"Who is shameless!" Ye Fan said.

My daughter-in-law is so powerful that she even said she was shameless.

It has to be cleaned up.

Can't let this go.

"Just say you, shameless, shameless, the most shameless person in the world is you, Ye Fan!" Bai Susu's face turned red, not knowing whether it was from blush or anger.

"Okay, then I'll let you take a good look, shameless method." Ye Fan narrowed his eyes dangerously, and slowly approached Bai Susu.

Bai Susu was a little scared for a while.

This guy, what do you want!

"What do you want to do!" Bai Susu said, with nervousness in his eyes.

"Guess what I want to do!" Ye Fan replied.

Yep, guess what.

"I can't guess, Ye Fan, if you dare to bully me, I will tell Aunt Ye." Bai Susu immediately thought of Aunt Ye and said.

"Then I also bullied you well before I received the punishment, it's worth it!" Ye Fanxie smiled.

Bai Susu looked even more frightened.


This Ye Fan is furious!

What do you do yourself?

"Ye Fan, what are you trying to do!"

"(*^▽^*) Hehe" Ye Fan didn't say anything, but rushed over.


'Ah, Ye Fan, where are you going! '

"Stop, stop me, ah, hahaha, it's so itchy!"

"It's too much, Ye Fan, you're here again!"

"Tickle me again, hahaha, too much!"

Bai Susu tossed and turned on the bed and laughed, tears were about to come out.

This guy, here comes the trick again.

Really pissed her off!

"How about it? Do I still have shame?" Ye Fan said proudly while scratching.

"Well, you want face, not shameless, you want face, second skin face!" Bai Susu said while holding back a smile.

When Ye Fan heard this, something was wrong.

Why did he become a two-faced face again.


The two fought for a long time before they separated.

Bai Susu's face was full of resentment, and she had written down this grudge.

It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, not to mention that he is not a gentleman.


At noon, Ye Fan started cooking.

Bai Susu accompanies the children to play, even a baby can turn over by himself, looking at Bai Susu while lying on his stomach, his little head swaying, obviously a little more than that.

Bai Susu looked distressed and nervous.

Carefully put the children on their backs, and within two minutes, the children turned over and looked at themselves while lying on the bed. The saliva from their mouths dripped down in a thread and dripped onto the sheets.

Look, she is obviously not strong enough, she has to turn over and lie down, and she is not willing to lie on her back.

So stubborn at such a young age. ,

Growing up, it's probably pretty stubborn.

Seeing their perseverance, I felt silly and happy.

Bai Susu looked very funny, wiped the little guys' saliva, and her eyes were full of love.

The little guys, shaking their heads to look left and right, are very curious.

At this time, Yuanyuan Chuchu went to make milk powder.

The babies didn't drink milk powder all morning, so they must be hungry.

However, they didn't cry at all, and they had a great time playing.

Soon, Yuan Yuanzhuan came over with four feeding bottles. When these little guys saw it, their eyes were straight, and their little faces were excited and said, "Oh, oh, oh."

Presumably, they knew that it was time for their meal to start eating.

A few little guys turned over all of a sudden excitedly, laying on their backs and watching Yuan Yuan Chuan, what they were preparing was the milk bottle in Yuan Yuan Chuan's hand.

They have known each other for so many days, and this milk bottle is their meal.

All of them danced with excitement, and their clear eyes kept staring at them, as if they were afraid that others would not give them food.

Not to mention how cute!

Bai Susu took a feeding bottle and fed it to the boss, Ye Bing.

Round and round are also surrounded by several other children.

Gun Gun was feeding the third and fourth children with a bottle in one hand, but the fourth child also held the white bottle with his own hands and drank very seriously.

Gun Gun watched this scene, and gently and tentatively let go of the baby bottle. As a result, the old four Ye Jie followed steadily, holding the baby bottle by herself.

This scene happened to be seen by Bai Susu, and his eyes were full of surprise.

The fourth child seems to be extraordinarily smart, and he will drink milk while holding the bottle.

Really great.

Of course, the fourth child also has the biggest appetite. She drinks 100 ml more milk powder than her sisters, otherwise, she will not be full.

This little fourth child is also slightly fatter than her sisters.

Sure enough, it is a blessing to be able to eat.

The fourth is such an example.

However, babies are still too young to eat too much, fed too full, easy to pour, and the stomach can't handle it.

Babies who have just been fed are not allowed to move them. After all, they have just finished feeding, and they are prone to spitting up.

The four little guys finished feeding and soon fell asleep.

Of course, the fourth child stared at Yuan Yuan Gun Gun for a while before falling asleep.

It seems that, want to know, why Yuan Yuanzhu and they look different.

Seeing that the little guys fell asleep peacefully, Bai Susu also breathed a sigh of relief.

He came to the four little guys, covered them with quilts, and kissed each of them on the forehead.

This is the satisfaction.

It's really mom's little padded jacket!

Smelling the children's strong milk fragrance, Bai Susu's eyes were full of smiles.

It's milky, it smells so good!

In other words, she also has the fragrance of milk on her body. After all, there is also breast milk, but it is relatively light. Who told her to take a bath very diligently.

"Susu, the little guy is asleep?" At this time, Ye Fan finished the meal and walked in.

I saw that Bai Susu was beside the children's bed, and the aura of motherly love was very strong.

"Asleep, eat and drink enough to sleep." Bai Susu replied.

No, these little guys are really like living treasures.

The boss was still frowning when he was sleeping, Bai Susu shook his head in a funny look, and gently smoothed the brow of the little guy.

Inadvertently, Bai Susu saw that the little guy's fingernails were a bit long. No wonder she had seen before that there was a shallow edge on the side of the little guy's face, which turned out to be grabbed by herself.

"That's good." Ye Fan nodded.

I saw that Bai Susu had found the nail clippers. Is this a nail clipper?

"Watch for me and try to keep them still. I'll cut their nails so they don't grow long and hurt themselves." Bai Susu said with a frown.

This nail is long, scratching yourself, this injury can be big or small.

Before, I accidentally saw that the baby's fingernails on the video were long, and I scratched my face, it was red, and there was some blood.

It hurts to see that.

Fortunately, I found out early.

"Okay, I'll be optimistic." Ye Fan nodded and gently grabbed the boss's small arm.

"Mmmm." Bai Susu grabbed the baby's wrist and spread her little fingers apart, and then carefully began to cut her nails.

In this way, take turns cutting the baby's nails.

Soon, the smooth cut is over!

Both Bai Susu and Ye Fan were a little nervous and sweating.

After all, if you are worried about the baby moving, that's a big deal.

[Recently, cabbage will try to keep three updates every day. We have too few words. Therefore, cabbage decided to add more updates. Everyone's votes are up, hehe (*^▽^*), is cabbage a little more powerful, you guys Let’s work hard, let’s go together, recommend tickets, collect, comment, and work together. There is another update in the evening, see you in the evening! 】

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