Ye Fan slowly increased his strength and pushed.

"Work harder, push harder!" Bai Susu said again.

Ye Fan used some pushes again.

"It's really exciting!" Bai Susu said with a smile.

Really fun.

In the past, when she was a child, she liked swinging very much. There was a swing at home. She always swings, and her grandfather always pushes her behind her. Bai Susu can vividly remember such a scene now.

Later, after a long time, I couldn't sit on the swing. I asked my parents to help me fix it. My parents didn't care about it. Later, my grandfather helped me fix it.

Don't know how grandpa is at home?

So a big family, all grandpa is worried about.

Grandpa works really hard.

Suddenly, I miss my grandpa.

When I was at home, my grandfather's body was not very good. I don't know how it is now.

Another day, I have to go home and see my grandpa.

Otherwise, don't worry about yourself.

"Susu, what's wrong with you?"

"Why, you stopped talking all of a sudden?" At this time, Ye Fan realized that something was wrong with Bai Susu, and immediately asked aloud.

What is this sad thing to think of?

"It's okay, I just miss my grandpa, Ye Fan, you know, in my family, as long as my grandfather treats me well and really loves me, my parents are not so sincere to me, they would never I don't care what I like or don't like, just let me do what they say."

"As long as my grandfather cares whether I am happy or not, whether I like it or not, although my grandfather is still the head of the family, after all, my grandfather's health is not very good. Working hard for the family."

"I miss my grandpa a little bit, I think, when the conditions are good, everything is on the right track, go home and see, can you go see my grandpa with me?" Bai Susu said sadly.

Listening to Bai Susu's words, Ye Fan felt a little distressed for this little girl.

Unexpectedly, this little girl has such a thing hidden from herself.

"Of course, I also want to meet our grandfather with you. After all, he is so kind to my daughter-in-law." Ye Fan said.

Indeed, take a trip.

It's just, I didn't expect that Bai Susu would tell herself like this.

"That's great, it's a deal!" Bai Susu said, then laughed again.

that is really good!

Ye Fan is so good and so good, grandpa will definitely like him when he sees him.

The thought of seeing her grandfather made Bai Susu happy.

"Ye Fan, keep pushing me, push me higher!" Bai Susu said again.


"It's really fun, this feeling really makes people like it!" Bai Susu smiled brilliantly.

After a long time, I got off the swing.

As soon as I got down, my feet were a little weak and uncomfortable. I almost fell to the ground and fell to the ground, but was still supported by Ye Fan's eyes and hands quickly.

"Be careful!" Ye Fan said with concern.

Really sloppy.

"Isn't it with you, so ah, I am giving you a chance to show!" Bai Susu said with a smile.

"Well, Madam, are you still satisfied with my performance?" u Ye Fan smiled and scratched the tip of Bai Susu's nose, this little girl actually made fun of herself.

Oh great.

"Not bad, Ye Fan, let's go see there." Bai Susu took Ye Fan's hand and walked over there with a flick.

I saw a small shallow lake with fish swimming in it.

At first glance, it looks like carp, grass carp, and small crucian carp?

Isn't this for food?

"Ye Fan, are the fish here raised for food?" Bai Susu asked.

' "Almost, this place was originally quite deep. I asked Zhuge Liang and Bai Qi to remodel them a little bit, and they made it shallow. Then, you can fish and eat barbecue here." Ye Fan said.

Looking at this small shallow lake, it is very well built, and the surrounding area is still blocked, leaving a lot of open space for barbecues and fishing.

It is also safer to block, and children can't come in, except for this bamboo gate.

Zhuge Liang is really smart.

Bai Susu was a little strange when he heard the names of Zhuge Liang and Bai Qi.

Isn't this a character from the Three Kingdoms?

how come...

"Yes, Mr. Zhuge Liang is our housekeeper and my assistant, and Bai Qi is our security captain!" Ye Fan said.

"So, this name is a character in the Three Kingdoms. Could it be that they were so fascinated by the Three Kingdoms that they gave themselves a stage name?" Bai Susu asked, looking at Ye Fan with a small head tilted, his eyes full of curiosity.

"It's really smart!" Ye Fan said with a smile.

The imagination of this little girl is really good.

Save yourself to explain.

"I also like watching the Three Kingdoms very much, and I am also a fan of the Three Kingdoms." Bai Susu said.

Of course, she had seen it many times before.

'Yo, not bad, I thought girls don't like to watch this/' said Ye Fan, a little surprised.

"Cut, girls like the Three Kingdoms, a lot is fine." Bai Susu rolled his eyes, and with those small eyes, he looked at Ye Fan in astonishment.

This girl, why does she always roll her eyes.

This little white eye rolls, it's really cute.

I don't know, I thought it was cute.

"Hey, I said, who did you learn from, Susu, with your eyes, how can you turn it so well?" Ye Fan asked suspiciously.

He remembered that his mother often rolled her eyes, and she always rolled her eyes at himself.

Why do you look at it like this, Bai Susu's rolling eyes are on par with his mother's.

"Before, watching Auntie Ye always rolled her eyes at you, so, watching and watching, you will learn." Bai Susu said.

No, before, when Aunt Ye was in front of her, she often rolled her eyes when she mentioned Ye Fan, or when she saw Ye Fan.

No, she's used to it, and naturally she will.

"Co-authored, you learned from my mother, or my mother taught you, I just said why you are so familiar, I always feel weird, it turns out to be my mother's exclusive skill!" Ye Fan instantly realized.

Why don't you learn something good.

I've learned to roll my eyes.

My own mother is really a pit son.

It's not good to teach anything, you have to teach Bai Susu to roll his eyes.

It's really bullshit!

"Uh (⊙o⊙)...No, I learned it myself, regardless of Auntie's affairs." Bai Susu said immediately.

This is what I learned by myself.

That's right, it makes sense.

'Don't explain, explain is to cover up, cover up is fact! ' Ye Fan interrupted immediately and seriously.

That is to say, my mother never admits it when my mother cheats on her son.

Look, a good daughter-in-law has been led astray by her mother.


Ye Mu, who is far away in the countryside, made several spray cuts in a row while eating.

"What's the matter, are you catching a cold?" Father Ye said worriedly looking at his daughter-in-law.

'I'm in good health, it must be your unfilial son who speaks ill of me behind my back! ' Mother Ye's face darkened.

It must be this stinky boy who speaks ill of the old lady behind his back!

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