The appearance of that ice dragon is extremely domineering, and its image is the image of a dragon that has never appeared in this world!

The golden afterglow of the setting sun shone down from the sky, covering the crystal clear ice dragon with a layer of golden light, like a god!

In an instant, the ice dragon flew over a distance of more than a hundred meters!


Accompanied by the roar of the ice dragon, ice mist enough to freeze everything spewed out from the dragon's head, completely covering a five-story building in an instant, turning the building into a snow-white, covered Full of frost!

next moment!

The ice dragon swooped down suddenly, head-on hitting the tall building!


Accompanied by a bang!

The ice dragon pierced through the tall building directly from top to bottom, and accompanied by loud rumbling noises, the frozen and crisp building shattered into pieces!

The body of the ice dragon also shattered into huge ice blocks. These ice blocks and the wreckage of buildings formed a large ruin, and in the deepest part of the ruins, a C-level mutant was standing on the ice dragon's hideous body. inside of the skull!

The opening angle of this mutant's mouth is extremely exaggerated, because in his mouth, the body of a Lightning Rat and his tongue are naturally connected together!

He was completely frozen in the solid ice, and inside the crystal clear ice was scarlet!

The strong body was torn to pieces, and the scene of blood spattering was just frozen by the solid ice.

Fang Chen's attack was an incomparably violent fatal blow!

However, the moment he appeared to fight back...

More intensive and violent attacks suddenly came from all directions!

Flames, toxins, strong winds, boulders, vines...

More than a dozen different types of attacks suddenly came from all directions, and there were almost no dead ends. It seemed that there was no other solution except to accept this round of attacks.

But Fang Chen remained motionless in the face of the imminent attack.

Even the three bosses in the city defense army headquarters couldn't help frowning!

Could it be that this person is really so confident in his own defense?


Countless attacks crashed down, instantly submerging Fang Chen's position, and all kinds of attacks burst out alternately, making the scene extremely lively.

The light and gunpowder burst instantly, making it difficult to see the effect of this blow.

But the three bosses in the headquarters with the strength of A-level beast masters saw everything clearly in this flash.

Unexpectedly, the old trick was repeated, and the figure of the alienated nine-tailed person was still fake!

It seems that the Death Flame Demon Bear alienator, like them, did not come to the scene in person. They watched the live broadcast of the remote video, but the alienator should be remotely commanding the high-level mutants to attack.

If it is of the same strength, if you visit the scene in person, you should be able to see the problems with this phantom!

It seems that the devil bear alienator is also very afraid and cautious of the sudden appearance of the nine-tailed alienator, and he is not even willing to appear in the nearby range.

Sure enough, he is still as cowardly as ever!

As long as the opponent is a little arrogant, the three of them will join the beheading team without saying a word, and kill him at all costs!


Fang Chen's figure appeared again!

At this moment, he was standing among the mobile buildings on the side of the street. In front of him was a B-level high-level mutant with two tiger heads on each of his shoulders. Three heads.

Feeling a twist in the surrounding air, the mutant immediately launched an attack!

Raging flames gushed out from the two tiger heads on his shoulders, and swept the entire room in an instant. Flames gushed out from the window of the room!


Fang Chen raised his foot and stepped lightly on the ground, the frost quickly spread towards the surroundings, covering the surrounding ground in an instant, and then pouring into the walls.

And the B-rank mutants in the room were not spared!

Frost poured directly onto his body along the soles of his feet, and while imprisoning him in place, almost froze his entire body into an ice sculpture, and the ice spread into his two tiger mouths, forming a A spherical ice block blocked the flames in his mouth.

Only the human head in the middle remained unfrozen.

"You should be able to hear me, come out, let's meet!"

Fang Chen looked directly into the opponent's eyes, and he could feel that this body was connected with another powerful will.

"We are all alienated, existences that are more perfect than humans and beasts. I recognize your strength!"

"I have no intention of conflicting with you. What happened just now can be reversed. If you want, the humans in Yancheng can give you half of it!"

A hoarse voice came from the mutant's mouth, and the mutant hiding in the dark chose to talk directly to Fang Chen, and his attitude was very sincere.

Opening the mouth is half of the meeting!

For the mutants, after raising the degree of blood fusion to 100%, they will spread the toxin to more humans, control more mutants, and even control the entire world!

This is the thinking logic of the alienated person!

Although he didn't know why it was such a coincidence, there was a second alienated person in Yancheng!

But he felt that the purpose of Fang Chen's visit should be for the distribution of human beings in Rock City.

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