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Chapter 991: The Gap Between Real And Super

Chapter 991

"Okay, if there is a suitable time to play, you can also go down and play."

Bai Chen smiled.

"However, it's rare to watch a blockbuster movie about free combat. You should save a little strength for now. After all, with Altair's current strength, if there are only these two, she is far from being her opponent."

At the same time in the chat group.

I don't want to see a ghost: "It's amazing! I didn't expect Miss Altair's strength to be so strong! Even if you fight against such a big robot, you won't be defeated!"

Little Spider: "Amuro, it's time for you to appear!"

Luo Abao: "Outrageous! That small robot can use magic!"

Blue Slime: "After all, Gundam is a real type, but this is a super type, there is still a gap."

Blue "one two seven" slime: "And when technology develops, technology will inevitably be worse than these magics."

Railgun: "However, Miss Altair seems to be able to do things with ease, but the current state is a bit... not like her before."

Teacher Loli: "Probably stimulated by what the world did."

Teacher Loli: "After all, it was only a very simple matter. It would be good to arrest and judge the murderers who indirectly killed Setsuna Shimazaki, but I chose the worst path.

Teacher Loli: "I have to say that the judgment of the island government is still as bad as ever."

In contrast, Nangong Nayue felt that the upper layers of Xianshen Island were not so stupid.

Sheng Tianzi: "This is a mistake as a leader."

Elegant and decent young lady: "Indeed, it is obviously a very simple matter, but it is complicated by the government."

Golden Fairy: "I'm a little worried about Miss Altair's condition, I hope nothing happens to her."

Little Spider: "Don't worry, she will be fine if the boss is around."

Blue Slime: "I don't know, how long will they continue to fight, and it doesn't look like they are exhausted from both sides."

"It's almost over."

Bai Chen reminded aloud.

Then, under the watchful eyes of everyone, the huge black robot was knocked into the air by the shock wave released by Altair, knocking down several buildings before barely stopping.

The small mecha driven by Seleja threw away the broken sword, and controlled the mecha to raise her hands.

"Maximum power expansion!"

Yellow runes bloomed from the machine's hands.

Then there is a torrent of energy spurting out.

But in the end, it was easily blocked by Altair.

"Isn't it a lie?! This is Fogel's maximum power output!"

Seleja was shocked.

She wiped the cold sweat from her brow.

Altair is arguably the strongest enemy she has ever faced.

However, there are also settings added by her creator Linhe.

But Seleja had never used it before, and just read the script script added to her by the author before going into battle.

Therefore, Rang Chia himself was lying too much.

"Please, this move must be successfully launched."

Triple yellow rune circles lit up from three sides of the machine, the violent energy distorted the space, and there were even golden thunders wandering in the atmosphere.

The red-haired girl driver concentrated and chanted the words that she had just memorized.

"Honorius' fierce chanting can distort three thousand worlds. Agya and Amal show us where the correct knowledge lies. The book of Notoria spreads its power in seven directions."

The magic power was amplified by the Vogel machine, causing the golden square doors on both sides of Altair to open continuously.

"Devour it! Permanent space!"

This is the creator of Seleja, who used the concept of Yi Xue thaumaturgy and the eight-door dungeon, and temporarily thought out a unique move for the heroine Seleja.

If you are hit by this move, you will be sealed and lost in the labyrinth with the gate of infinity.

That moment.

The square door kept shrinking, and after bursting out with the final brilliance, it enveloped Altair's figure.

The fictional world maintained by Meteora lost sight of Altair.

"Is this... a success? In that case..."

As soon as Seleja finished speaking, she felt an indescribable chill emerge from her heart.

Even in the cockpit with constant temperature, the coldness and aversion to cold suddenly surged.

"If that's the case, you think it's a happy ending, don't you? The trick just now was good, but since there is a door, there must be an exit, Miss Hei Leijia...


Realizing that death was approaching, Seleja immediately canceled the mecha display, and then the whole person fell from Altair's hand to the ground.

Seeing this, Altair didn't care about Seleja.

Just showing a quiet smile to the bottom.

"So, is this the ultimate skill you have? If you have any, use it quickly, otherwise it will be Yu's turn to clear your group of obstacles.

Altair was condescending, coldly looking down at everyone below.

At the same time, since stepping into this area, her self-recognition has improved, making her guess that she has stepped onto the "stage" prepared by the other party.

If she guessed correctly, her every move now is being watched by those audiences.

Want to use the way of linkage plots to let yourself challenge the characters in other works?

....I didn't expect that after all the twists and turns, I finally returned to the original point. It seems that you still haven't realized your mistakes. "

Altair shook his head.

Then, as if she suddenly remembered something, she showed a faint smile.

"How about this, as long as you are willing to hand over Sata Mizushino for me to execute, I won't be 0.4 destroying the world, how about it?"

"Mizushino... Sata?"

Seleja recalled the first Shao Zhun she met after traveling to this world.

Although his personality is weak, his heart is very kind.

How could such an ordinary boy be targeted by Altair?

Afterwards, Seleja retorted without thinking: "How could we hand over an innocent life to you for execution?! What do you think we are standing here for?"


Hearing one of these words, the expression on Altair's face was slightly distorted.

"Up to now, do you still think those people are innocent?!"

After finishing speaking, the girl's originally pure face was stained with a ghost-like expression. .

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