The entire casino fell silent in an instant!

The hostages who were desperately fleeing felt the huge impact from behind, and couldn't help but look back.

The man who just stood behind the middle-aged man in the suit in the crowd was even more surprised!

How did he go there all of a sudden?

At this moment, the robbers at the other exits of the casino noticed the confusion in this direction, and besides some people who stayed at the exit, they also sent people to check the situation!

Dozens of robbers wearing beast masks just witnessed that terrifying scene with their own eyes!

According to the plan, the one who was supposed to hide in the crowd, the strongest of all!

The leader of the looters with S-level combat power was smashed into the ground by a young boy who didn't look very old, and was lifted up again.

At the mercy of others, without the slightest ability to resist!

Being grabbed by the neck is like a chicken waiting to be slaughtered...

Fang Chen's question went unanswered.

His patience has never been particularly sufficient, so he directly chose to urge the uncle.


Blazing flames spewed out from Fang Chen's hands, covering his entire head like a huge torch!



"Surrender, I will make them surrender!"

The whole body of the middle-aged man in the suit trembled violently. His hair and eyebrows disappeared from this world in an instant, but the skin on his face did not continue to be burned.

But that violent flame power began to erode towards the inside of his brain!

If this continues, he will become an idiot in a short time!

Fang Chen retracted the flame upon hearing this, but the flame was still burning on his palm, but it didn't spread to his head!

The middle-aged man in the suit who had turned into a marinated egg took a few heavy breaths!

"I am the enemy of Korea!"

"Listen to me, all the blood enemy looters, get out of the way, and let those hostages go!"

This man named Han Di shouted loudly with all his strength, and everyone in the entire casino could hear him clearly!

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience was shocked!

The hostages who hadn't figured out what happened just felt a sudden surprise!

Those robbers who were equally confused felt only frightened!

This is no joke!

What business are they doing!


An industry severely cracked down by the Federation!

Once caught, even if he is not sentenced to death, he will have to be dispatched to an underground mine of poisonous mineral crystals to dig mines for decades!

"Hehe, of course you don't have to listen to me, the boss, anyway, I'm already virtuous now!"

"However, if any of you think that you have the ability to compete with a strategic beast master, you can try it!" Han Di laughed at himself.


Strategic beast master!

Just because of this kid?

However, it seems that only this answer can explain their boss, who is a beast master of the space department, but is being carried like a dead dog.


A robber leader with A-level strength took off his beast mask, and he knelt down towards Fang Chen with his hands raised, indicating that he had given up resisting!

"If you want to die, go away, if you don't want to die, surrender to me, don't you feel that the surroundings are getting hotter and hotter!"

The A-level robber of the lightning department suddenly cursed.

Only then did the robbers suddenly realize that the surrounding air had indeed become a little hotter.

And it is still increasing rapidly, and the effort in a few seconds is almost the same as going to a sauna!

Cold sweat instantly appeared on their foreheads!

If this is a strategic level powerhouse who wants to kill them, they may not even have time to react!

So the rapidly rising temperature is the last warning!

The rest of the robbers present all followed suit, took off their beast masks, held them with one hand, raised their hands high, and knelt down in unison!

Throw the weapon in your hand far away!

And at the moment when the last robber knelt down, the surrounding temperature, which could almost boil water, quickly subsided!

Under the control of the three robber leaders, the flames of the other three exits were blocked, and the thunder and vines also moved out of the way!

The surrounding hostages rushed towards the exit, ready to leave the casino that gave them a frightening night!

boom! boom! boom!

At this moment, the walls on all sides of the casino suddenly exploded at the same time, and more than a dozen gaps were opened in the walls, and a large number of train guards rushed in quickly!

The leader is the conductor of the tobacco and alcohol train, Jiang Shan!

The movements inside the casino naturally could not escape the attention of the train guards outside. When the rock wall blocking the front door of the casino was suddenly blasted, a large number of hostages began to swarm out!

The fool also knows that there has been a huge change in the casino!

After questioning several hostages who escaped first. Jiang Shan decided to launch a strong attack!

However, at this time, the front door exit was blocked by hostages, and the situation of exits in other directions was unknown!

Therefore, Jiang Shan decided to break through the walls of the casino, and launched an all-round raid on the robbers from every corner, to support the passenger who resisted the robbers in the casino!

However, the situation in the casino is somewhat unexpected!

Those embarrassing hostages are crowded at various exits, ready to escape!

On the open space of the casino, dozens of people were kneeling on the ground, all holding up the masks of beasts in their hands, and all kinds of weapons were piled up in a mess beside them!

At this moment, a very handsome young man walked towards him, dragging a person's body like a dead dog in his hands.


The boy let go, and the person in his hand fell to the ground!

"The heads of these people belong to you!" Fang Chen looked at the nameplate on Jiang Shan's chest, turned around, and shouted into the distance: "Yaoyao, go back to sleep!"

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