The Seven Kingdoms of the Holy Dragon, which have been dilapidated to such an extent, is actually not that high in value to the giant dragon family, especially the civilians who occupy the vast majority have been completely abandoned.

And the current strategy of the Seven Kingdoms of the Holy Dragon to deal with the steel mecha attack is also very cold-blooded!

Stop treating all the wounded, let them fend for themselves, gather all valuable survivors and gather towards large cities.

The so-called valuable survivors are those dragon descendants whose bloodline is strong enough to become an elite soldier.

And those recruits who have just been formed are the focus of protection, and there are even giant dragons to escort them to transfer.

In short, the role of the Holy Dragon Seven Kingdoms is exactly the same as before, that is, to provide as many troops as possible to help the Crouching Dragon Clan fight against the Human Federation.

As long as this goal can be achieved, it doesn't matter whether the Seven Kingdoms of the Holy Dragon exist or not.

And the attack of Fang Chen's steel mecha corps, although massive, almost caused chaos in the entire Zeta Continent.

But the giant dragon clan was just a little annoyed, not panicked at all.

This sudden million-scale strategic giant puppet really surprised the Dragon Clan, but it was just a surprise.

No matter how many such giant steel puppets there are, they cannot threaten the existence of gods!

After a night of fighting, none of the giant dragons suffered even the slightest damage, and they didn't even feel tired.

Thousands of god-level fighting powers are the real capital of the dragon family. As long as these adult dragons are here, everything can be abandoned!

Although the origin of these giant steel puppets is not clear for the time being, it will always be clear.

Keep the dragonborn army first, and then slowly deal with these giant steel puppets. As long as you spend some thought, you can always catch the manipulator behind the scenes.

At that time, it will not affect the Dragon Clan's conquest of the entire Blue Star at all.

However, the current situation of the Seven Kingdoms of the Holy Dragon is not without any losses for the giant dragon family.

Those dragon descendants who are like ants also play a big role for the seven holy dragons. A large number of dragon descendants gathered together can provide an extremely large power of faith.

To spy on the Blue Star World and launch a plane expedition, without the help of the power of faith, it is still impossible to do it with the strength of the seven holy dragons themselves.

The power of faith can increase the upper limit of their strength!

Although it is only a temporary improvement, it is also very easy to use.

This is actually the reason why the Holy Dragon Seven Kingdoms really exist, but since the situation has reached this point, it doesn't matter.

As long as the blue star world can be completely conquered, as long as it takes more time, there will be such things as believers sooner or later.

Even now that there are no worries for the dragonborn civilians, they will be more unscrupulous in their subsequent conquest of Blue Star.

It's just that after the conquest is completed, a large number of dragon descendants die, which will greatly slow down the speed of dragon descendants assimilating humans.

The situation is still under control.

However, how to find out the erratic giant steel puppet controller is a difficult problem before them.

This is a trouble after all, and the seven holy dragons are also very interested in how the other party has such a huge number of giant steel puppets.

In the blink of an eye, a day passes, from sunrise to sunset!

Countless injured dragon descendants also wailed in pain for a whole day. Their strong vitality made them have to bear more pain after suffering heavy injuries before they could usher in the end.

The dragon that was chasing Fang Chen's trail passed him several times, but still failed to catch his trace.

And after Elise has been busy for a whole day, the number of abyss mecha fighters being transformed has exceeded one thousand!

The number that has been completed now exceeds 300, and there are still many Abyssal Mech Warriors completing their transformations!

The whole living land has become a mess!

This mess does not refer to the destruction caused by the steel mecha warriors, but to thousands of abyssed lands scattered in every corner of the Zeta Continent, and some places have even been connected into pieces.

And this situation has not been discovered by the giant dragon family.

And this is also the horror of the abyss. Although this transformation is very terrifying, if you don't stay in it, you can't find any clues from the outside world.

At the same time, Fang Chen's crazy destructive actions of driving millions of steel mechas on the Zeta continent also largely covered up Elise's abyss transformation ceremony.

Large tracts of mountains and forests were burned by steel mecha fighters, and the forest fires spread all over the sky, connecting them into one piece, covering the sky and the sun!

And even if those giant dragons could easily extinguish the fire with their fingers, they didn't bother to do it.

Even the nature of destroying everything hidden in their blood makes them appreciate the devastated scene of the whole world in front of them.

0...seeking flowers 00

But what they didn't know was that in the forest covered by fiery flames in front of them, an abyss mecha was buried deep in the ground, frantically plundering the source of the Zeta world, and the surrounding land covered by flames It has also turned into an abyss!

Night fell again, and the situation on the Zeta Continent was still in a state of collapse.

However, the order of those large cities has begun to gradually recover, and a large number of survivors from other places have entered the cities to clean up the ruins and carry out post-disaster reconstruction.

The strong physical fitness of the dragonborn makes them all excellent coolies with high work efficiency.

Rumbling loud noises came from outside the city from time to time, it was the sound of heavy steel shells hitting the protective cover.

From time to time, there will still be a large number of steel mechs rushing towards the city, but when the giant dragon stationed in the city breaths out, those steel mecha fighters will melt instantly and completely disappear from the world .

And when such a scene appears, it will also win a round of cheers from the dragon descendants in the city, and then piously praise the great dragon for their help.

Anderson's huge body was entrenched on a large collapsed city wall, and he was resting with his eyes closed.

Forget about sleeping.

It was impossible for him to sleep peacefully with those annoying steel golems.


The ground trembled slightly, and he opened his eyelids a little bored, only to see hundreds of huge steel titans rushing towards the city with neat steps on the wilderness outside the city!

Anderson was used to it, and as a dragon, he didn't even bother to get angry.

He stood up, and when he opened his mouth, a dragon's breath gushed out!

The fiery dragon's breath spanned thousands of meters, covering the steel mech warriors in the distance!

At the moment of contact with the dragon's breath, the steel mechas melted instantly.

But this time there was an exception!

In the center of the formation of the steel mechs, a burst of scarlet light suddenly lit up on the armor of the three steel mechs, and the chainsaw swords on their right arms suddenly spun!

Their figures suddenly exploded, and their huge bodies turned into scarlet streamers, rushing towards the dilapidated city in front of them in an instant!

Against the blazing dragon's breath, they pointed their scarlet swords at Zero, the giant flame dragon that was entrenched on the ruins.

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