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Chapter 867: Kamen Rider's Sight

Chapter 867

Good guy, how come there is a sense of sight of Kamen Rider?

Seeing the presence of the so-called sage throwing away the scepter, Bai Chen couldn't figure out where to spit it out.

For Swann, surrender was a certainty.

This kind of thing does not need to think at all.

After all, this is an existence that even Hei Zhugong can completely suppress.

Of course, more importantly, he somewhat believed Cordoli's explanation.

As one of the former brave men, he knows the secret that human beings are actually beasts.

Back then, the kingdom formed a crusade team to kill the last star god, hoping to delay the time of human extinction.

However, although the crusade was won, they did not have the relevant soul transformation technology.

Therefore, the human kingdom will become history in just one year.

It can be said that the root of all the problems encountered by the floating island group today is the "beast".

Making a golden goblin to resist the sixth beast is just a slow death.

What's more, the current floating island also has the hidden danger of insufficient energy supply, and it is only a matter of time before it falls.

So Swann the Wise has been struggling with this.

Now someone can stand up and solve the source, not to mention allegiance, even if he is asked to kneel down and call Dad, he is willing.

No way, hundreds of years of life did not sharpen his state of mind, but more and more problems weighed him down.

Since there is a way to solve the alien god brought by Cordoli, he welcomes him with his hands and feet.

Of course, the premise is that there is a way.

"If you have that confidence."

The implication is already very obvious.

But Black Candle has at least a minimum of integrity compared to a sage.

However, it may also be because it has lost its limbs and cannot move freely like a sage, swearing allegiance.

"You guys just agreed."

Bai Chen admired their boldness very much.

Those who know current affairs are Junjie.

If the main gods of the hell lord had this kind of vision, it would be his turn to waste his energy stripping their souls.

"The earth has perished. When the stars return to their place, the suspended continent will sink, and the first beasts of the world will become the only ones.".

"It doesn't matter if you don't believe it, but for so many years, I feel that maintaining the operation of the floating island is no longer enough. Coupled with the attack of beasts, we will all die in the end.

Hei Zhugong stated the ruthless facts.

The remnants of the old generation will be abandoned by the times, and the world will return to its original point.

——It is a desolate world where the Star God has not yet set foot here.

At that time, even he will not be spared.

Bai Chen could feel the helplessness in Black Candle.

This earth god, who was once crusaded by humans, later cooperated with the brave humans, which is enough to see his concept of right and wrong.

There is no obvious hatred for humans, even beasts.

"God said it, and it came to pass."

Bai Chen chuckled, and then flicked Hei Zhugong's head.


Hei Zhugong, who had been burnt by the brave until he had only one head left, immediately condensed his original human form in a burst of light.

"This power..."

Black Candle was shocked in his heart.

Just a light swipe of a finger allowed him to recover the magical power that could not be recovered for hundreds of years, and he manifested his former body.

Such mighty power can no longer be simply called magic.


This is divine power!

Regardless of the astonishment of the two of them, Bai Chen looked at Cordoli beside him: "Then let's get down to business.

The first thing to deal with is the beast turning into a man.

The former star god wrapped the beasts with his soul fragments, changed their forms, and then turned into humans.

Although the human beings later turned into beasts, at least it is certain that the souls of beasts and humans match each other to a certain extent.

However, if you want to solve this problem [You must first understand Zeng's soul.

For this reason, facing the curious gazes of Ke Duoli and Hei Zhugong, Bai Chen reached out and grabbed the void in front of him, making a pulling motion.

There was a slight ripple in the space, and after a burst of fluctuations, a hideous monster was pulled out of the void by Bai Chen.

———The Sixth Beast of Deep Dive.

This is a special monster whose main body usually resides on the earth, but can split the main body into tens of thousands of dandelion-like fragments and attack the floating island when necessary.

If it is not stopped, it usually takes six to eight hours to completely parasitize a floating island.

Hei Zhugong and the sage showed astonishment.

Cordoli was also taken aback.

As an adult goblin soldier, although she often dealt with this kind of monster, she never expected to see it in this kind of place.

The blame is that Bai Chen's shots did not follow the routine at all.

Such an incredible scene made the sage and Hei Zhugong completely silent.

They had never seen this level of power.

And the sixth beast that was brought out, when it found the surrounding environment, immediately let out a strange cry, opened its bloody mouth and bit at Bai Chen who was closest to him.

The strength of beasts is not strong, but the trouble lies in their "strong splitting property". The moment a single body dies, new individuals will be split up until the limit of splitting.

And this number ranges from dozens to hundreds.

And, each time the newly split individual will become stronger than the previous old individual.

Bai Chen imprisoned the actions of this sixth beast, which also included its strong splitting characteristics.

"So... the soul of a beast is like this."

Chaotic and disorderly, like a pure ball of light.

When it comes to the understanding of (the king's) soul, most of the gods on the earth do not explain it more thoroughly than the Kabbalah tree of life.

Even though beasts are not humans, the knowledge about souls in Bai Chen's mind still comes in handy.

And it's no wonder that Star God could create humans so easily back then.

The soul of the beast is like a slime, and the soul fragment of the star god is the container roar.

Put the slime in the container, and the soul of the beast will change due to the shape of the container, and then become a human.

In comparison, the methods Bai Chen can use are much more efficient than those of Star God.

He can directly change and fix the soul of the beast without the help of a container.

So, in the eyes of other people who were completely stunned.

The distorted shape of the sixth beast, along with the movements of Bai Chen's hands, constantly changed its original shape.

till the end.

The beast became a man. .

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