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Chapter 938 Black Rabbit: I Am Willing To Be Lord Bai Chen's Pet

Chapter 938

The flag that was about to be touched slipped away like this, and the black rabbit's eyes followed the movement as if it were opened.

"Quick...give it to me."

Excited words murmured in his mouth.

But no matter how much she pursued, she couldn't get it.

Bai Chen glanced at the black rabbit that was jumping around in place, it turned out that the rabbit can really jump very high when it is in a hurry.

In the end, like a black rabbit feeling wronged, he looked at Bai Chen pitifully.

"That's...the Union flag, please...can you please return it to him?"

"Of course...no.

Bai Chen, who deliberately elongated his tone, witnessed the change of Heitu's expression from joy to disappointment in a second.

"Why...why not?"

The black rabbit pouted, looking very aggrieved.

"Because this is the spoils of war after I defeated the Demon King, how could you give it to you as soon as you say it?"

Bai Chen chuckled and stared at the black rabbit.

"But... but you, my lord, have been helping us in the past."

"That's because of Shiroyasha and Leticia, don't you think it's natural for me to help you noname?"

It wasn't until this moment that the black rabbit came to his senses.

In the past, this mysterious young man did something beneficial to Noname, not because they were Noname, but because Leticia was the other party's servant.

That's all.

"No, Black Rabbit, did you realize it? Mr. Bai Chen has no obligation to help us, so it's a little unreasonable for you to ask him to return the flag like this.

Jiuyuan Asuka said from the side.


Being taught by a fellow in the community, the black rabbit lowered its head even lower.

However, the banner of the past is extremely important.

No matter what the price is, she must get the flag back.

After all, that flag is the crystallization of many companions who spent countless efforts to condense it.

It is the hard work of everyone in the Arcadia Alliance.

"Then...then what do you want to do before you are willing to return the flag, I, we can buy it with money.

Holding such a belief, the black rabbit asked cautiously.

But before Bai Chen could open his mouth, Shiliuyo who was on the side couldn't stand it any longer.

"Stupid rabbit, do you think this kind of thing can be redeemed with money? This is not only an insult to Bai Chen, but also an insult to that flag."


The black rabbit was even more aggrieved.

However, she could no longer think of any way to redeem the flag.

After all, the current noname still has nothing.

She put her eyes on Leticia for help, hoping that she could intercede with her.

It's just that, although Leticia is very nostalgic, but now that she is Bai Chen's maid, she will naturally not do anything that is detrimental to Bai Chen.

Since this banner is important, noname should pay a reasonable value.

"It's very simple to get this flag back, as long as you are willing to swear to be my pet from now on, I promise to return it to you."

Under Heitu's increasingly nervous gaze, Bai Chen said calmly.

Hearing this, Hei Tu subconsciously clamped his legs, and spoke with a mournful face.

"Just... can't you change other requirements?"

"If you don't want to, then forget it."

Bai Chen pretended to take back the flag.

But before that, Hei Fang hugged his right tail.

"I...I would like to be Lord Bai Chen's pet, uh..."

While agreeing to the conditions, the black rabbit's cheeks and ears blushed due to excessive shame.

"Then say it again, louder."

It was a rare opportunity to play with the black rabbit, and because he was in a good mood, Bai Chen immediately became interested.

"I... I am willing to be Master Bichen's pet!"

After closing his eyes and yelling, Hei Tu always felt that something was thrown away from him, and he couldn't get it back from now on.


Although Black Rabbit was being played with in public, there was no resistance in his heart.

After all, in the past period, Bai Chen's assistance to their noname won Heitu a lot of goodwill.

What's more, the black rabbit is the god son of the Moon Rabbit Clan, and the reason why the Moon Rabbit Clan is called Hakoniwa nobles is because the Moon Rabbit Clan is willing to sacrifice and can achieve the virtue of sacrificing for others without hesitation.

Of course, this has something to do with Bai Chen's charm.

If it were Luos, even if Kurotu was willing to agree, Jiuyuan Asuka, the three of them, Leticia and the others would not be able to agree.

"Looks like I'll have to ask Shiraiyasha about his experience in this area in the future."

Bai Chen said something that made the black rabbit tremble uncontrollably, and then ran over with the flag in his hand.



He hurriedly responded, and the black rabbit hurriedly caught the flag.

The shame on the face has been replaced by happiness and contentment.

Let's go back first too. "

Today's North District has basically become a part of the Golden Demon City.

However, as the actual master, Bai Chen didn't make any extra moves.

Everything comes naturally.

It is impossible to shake his position in the lower class unless the gods of the upper class go out collectively.

Opening the realm corridor, Bai Chen led everyone to the magic city hanging above the sky.

Although the exterior is made of gold, the interior can be modified as Bai Chen wishes.

Alger lay on the sofa and yelled: "Huh! Al-chan hasn't had enough fun yet!"

"If people can restore the spirit status of the past, that big lizard would have been beaten to the bum by Al-chan!"

The premise is that there is no weird "simulated star creation map".

"Rest here for a few days, let's go back."

Bai Chen said to everyone.

Of course Estes and the others have no objections.

After all, she had explained some things clearly before coming here.

Chat for a while.

Time came late at night.

(Zhao Hao) Bai Chen is thinking about the next plan in the room.

Not long after, the door was knocked lightly.

After the door opened, Tokisaki Kurumi poked his head out with a smile.

"Are you surprised? Mr. Bai Chen knows what I'm here for?"

"Let me guess, it's because Kuang San doesn't have enough time, and you want to ask me for more time?"

Bai Chen asked with a chuckle.

"That's right."

Tokisaki Kurumi walked into the room, and then slowly closed the door with his feet.

Then he tilted his head, wiped the delicate and charming arc of the corner of his mouth and asked Feng.

"Then, before adding time, is Mr. Bai Chen sure you don't want to do something to me?"

Bai Chen smiled without saying a word.

Then, under his gaze, gray shadows gradually spread from Kuang San's feet, gradually wrapping the space around the two of them.

In the gloomy space, Tokisaki Kurumi let out a poppy-like laugh.

"Then Mr. Bai Chen, I'm starting~~~".

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