After reading the accounts, Ye Fan handed the documents to Jenny again.

"Anything else?" Ye Fan asked.

"By the way, the old guys asked for a meeting, and they wanted the president to be there too." Jenny spoke up again.

But isn't it, there are still many people who are not convinced.

"Oh, I'm not at ease." Ye Fan sneered.

If he can't see this, he is really stupid.

Just wait, these old men, waiting for their system to be updated. At that time, they must hold all the shares in their hands.

However, if they want to go by themselves, go by themselves?

Is the president so cheap?

Ha ha

"If I don't go, I'll go if they ask me to go. I can't tell if it's the CEO. Also, you can't handle this trivial matter well at first, so why don't you be a CEO? Just go home and find someone to marry and have children. Right." Ye Fan said calmly.

As soon as Jenny heard this, she immediately...



The president actually let him go home to find someone to marry, and let him go home to have children.

Really pissed her off.

How can you say that to her.

After all, I am also working hard, and I am not lazy.

Well, I do want to see the new president's attitude and methods towards the old fried dough sticks. It's a little bit like watching a play. It's not too much.

Why do I say this to myself, I feel aggrieved and aggrieved in my heart.

The stinky brother actually dislikes his own abilities like this.

Not only her, but Bai Susu on the side was also shocked when she heard this.

Unexpectedly, Ye Fan was so domineering.

In the past, Ye Fan used to be brazen in front of himself, but he never expected to be so cold and domineering in front of others, which made Bai Susu feel different, and felt sweet in his heart.

You know, Ye Fan is now facing a beauty no less than himself.

He was so straightforward, he was a straight man of steel.

This makes this girl, how to put her face.

Fortunately, there are not many people here, and they will not speak out.

Otherwise, it's really too much.

Bai Susu was a little confused. She didn't know whether to say that Ye Fan was a straight man of steel, or he didn't know how to pity and cherish jade, or he was ruthless.

Really dare to say anything.

However, he originally gave most of his good temper to those close to him.

"President, I..." Jenny immediately wanted to explain.

This Ye Fan really didn't understand Lianxiangxiyu, so he actually said that.

There was a suffocation in her heart.

I am a top student and a beautiful woman, how could I have been ridiculed like this before?

"Okay, you can go back to the company, you can handle it yourself, don't disturb me if you have nothing to do," Ye Fan said.

is not that right?

Interrupt the time between him and Bai Susu.


"Yes, President." Jenny could only leave unwillingly.

What if you don't leave.

Continue to fight with Ye Fan?

Then he might really lose his job.

You know, as soon as Ye Fan came to this company, her treatment was doubled. There are really few companies with such treatment.

Besides, she has done a good job here, and if she leaves, she will naturally be reluctant.

So, she stayed.

Her intuition told herself that she must follow this young man.

Jenny was sent away by Zhuge.

Ye Fan started fishing with Bai Susu again.

"Ye Fan, have you opened a company?" Bai Susu asked.

She could see that Ye Fan didn't want to hide from herself, so she asked directly.


If he wanted to hide this from himself, he naturally wouldn't let himself hear it like this.

"Just took over a company." Ye Fan said calmly.

"That's it, but why were you so fierce just now?" Bai Susu said.

The other party is a girl.

How can it be so cruel.

"Ferocious?" Ye Fan frowned.

He didn't feel it, he just said it naturally.

I didn't feel like I had a bad attitude just now.

"Not only fierce, but also domineering. He is a girl. You are really a boy who doesn't understand pity, but that's not bad. Just leave me alone with your tenderness." Bai Susu said with a smile. on the road.

'Well, of course, all to you, to your preference. ' Ye Fan laughed.

This girl is really greedy.

However, he likes Bai Susu like this.

"Hey, it's okay, that Jenny's lady just now is really a stunner!" Bai Susu couldn't help but praise her.

In her opinion, such a stunner is rarely encountered.

'Okay. ' Ye Fan pouted.

Anyway, he wasn't interested.

What Bai Susu said is what it is.

"However, Ye Fan, I found that when you were handling your work, you became very serious, domineering, and very different." Bai Susu said while thinking.

Let Bai Susu see a different Ye Fan.

"Yes, why didn't I feel it myself?" Ye Fan said.

'Perhaps, you don't care, well, your fish is drifting, watch carefully, it's about to get on the fish. ' Bai Susu said.

When Ye Fan heard Bai Susu's words, he immediately stared at the fish float seriously.

Sure enough, the float was moving.


Suddenly, the float was pulled into the water.

Ye Fan directly lifted the pole, and a two-pound carp was pulled directly up.

"Wow, it's a two-pound carp. You can eat braised carp tonight, it's great!" Bai Susu exclaimed.

Really great!

'Ye Fan, I'm amazing, I saw this fish, if I hadn't reminded you, your fish would have run away. "Bai Susu said triumphantly.

Fortunately, my eyes were sharp and I discovered it.

Otherwise, there will be different braised carp to eat tonight.

"Well, you are amazing, you are the best!" Ye Fan's eyes were full of doting.

Look, make this little girl whimper.

As long as she's happy, that's fine.

"Of course, hehe, Ye Fan, we are losing some points, I still want to eat pickled fish!" Bai Susu looked up at Ye Fan and said, her bright eyes were particularly beautiful.

'Okay, I'll fish for you. ' Ye Fan laughed.

"Let's fish together."

After the words fell, the two began to continue fishing.

And the two catties of carp that were pulled up have been sent to the kitchen by Zhuge Liang.

Later, Ye Fan served a slightly larger grass carp, just enough to eat pickled cabbage fish. Here, Bai Susu also served a few small crucian carp, which can be boiled in soup. ,

Seeing that the sky was gradually darkening, Bai Susu and Ye Fan finished packing their things and went home with a small bucket.

Zhuge Liang followed behind.

As soon as I got home, I took a shower and changed my clothes, and then I played with the babies.

The children are very well behaved, and it is safe to have the four robots look after them. ,

Bai Susu looked at the eldest brother in her arms, and she was really cute with her pure and innocent appearance.

Ye Fan hugged the second child, who was also giggling with laughter.

The third and the fourth were crawling and playing on the sofa, and there were robots watching over them, but they were very happy to climb.

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