The situation has entered a stalemate, and the robbers in the casino gave a time limit of one hour for the train to think about it!

An hour later, if no satisfactory answer could be given, the hostage killing began!

Jiang Shan has no right to decide such a big matter.

Even without considering the special significance of this batch of medicines, 60 million medicines are a batch of goods worth 60 billion yuan!

In the hands of the robbers, the lives of nearly a thousand hostages were held!

No matter which side made a mistake, he couldn't bear the responsibility.

The train began to connect to the Blue Star network and asked for instructions from the Federation. Even if he was forced to destroy the medicine, this order must not be issued by a small train conductor like him.

When it comes to Bluestar Network, let me give you a brief introduction.

With the current situation of Blue Star, it is basically impossible to lay optical cables connecting various cities in the wild world where fierce beasts are rampant.

So under normal circumstances, the networks used by ordinary people are the local area networks established in various cities, and even the train worm has a train LAN.

In order to achieve cross-city communication, the satellite located in the outer space of Blue Star must be used. Its biggest feature is that it is expensive, and the money is calculated by the second.

Moreover, in some places with special environments, such as mountains and large buildings, the communication will be poor, and there will be a certain delay.

Generally, only city officials and beast masters in the wild will use satellites to connect to the Internet!

Back to the status quo.

Although Jiang Shan has sent someone to inquire about the Federation's instructions, he is not idle!

Start sending people to ask the beast masters who left the casino, have information about the casino, and let people start to make a storm plan!

Jiang Shan is serious!

Just now he sent someone to show his attitude to the robbers!

Putting other things aside, if any of the hostages die.

He refused any form of negotiation and directly ordered a storm.

This is his bottom line!

Under such circumstances, you must not be completely controlled by the robbers, and you must show your tough attitude!

The lives of the hostages are important, but they cannot agree to all conditions.

If I tell you to commit suicide, do you do the same...

At the same time, Jiang Shan also began to send more people to the warehouse area of ​​the train to guard the blood and replenish the potion, so as to prevent the enemy from taking advantage of the loopholes.

At the same time, he has not forgotten the biggest hidden danger on the train!

The prison area is located at the bottom of the train, not far from the warehouse area!

The place is already overcrowded. Once there is any problem there, the whole train may be completely captured!

At that time, it is not a matter of a thousand hostages, but the lives of 100,000 people!

Just when the scene was deadlocked, the robbers in the casino were searching for the wealth in the casino without fear.

The wealth of the four cashiers was quickly looted!

But the robbers didn't seem to be satisfied, and began to send people to rob the hostages of their money.

Which of these hostages did not have a few valuable things on them, such as necklaces, earrings, rings, watches, etc., so many people add up to a considerable amount of wealth.

Those robbers wearing beast masks began to search the hostages one by one. Those daring robbers would inevitably do something to the female hostages in the process!

However, in front of so many people, and the fact that there are bosses over these little gangsters, they are somewhat restrained.

The muffled cries of some women came from the front of the crowd.

"Master, you must protect me!" Su Yaoyao tugged on Fang Chen's sleeve with a pitiful look.

Acting at the actress level!

Fang Chen briefly thought about it, and immediately decided to kill these robbers!

The logic of thinking is also very reasonable.

With Su Yaoyao's good looks, how could those robbers be able to control her, they would definitely do something!

Can Fang Chen bear it?

It must not be tolerated, since it cannot be tolerated.

Wouldn't it be over if you just turned around and started?

"Yaoyao, I'll give you a minute to do some ideological work for Nan Xiaoluan in advance, this time it's up to her!" Fang Chen leaned into Su Yaoyao's ear and said.

"Okay, leave it to me!" Su Yaoyao replied with a nod.

The current Nan Xiaoluan is just a very ordinary contracted beast, with a mind similar to that of a child, and there is no way to convey too complicated information to her.

But Su Yaoyao can plant a memory in her mind in advance, and after her spirituality is activated, explain the current situation to her a little bit, so as not to make her not understand the situation after the trusteeship is over.

That's right, after the Nine-Tails Alienator's unparalleled mode was passed, Fang Chen's hole card was only Nan Xiaoluan who had not yet been entrusted.

Although the time is a bit tight, it is completely in time.

After all, it only takes a few seconds to host this kind of thing!

"Please select the object to be managed!"

Fang Chen turned on the system with a low sense of presence, and the virtual panel that only he could see appeared in front of him.

"The managed object is confirmed to be Flametail Sparrow (Nan Xiaoluan)"

"Hosting location: Xianxia World!"

"Hosting time: two thousand years!"

"Begin hosting..."

The flame-tailed sparrow tattoo on Fang Chen's arm was instantly swallowed by a pitch-black vortex, and he also lost contact with Nan Xiaoluan.

"Three, two, one!"

"The timeline of the Xianxia world has passed two thousand years, and the trusteeship is over!"

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