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Chapter 895 Invincible Berserker!

Chapter 895

"How are you feeling now! How are you!"

Ishtar's mood has never been so happy as at this moment.

After all, in the Uruk era, every time she went to find fault, she would only be insulted by Gilgamesh.

But now, she has completely recovered her place.

"No, it's not enough!"

Just stepping on Gilgamesh can only satisfy his own pleasure.

She suffered so many losses at the hands of Gilgamesh before, and she was ashamed to the entire Mesopotamia. This alone cannot make her let it go.

That guy was right!

Just take some pictures of Gilgamesh now, and spread those hopeful pictures all over Uruk!

For this reason, Ishtar went to Bai Chen to get a mobile phone.

Although Tohsaka Rin is an electronic idiot, Ishtar has not inherited this characteristic.

As a follower, she quickly became proficient with the mobile phone, and then turned on the built-in camera, aiming at Gilgamesh who is now like a dead dog.

The sound of the shutter kept ringing, accompanied by Ishtar's belly laugh like a duck.

When Gilgamesh, who was deeply humiliated, heard the sound of the shutter, he was furious and surprised.

What does this damned goddess want to do?

"Hahahahaha! This Gilgamesh, I never imagined that there is still today! No way, hahahaha! Seeing his current appearance, I... I can't stop laughing at all! No... No way—hahahahahaha!"

Ishtar, who had already taken more than a dozen photos, lay sprawled on top of Tianzhou Ma Anna, smiling so hard that he couldn't close his legs.

He even burped deeply because he laughed too hard.

"No... no, I can't help it when I think that these photos... will, will spread in Uruk. n

When Ishtar answered the call, it was during the reign of the wise king Gilgamesh.

If the current tragedy of Mr. Jin is spread to the whole of Uruk, I don't know what kind of reaction King Xian will have!

Afterwards, Ishtar seemed to think of something, turned over from the sky boat Ma Anna, and took a few photos with Gilgamesh, who had a bruised nose and a swollen face.

After all, only when she goes abroad can the photos become more real.

Moreover, it can also let the people in Mesopotamia know that it was her Ishtar who did it!

"If you continue to laugh, I'm afraid you will become the first goddess to die laughing.

Tohsaka Rin came over.

Looking at Gilgamesh today, he feels disgust and pity at the same time.

Sakura also showed the same expression.

After all, Gilgamesh's ending reversed too quickly. From the previous bravado to the present appearance of a dead dog, it is really embarrassing.

"However, by now, this Holy Grail War should be over.

Rin Tohsaka sighed.


I have already avenged you.

"It's really time to end."

Bai Chen nodded.

The Holy Grail War has progressed to this extent, and there is no need to continue.

But at this moment, a childish voice came from the breeze.

"No... It's just a golden guy. My Berserker is the strongest! The victory of this Holy Grail War will definitely belong to our Einzbern family!"

Hearing this sound, the servants and masters at the scene subconsciously looked towards the source of the sound.

Bai Chen also cast his gaze over.

What I saw was Ilya who was standing beside Hercules, raising her small fist.

"Oh? Invincible Hercules?"

Looking at Ilya's youthful appearance, Bai Chen smiled lightly.

"Goo...no, that's right! Hercules is the strongest!"

Seeing the macho man who could handle EA look at her, Illya's voice subconsciously weakened a bit [the tone also lost a little confidence.

"In that case, let me show you your courage."

There was a smile on the corner of Bai Chen's mouth.

Then, Wei Wei beckons.

Spirit crystallization—the crown activates.

Platinum light wheels emerged around Bai Chen's wrist, and then, as if they each had their own life, they refined into dozens of tiny rhombic prisms.

They first flew around Bai Chen, and then flew towards Illya.


Elijah screamed.

Immediately afterwards, with a beast-like roar, Hercules stood in front of Illya with an ax and sword in his hand.

But before Hercules could swing his weapon [Extinction], the light beam fired pierced his heart.

However, this is not over.

Hercules owns the Noble Phantasm "Twelve Trials".

With ordinary means, if you don't kill him twelve times, you can't completely destroy him.

And every time it is resurrected, the previous attack will not work theoretically.

Berserk plus resurrection.

No wonder Illya said that Hercules is the strongest follower.

But it doesn't matter.

The power of the Angel of Extinction cannot be resisted by the Twelve Trials, even if the resistance is increased, the effect is minimal.

So, Hercules died without any resistance.

Then go and get rid of the servants who were fighting and dancing on the nearby rooftop. "

Bai Chen commanded the Angel of Extinction and flew towards the nearest rooftop.

He could clearly perceive that the red assassin and the blue spearmen were there.

Since the winner has not yet been decided, then don't fight.

"What it is?!"

Originally, the two of them temporarily ceased fighting when Gilgamesh released EA [and observed the fact that Gilgamesh was defeated by a strange youth.

Seeing this, they started to retreat, but unexpectedly, there was a strange flying object chasing them.

However, that sentence became their last words.

The brilliance of the Extinct Angel wiped away their will, and the remnants turned into light particles and disappeared (Zhao Mo's), absorbed by the nearest little Holy Grail.

Because of the death of Hercules, Ilya, who was briefly absent-minded, had a painful expression on her face.

After the servants died, their souls should have returned to the Throne of Heroes, but the Little Holy Grail could imprison their souls and prevent them from returning.

Until the souls of the seven servants are obtained and the conditions for the arrival of the Great Holy Grail are met, the souls imprisoned by the Lesser Holy Grail will flow into the Great Holy Grail.

After collecting all five souls, Illya, who is the Little Holy Grail, will die and reveal the essence of the Little Holy Grail.

But Bai Chen had a good impression of Illya, so he naturally wouldn't just watch this silver-haired loli die in vain.

So, he took a step forward and walked in front of Illya.

With the shadow imprinted on Ilya's face, this little loli timidly raised her head.

After seeing that it was Bai Chen, a look of fear visible to the naked eye appeared on his face.

"You... are you here to kill me?"

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