Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter Nine Hundred And Thirtieth What Hell Joke

Chapter 930

After a short rest, she subconsciously opened her mouth with desires.

Nanfang Rihe: "Then, to what extent can Lord Shenming do?"

If it is a god, maybe you can issue a commission according to the setting of the chat group, and ask the god to help wipe out all the monsters on that island.

After all, judging from the paper data of Shadow Ryunosuke, human power alone cannot be compared with it.

And I still don't know other information related to the shadow monster.

According to the general situation, there is a 90% probability that there are monsters stronger than ordinary shadows.

It is a bit of fantasy to want to solve such a weird incident with one's own strength.

Nanfang Rihe has already planned to use the power of the chat group to solve Ying~zi.

However, just after joining the group, he entrusted the help of unfamiliar group members - somewhat Meng Lang.

What's more, issuing commissions requires points, but how can she get such a thing as a rookie?

Little Spider: "The boss is omnipotent!"

The Spirit of Time: "From my visual observation, there is basically no difference between Mr. Bai Chen and those omniscient and omnipotent gods in the legend."

Bai Chen: "It's far from omniscient and omnipotent. It's just a little stronger than me in the past."

Electromagnetic Gun: "Billion Dots, Fingertip Galaxy.jpg"

Grandpa is so cute: "But for us, Yinlao's ability is already omnipotent.

Bai Chen: "@卖费novelist, if I'm not wrong, you should want to take revenge on the shadow, right?"

Bestselling Novelist: "How Did You Know?"

Southern Rihe was a little startled.

If what the group member named Butterfly Ninja said is true.

Then the chat group should be a transfer station connecting the heavens and the world, and each group member is an intelligent ecology from a different world.

Logically speaking, with the obstacle of the dimensional wall, it is impossible to know what happened in another universe.

Even the gods are unlikely to do such a thing.


From beginning to end, she seems to have overlooked a rather crucial issue.

That is, it is clearly a chat group, but it is not known who is the owner of the group.

However, combined with the speeches of the group members in the chat group, and the fact that Bai Chen knew his secret just now.

Could it be that the god of this different world is the owner of this chat group?

Then, detected her thoughts through the chat group?

This possibility cannot be ruled out.

have to say.

As a best-selling novelist, Nanfang Rihe has something to his imagination.

However, if Bai Chen can really pry into the hearts of others across dimensions, he will definitely be laughed to death by Southern Rihe's psychological activities on the spot.

He hasn't said anything yet, but his mind has changed so quickly.

Sure enough, novelists are still different from ordinary people.

Chaos Evil: "Shadow? What is that?"

Nanfang Rihe paused for a few seconds. After guessing that the other party had detected her thoughts through the chat group, she also understood that it would be nothing more than self-deception to conceal it.

As for any conspiracy, she also thought about it, but she was just an ordinary person, and there was nothing on her body that was worthy of a god's covetousness.

Just be direct and speak your mind.

Nanfang Rihe: "I don't know the truth, but a few years ago, my younger brother was killed by the shadow, so I want to take revenge on the shadow."

Teacher Loli: "Shadow kills people? I remember that Tokisaki Kurumi should also be able to summon shadows, right?"

Tokisaki Kurumi: "That's not a shadow, it's just me on the past timeline, I usually put a layer of black camouflage on them to create the illusion of a shadow.

Teacher Loli: "I see.

Bai Chen: "Let me explain the specific situation. The shadow is actually a special existence that can copy and imitate almost any object. Humans can also copy it, and the shadow person also has the same memory and consciousness as the main body. However, after the shadow becomes a human, it needs to kill the imitated human main body to continue to exist. If you really don't understand, you can just think of the shadow as a monster that can replace other people."

Railgun: "Oh! The setting sounds like a horror movie I've seen before!"

...asking for flowers...

I don't want to see hell: "The setting is a bit like an artificial intelligence that betrays humans."

Bai Chen: "In fact, the human being copied by the shadow does not exist. The three-dimensional body is just the projection of the main body, and the main body is still a shadow on the two-dimensional plane."

Irregular white-haired loli: "That is to say, the shadow is a two-dimensional creature, isn't it?"

Bai Chen: "Yes, to be precise, the shadow is indeed a kind of planar creature. It doesn't need to sleep, eat and drink normal food, and doesn't even need to defecate."

Bai Chen: "Of course, there are other normal physiological phenomena."

Irregular white-haired loli: "I don't need to defecate, but there are other physiological phenomena? Hehehe!!!"

Irreverent white-haired loli: "@ Bai Chen, if you go over, can you catch us two and bring them back? Let's recycle at the highest price!"

The Spirit of Time: "Hey! I already guessed what Miss White Yasha wants to do."

Little White Cat: "The impure purpose is already written on the face!"

Big bone boiled into soup: "I'm a little curious about how shadows appear?"

I don't want to see a ghost: "Could be something natural? Something like a ghost ghost on my side?"

Bai Chen: "To be precise, the shadow is an extraterrestrial creature called Zhizi. If I'm not mistaken, there should be a legend about the God Zhizi on the island where you lived when you were young, Miss Nanfang?"

Nanfang Rihe: "...Yes, but that is already a legend in the Heian era. Now the residents on the island do not believe in the God of Hiruko. When we were young, we only regarded it as a fairy tale. We just didn't expect that God Hiruko actually existed?"

Electromagnetic Gun: "It's a bit outrageous for a cosmic man to become a god believed in by people.

Bai Chen: "This kind of thing is actually very normal. The information reserves of the ancient people are not as good as those of the modern ones. If you let the current leaders in certain fields travel to ancient times and use modern knowledge to solve the problems that plagued the ancient people, they will easily be enshrined as gods."

Bai Chen: "But be careful, don't choose Europe if you want to travel back to ancient times, or you will be burned to death as a demon.

Little Spider: "What a hell of a mountain of jokes!".

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