group Reminder (Private): Entrusted Evaluation...】

[Entrusted evaluation———perfect, points +2000. 】

Little Spider: "It's finally over!"

Little White Cat: "Sorry, teacher, I can only take out a few points.

Bai Chen: "You don't have to be so polite with me, it's better to use the remaining points to draw prizes to improve yourself, after all, I've already got what I want.

Today, although he can't spend a lot of money like Bai Yasha, his pursuit of points is no longer as crazy as it was at the beginning.

After all, judging from his current strength, it would be difficult to obtain suitable abilities or props with his current good luck.

If it is divided by Hakoniwa level, it is necessary to have three-digit abilities or props in order to have a substantial improvement for Bai Chen.

However, that kind of reward is placed in online games, and it is impossible to get it without a big guarantee.

Luo Abao: "Good guy, it seems that the kitten has been murdered..."

21 Blue Slime: "It's like this..."

Blue Slime: "Damn it! I really want to be a girl now! Boss, I don't want to work hard anymore!"

Little Spider: "What about morals?"

Blue Slime: "?"

Blue Slime: "You seem to be the only one in the whole group who has no right to speak of me!"

Little Spider: "Hmph! Who made you become a slime through time travel?"

Blue Slime: "I don't want to either, I'm desperate too!"

Rimuru felt distressed and couldn't tell.

The big elf sister in the tavern can see and touch, but she just can't touch it.

I used to think that the absence of the symbol of a man is not bad, but... after a long time, I still feel that it is better to have one more part.

Although the shape of slime is ever-changing, it is nothing more than self-deception if it is transformed in that way.

Little spider: "Just be content with it, you just lost a ham, but you got the power of the storm dragon Veldora for nothing, how pitiful as I was at the beginning!"

Blue Slime: "Hearing what you said, I feel a little relieved."

Little Spider: "Hmph! I'm not trying to comfort you, after all, I'm one step ahead of becoming a girl spider, and I can finally become a human again! Hmph!"

Little Spider: "Are you envious?"

Blue Slime: "QAQ!"

Electromagnetic Gun: "It's just nonsense, it's too smirk.jpg."

Blue Slime: "Big Cry.jpg.

Luo Abao: "Suddenly discovered that sexism in the group is quite serious!"

The big bone boiled into soup: " there any? I think the big brother is still a very good person."

I don't want to see a ghost: "Huh? Mr. Dagu, so you are here?"

Big bone boiled into soup: "I'm always here!"

Big bone boiled into soup: "By the way, @Bai Chen, boss, the excavation work on the La'lyeh ruins has been officially finalized, so there shouldn't be any surprises, right? After all, it's still far from the time I told you."

Bai Chen: "No... No wonder, the ruins of R'lyye have already awakened in your era, and it is only a matter of time before they really surface."

Big bone boiled into soup: "Uh... how long is this time?"

Bai Chen: "It can range from a few days to a few months."

Although Altman Tiga is a unit drama, the story and time of each episode are connected in series.

And the time span from the first episode to the last episode is only a few months.

Before that, TPC has been established for many years.

The big bone boiled into soup: "Ah, this..."

Bai Chen: "Actually, since the appearance of the first monster Gorzan, the ruins of R'lyeh have been awakened.

Gorzan and Melba.

The two monsters that appeared in the first episode of Tiga TV.

It was drilled from the ruins of R'lyeh.

Although it is not explicitly stated in the play, it can be proved that it is under the control of Gatanjah to attack the stone statues in the pyramids.

After all, they were old enemies a long time ago.

The Spirit of Time: "That...the Ruins of R'lyeh, why is it called this name?"

Big bone boiled into soup: "I don't understand either, but this is the code name given by the above.

Teacher Loli: "I remember this is a term in a science fiction novel."

Bai Chen: "Although the name is just a coincidence, the monster inside does have something to do with the Cthulhu mythology."

Electromagnetic Gun: "Huh? Doesn't that mean that there are gods of Cthulhu in Mr. Big Bone's world?"

Bai Chen: "Although the probability is very small, the possibility cannot be ruled out."

Bai Chen: "By the way, pay attention to a kind of creature named "Zoga" in the ruins of R'lyeh. There are a lot of them, and their adults can grow to the size of ordinary monsters."

Big bone boiled into soup: "I will pay attention."

Bai Chen: "If you can't solve it, just ask for a commission, and I will go there."

Big bone boiled into soup: "Thank you!"

If you put it in the past, Dagu must have been panicked when he heard the news.

But since he joined the chat group, after watching too many live broadcasts, he feels that the so-called Gatanjaer is nothing more than that.

After all, if you can't solve it by yourself, there is still a great backing.

Little Spider: "Boss, what about me? Do you have any advice for me?"

Bai Chen: "You just need to choose the evolution route I gave, but it should be noted that after you evolve through the system to the end and become a god, all your original skills will disappear.


Little Spider: "There is such a thing!!!"

Blue Slime: " it so miserable?"

Electromagnetic Gun: "It's too miserable to wash some after becoming a god."

Little Spider: "Boss, save me QAQ.

Bai Chen: "Don't worry too much about this kind of thing. Although all the skills are gone, the attributes of evolution and life forms will still be retained."

Little Spider: "But this is still very uncomfortable."

Spiders are annoying.

After all, half of her life is now given by those various skills.

I don't want to see a ghost: "It's too bad."

Bai Chen: "Actually, this is quite normal. After all, the system was created by the gods of your world. After you become a god, your life level will be at the same level as that god, and the system will naturally not affect you."

Little Spider: "Well, as a human being, you have to be content!"

Little Spider: "Looks like I can't go down like this anymore, I need to catch more monsters and exchange points for a lottery draw!"

The spider rekindled his fighting spirit.

But it's just starting all over again, she's already very experienced!

Bai Chen: "In this case, let's talk about something happy."

Railgun: "Sudden Alert.jpg.".

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