Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 864 First Meeting, Miss Cordori

Chapter 864

"No, actually it's not...not right, although there is something like what Miss Nigland said, but it's not that serious at the moment."

Ke Duoli hurriedly defended, like a primary school student who made a mistake and was caught by the head teacher on the spot.

The conflict between wanting to keep the chat group's secrets and not wanting to lie makes the girl at a loss.

"In short... In short, as long as you exchange the last holy sword, Lord Shenming will come over."

"Exchange? Holy Sword?"

Nigland was at a loss, and at the same time became more and more sure that Cordoli had already exhibited symptoms of personality erosion.

Although the heart is very sad, the most important thing now is to appease Cordoli's emotions.

After all, there have been examples in the past where fairy soldiers went crazy after their personalities collapsed.

"Kudoli, put the holy sword back, let's have a good talk."

As Nigolan approached, she spoke softly to comfort her.

Even if she feels sorry for Cordoli's personality, she still has to think about other people on the floating island No. 66.

Moreover, the fewer people who know about this kind of thing, the better.

"No, Miss Nigland, this is the last holy sword, and I have already..."

Keduoli took a few steps back holding the holy sword, and spoke with a complicated expression.

"I can't back down anymore, all this is to protect everyone.

That's right, as long as the Lord God comes, everything will end!

Thinking this way, under Nigolan's unbelievable eyes, the last two holy swords turned into light particles and disappeared into the air.

"Kudoli, what on earth are you..."

Her expression is more complicated than that of Cordoli.

Now she is not only sure that Cordoli's personality is beginning to collapse, but even the newly emerged personality is still a fanatical religious element.

As a member of the Orlando Chamber of Commerce, apart from daily necessities, the main trade method of the Chamber of Commerce, the other half of the income comes from the salvage of the relics on the ground.

Among them, some ancient books record that in the past world, many fanatical religious elements brainwashed others and carried out evil sacrifice ceremonies.

In Nigolan's view, Cordoli has become abnormal because of the influence of that kind of thing.

"Believe me, Miss Nigland, the situation in this world is coming to an end."

After Cordoli finished speaking, she posted a request in the group.

[Group reminder: Group member "Golden Fairy" issued a commission: to turn beasts back into humans and restore peace to the world. 】

Blue Slime: "Obviously, it's another commission that only big bosses can complete."

Fubuki of Hell: "It is indeed something that only Mr. Bai Chen can do."

Elegant and decent lady: "Is the boss's daily commission so simple and unpretentious? It's just a mission to save the world?"

Little Spider: "Sit down! 666 is forbidden."

Grandpa is so cute: "Big brother, come on!"

Several times in succession, seeing that Bai Chen received commissions related to the world, Ying felt how difficult it was for her to get the boss to come over last time.

It seems that I really picked a good time.

Otherwise, the boss really might not have time to come to her side.

But when she thought of Bai Chen telling her that she had left a gift during her trip before leaving, she couldn't help feeling a little bit looking forward to it.

Bai Chen: "@金的首鬼, then I'm ready to go, be mentally prepared, and don't be afraid of changes in space.

Luo Abao: "Too caring."

Blue Slime: "Provoke? How dare you say provoking.jpg"

I don't want to see it: "How dare you tell me you're messing with me.jpg.

Ignoring the daily side questions in the group, Bainiao took Cordoli's question.

It's still him alone.

Don't look at the fact that most of the group is bragging, but when it comes to the critical moment, everyone is very self-aware.

The difficulty of these commissions is obviously beyond the reach of ordinary people.

However, it is conceivable that many people will probably pass by Rin Tohsaka's next Holy Grail War.

After all, everyone has seen the strength of the followers from the Fourth Holy Grail War and Gudazi last time.

Now that they are so familiar, they naturally want to play in other worlds.

But Bai Chen didn't think too much about it for now.

Soon, new tips came from the chat group.

[Group reminder (private): Your application has been accepted by the group member "Golden Fairy", and you are about to go to the other party's world]

The azure gate of time and space appeared beside Bai Chen.

...asking for flowers......

Then, he walked in.

Ever since.

Just when Nigolan was still earnestly persuading Cordoli to tell the truth.

Under the gaze of the vermilion eyes of this ogre girl, the underground space where the holy sword was kept suddenly appeared blue ripples, which then turned into whirlpools of light patterns like boiling water in a lake.

And in the spiral time and space, a male figure slowly walked out from it.

The dark-haired young man who appeared on the stage fixed his gaze on Cordoli.

"Miss Cortori?"

"Yes... yes, may I ask you... are you a god?"

Despite saying hello in the group, Cordoli still showed a surprised expression at the too fantastic scene in front of her.

"Just call me Bai Chen."


Bai Chen showed an easy-going smile.

"Don't be so nervous, I'm here to help you, not to eat you."

Appropriate jokes can effectively alleviate the awkward atmosphere.

The results are also obvious.

The expression on Cordoli's face was much more relaxed.

"I'm... Cortori.

Although I still stutter a bit, I have accepted the reality that the group of friends who chat with me all day really popped out of the chat group.

"Hello, meeting you for the first time."

Bai Chen stretched out his hand towards Cordoli, seeing the girl froze, he said with a light smile.

"Didn't you extend your hand? Could it be that the etiquette in this world is hugging or kissing?"

"No...not like that."

Although Cordoli has never experienced the taste of kissing, she also knows that this kind of thing can only be done with the person she likes, so she quickly reached out her small hand and shook Bai Chen, and the red marks spread from the neck to the roots of the ears.

"It... actually appeared!"

Nigolan looked at the young figure that suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

He has black hair, looks extremely handsome, and his whole body is filled with an indescribable aura.

Both sacred and lofty, but also gentle and casual.

Unconsciously, he placed himself in a lower position than him, and even had a primitive impulse to kneel down and cheer for the existence in front of him.

Even though Nigland kept convincing herself that Cordoli's so-called gods and the like were nonsense, but now she couldn't help but believe it. .

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